Im all for free P2P sharing to a point. If a new filmaker comes along with his product, he should be able to make a living from it if people want to see it and deem it worthy of attention. I do not, however, endorse giving george lucas and co my hard earned money for an average piece o crud like Indy and the kingdom of the crystal pile of poo. Sure the special effects were shiney... but FX does not make a good movie.
At every turn we are threatened with the law, warned of viruses (when its the film companies etc that actually release the fakes onto torrent sites) and guilt tripped about the destruction of the industry.
Im worried about our diminishing rights, internet nutrality, restricted content and the lies that get spewed about internet speeds, with which we are all being conned by the communications industry on.
One example of the way we are mislead about DL speeds is this:
Im on a 10Mb connection... and I get a usual 100KB a sec DL speed, or about 250-500KBsec if its a good night. The Highest Iv ever had is 1.1MB a sec... and this was only once... so really Im paying every month for a service I got on ONE particular DL. Not even for a day. It was a 150 meg file for 3 mins... £26 a month for 3 mins of 10Mb service???
Does anyone else see this as misleading or are you happy to be told you pay for a higher speed than you actually get becausebservers, other people, not being close to the exchange etc. slows your connection.
So overall what are your views on P2P sharing, and the restriction of content on the internet?
Im on a 10Mb connection... and I get a usual 100KB a sec DL speed, or about 250-500KBsec if its a good night. The Highest Iv ever had is 1.1MB a sec... and this was only once... so really Im paying every month for a service I got on ONE particular DL. Not even for a day. It was a 150 meg file for 3 mins... ã26 a month for 3 mins of 10Mb service???
Do remember that you could have the fastest internet speed on Earth, and you would still slam into the wall of bandwidth restrictions and streaming speed, both of which are on the end of the website you are downloading from.
PS: I'm on DSL and even routed and I can download 350MB+ of a mod for a game in about 15 minutes :P
Or was it 20?
Is P2P some acronym I'm unfamiliar with? I can't form an opinion 'til I know what it means.
Do remember that you could have the fastest internet speed on Earth, and you would still slam into the wall of bandwidth restrictions and streaming speed, both of which are on the end of the website you are downloading from.
While this is true of websites your streaming from, P2P (peer to peer) relies on other people uploading peices of the info to me directly. The way these media companies explain loss of speed is generally due to other people in the same area and how far you are from the ISP exchange. They are in truth NOT delivering the speeds promised, although mine are not too bad compared to ppl who live further away than me. Why should they pay the same price for less speed?
PS: I'm on DSL and even routed and I can download 350MB+ of a mod for a game in about 15 minutes :P
I take it that is direct from the server using a steam client or something. Pretty good speeds there
Is P2P some acronym I'm unfamiliar with?
P2P is when you go on a torrent site or private servers and directy take pieces of the file from other ppl or a server thats uploading it until you have the whole thing. Media companies are trying hard to get people arrested and lawsuits filed against doing this. Its like copying a cd to give to your mate. They flaunt it as stealing, I say as long as your not punting it to hundreds of people or selling it to strangers... then whats the problem?
I take it that is direct from the server using a steam client or something. Pretty good speeds there
I know >>.>> I was expecting something along the lines of 45 minutes, so I went to watch an episode of South Park (about 10-15 minutes into the show) and when I got back it was all done. The installation of it took longer than the download itself XD
I say as long as your not punting it to hundreds of people or selling it to strangers... then whats the problem?
I agree.
So P2P is essentially like a file sharing service, just between two people, right?
I do not, however, endorse giving george lucas and co my hard earned money for an average piece o crud like Indy and the kingdom of the crystal pile of poo.
Then you don't have to see it. If I don't want to go down to McDonalds and eat a terrible burger, I don't have to go and pay for that either - doesn't mean I get to eat for free.
Im on a 10Mb connection... and I get a usual 100KB a sec DL speed, or about 250-500KBsec if its a good night. The Highest Iv ever had is 1.1MB a sec... and this was only once... so really Im paying every month for a service I got on ONE particular DL. Not even for a day. It was a 150 meg file for 3 mins... ã26 a month for 3 mins of 10Mb service???
That's not your ISP - websites routinely throttle bandwidth, restricting what each user can take from your server at any given time. It's a really good idea from an administration standpoint, because then you don't have one user bogging down your service when there may be a much higher volume of people accessing the site, or you just don't want to shell out additional cash to your server's ISP to make you internet connection faster. There are a ton of factors involved, and if you *can* get over 1.1 MB/s download, then it's not your ISP that's the issue.
Put it this way - it's like buying a Ferrari. If you take it to a track, it'll go as fast as you want, but on city roads you still have to obey the law - and not every road has the same speed limit. You're paying for potential, not a guarantee of speed.
So overall what are your views on P2P sharing, and the restriction of content on the internet?
I love P2P file sharing - but only for files that are freely distributed available. A buddy of mine releases music for free and uses torrents to distribute it since he doesn't have a decent server to get it out there. I don't advocate piracy as it is a violation of the intellectual property rights of the creators. To speak to the graphic TSL3 posted, he's right in that it's not stealing, it's piracy; however piracy is also illegal.
