Why do you insist that what humans do to animals is cruel?
We are doing what nature has programmed us to do, what we evolved to do, eat animals. we are predators, and we should be proud of it. the tiger got stealth and muscles. the snake got poison. we were handed a brain. with that brain we crafted fire, and with fire we made cooked food that was delicious, especially if we had just killed it outside of the cave.
So, as a shout-out to all vegetarians, STOP ROCKIN' THE BOAT
So tell me, if so many other species can acquire their food with a lot more suffering, then what's wrong with a couple of stupid pigs taking two shotgun shots to die???
I think most object to the way these pigs are treated before they get shot. Because the way of killing animals have to be human due to laws (and it is quite easy too), but making sure the animals live a good life without stress and with enough room is much more time and money consuming, which therefore is neglected. Now, I wonder, are you mad because they eat your vegetables, or something?
The mad-cow disease was caused by cattle, who are normally herbivores, being fed the remains of other cattle in the form of meat and bone meal. When the companies do not treat well the animals they make us eat, we feel the consequences of their actions.
My families farm is humane. Yes the factory farms should be shut down but then output would be reduced and even though we have enough food to feed 8 billion so much of it is wasted that people starve. Even more people would end up going hungry. However it would make the Global warming freaks that haven't heard of climategate and who call snow in July global warming happy as animals emit more greenhouse gasses than do all modes of transport combined.
However it would make the Global warming freaks that haven't heard of climategate and who call snow in July global warming happy as animals emit more greenhouse gasses than do all modes of transport combined.
Global warming obsessed people = gullible. I'm sorry, but we are such a minor factor for that even if there was a problem, we would have no influence at all. As balerion stated, COWS produce more CO2 than cars. Why do we worry so much about car emmisions when cow gas impacts us more? One volcano eruption puts more into the air than all the cars over a year. The glaciers are actually reforming. The earth naturally goes through climate shifts.
Yes the factory farms should be shut down but then output would be reduced and even though we have enough food to feed 8 billion so much of it is wasted that people starve.
If we didn't use artificial hormones and pesticides, there wouldn't be enough food for 8 billion people, not to mention any more that we are gaining. So, either McDonalds for all or mass starvation, take your pick.
I'm a vegetarian and I chose to be on my own account. I am a vegetarian because I like to be. I don't like the taste of meat or the texture. It's not my cup of tea. I like vegetables, tofu, etc. They are all taste good and don't make me have a grotesque feeling. It's just a choice some people make and they like it. I don't judge you on the basis that you eat meat, so don't judge up on the basis that we don't. I hope I helped and that this was informative.
God says in the bible that people who eat meat (blood) shall pay with their blood at his hands. "But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it."
He also says this "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."
I guess some people just don't enjoy meat. Sure it's good, but some people are born eating Vegetables. But personally I think eating meat is necessary.