In this circumstance, Peer to peer (P2P) file sharing software.
It means a program that bridges a connection between users, rather then downloading off of a server. In essence, if you're sharing a file for someone else, you're acting as a server; if you're downloading it from someone else, they're acting as a server - technically though since both machines are being used by people, rather then *just* serving information, it is sometimes referred to as a peer relationship, and abridged, P2P.
Then you don't have to see it. If I don't want to go down to McDonalds and eat a terrible burger, I don't have to go and pay for that either - doesn't mean I get to eat for free.
True, but if we all go to the movies to see this, based on hype and advertising, then they made their millions from a crap movie. And they make enuf already dont you think.
Put it this way - it's like buying a Ferrari. If you take it to a track, it'll go as fast as you want, but on city roads you still have to obey the law - and not every road has the same speed limit. You're paying for potential, not a guarantee of speed.
Thats the best way to put it Iv ever heard.
I'm against piracy. It's just ripping off someone who worked hard on something.
Depends, sometimes you get people who release scores of holywood crap and make millions from us, and then get annoyed because they didnt make that 5 million more from people who downloaded it, and decided it was not worth the money. Im all for giving money to the people who deserve it. There are games and movies I buy because they are that damn good, I want the real deal. Im going to buy all the Indy movies, minus kingdom of the crystal dull. Had I bought a movie ticket or DVD, then they would have conned me already.
If you pay for it once you should not have to buy it again if it gets damaged. Screw warranties it needs to be replaced regardless of when it happens.
Agreed, warranties are another of this ages biggest cons.
Depends, sometimes you get people who release scores of holywood crap and make millions from us, and then get annoyed because they didnt make that 5 million more from people who downloaded it, and decided it was not worth the money.
if you dont like a movie or a not curious enough to watch it in the cinema, just wait and rent the dvd or watch it when its on tv. you cannot say its ok not to pay for something, just because you didnt like it.
Im all for giving money to the people who deserve it
who is about to decide what is worth getting money for. there is no possibility to tell objectively which movie or game is good or bad. its an individual decision so all people wo want to watch the movie or play the game are obliged to pay for it. so pay for your software and movies or download the pirate copies, but stop trying to justify it and tell people it is legal and right to break copyrights.
you cannot say its ok not to pay for something, just because you didnt like it.
True... but these guys are making stupid amounts of money for crap products that are, literally, being made to make money.
so pay for your software and movies or download the pirate copies, but stop trying to justify it and tell people it is legal and right to break copyrights.
Dont put words in my mouth... it doesnt taste nice. I didnt say it was ok, but then using your statement I could say that you think its ok for these guys to make sub-standard products and make millions whilst people starve etc... that might annoy you as you didnt actually say it!
And please people... read the article as it shows the majority of people are happy to pay, and there would be others that just cant pay one way or another, like me. I have very little money. So I should just stick my head in the sand... oh sorry, get a better job... o sorry I mean dont be born into a poor position, or maybe I mean wake up and smell the coffee and stop getting right behind (or in front of, whichever position suits you) these fat cats who take your money whilst you watch brainless products etc...
The world is not black and white, and I dont want people coming in to just say, "its wrong"... thats like asking the 6 year old kid if its ok to steal food and they say "no" because they dont have the mental capacity to ask why they are stealing!!!
True, but if we all go to the movies to see this, based on hype and advertising, then they made their millions from a crap movie. And they make enuf already dont you think.
Depends, sometimes you get people who release scores of holywood crap and make millions from us, and then get annoyed because they didnt make that 5 million more from people who downloaded it, and decided it was not worth the money. Im all for giving money to the people who deserve it. There are games and movies I buy because they are that **** good, I want the real deal. Im going to buy all the Indy movies, minus kingdom of the crystal dull. Had I bought a movie ticket or DVD, then they would have conned me already.
Well, again to use my food analogy - if you go to a restaurant that is getting tons of hype and rave reviews, you sit down, get served, eat the entire meal and then decide that it was over hyped and a bit of a let down, you're not really going to get your money back.
The only suggestion I would have in this scenario is to be more discerning on what you decide to spend your money on. Pay attention to what directors or what studios, or companies put out high quality products & which ones don't, and then don't buy anything from the companies that put out crap. I mean - if it's that bad, why are you pirating it anyway? If I see a Michael Bay movie coming out in theaters I don't think to myself:
"Wow, that's going to suck. I better pirate it so I can watch this terrible movie for free."
You can watch most movies and television today online without pirating. Sure not the ones that are in theaters at the time, that would be pirating, but with the add business booming the way it is they get paid for all the screwy adds that you see on the same page as the movie or show.
I find p2p much more useful and in no real way too illegal it should be somewhat moderated for things like child pornography and other things like that but otherwise its all good and for the first post the speed they tell you is a potential but for that you'd have to practically live next door to them this kind of info is all on the internet you just got to look =)
I redownloaded warcraft 3 as I bought it before but lost the disk and it tells me I have to have a disk to play it. I burned an ISO but it still didn't work so I have to try a different site.