ForumsWEPRwas world war 2 nessesary?

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Im asking you now, do you think world war 2 was needed or nessesary???

For me, i thought it was because i wouldnt wanna be ruled by one country or the germans.

  • 79 Replies
2,837 posts

And a sword hovered over their nation's throat as they put the ink on the paper.

996 posts

Even so, it is a legal document.

Even without that in the situation, Germany took several lands and said after EVERY one of them that it was the last time. They easily could have been stopped, or at least partially subdued, before invading France and starting a large war.

1,633 posts

Another WWII thread...... >_<

WWII was necessary. France kinda wanted to be liberated from Germany occupation.....

4,206 posts

Do u mean the counter-attack of the allies or the whole nazi thing? If it's the counter, then yes, if it's the attacker, then no

21 posts

If there wasn't a WWII then what would 60% of all shooting games be about?

174 posts

World War II was a very neccasary war, in the fact to stop Hitler's Germany from inevitable conquering all of Europe. Nobody prevented anything because they did not see how powerful a nation can become like that. It also couldn't have been prevented, because it was already an unstoppable force in the mid 1930's. Besides, when Germany took all those little pieces of land, other countries saw it as compensation for their lose in the first World War.

Another point is the Blitzkrieg, lightning fast strategical warfare that was never seen before.
Lastly, we would not have been affected if Japan hadn't had there little mistake in attacking the world superpower. Hitler himself knew that he couldn't take down America, and Britan would have fought to the death, as stated by Winston Churchill. Also, Russia wouldn't have let them tke Moscow.
So yes, the war was very neccasary, but could not have been prevented.

996 posts

There is no question of whether war should have been participated in after Germany began war.

The question is "Was it necessary to allow war to begin?" and the answer is no. Germany should have been stopped long before they overtook France.

They were building an army, and started taking lands around them, and kept saying after each one that it was their last, after them breaking their promise once (let alone twice or more) they should have been invaded.
Germany was a viable force. The problem was neglected because Hitler told them "Don't worry about it, I just wanted those Germans, won't happen again, promise". He told them that three times before he invaded France.

It's unacceptable and the Germans never should have been given the chance to build such a strong army and invade so many territories.

saw it as compensation for their lose in the first World War.

regardless, it was completely unacceptable. That would be a good argument if Hitler had said "Yes I invaded this territory. I also want this, this, this because of the Germans living there." and his proposal been accepted. Instead he said "Won't happen again" and did it again, and again.
1,751 posts

Japan hadn't had there little mistake in attacking the world superpower

The US turned into a superpower after the war.

the Germans never should have been given the chance to build such a strong army and invade so many territories.

Thought about the US military? the al-qwuida can use this as a justified reason to bomb america bases.
5,552 posts

Im asking you now, do you think world war 2 was needed or nessesary???

Well, no, if you are a nazi. Hitler was killing many, many innocent people, and would have continued as such in his goal to create, "The ultimate Aryan race" So, yea, if you like random killing and torture, go sign a petition saying WW2 was not neccecary.
2,837 posts

The US turned into a superpower after the war.

The US was already an economic Superpower. Remember how our banks had supplied most of the funding for European banks and when the European banks could not repay when the Great Depression happened the rest of the World went down as well? And Germany owed us a hell of a lot of money from loans given to pay reparations. Of course they were screwed when they printed so much money that it was cheaper to burn bills than buy kindling and you had to take a baby stroller of money to buy a loaf of bread.
996 posts

Thought about the US military? the al-qwuida can use this as a justified reason to bomb america bases.

yes, and that would be a good idea for them!
it's best to catch your enemy sooner rather than later. In WWII

England/France/etc horribly failed to catch Germany soon enough.

WWII only happened because of WWI and WWI happened because of pride and cockiness. So in a way WWII was not necessary, but WWI made it necessary.

No. That's a terrible justification.
They could have reversed it, which is a little better than a war that left every large country in Europe in debt and/or ruins.
350 posts

Was WW 1 really necessary? was the iraqy war really necessary?
I say wars arent really necessary but they hapen

145 posts

They could have reversed it, which is a little better than a war that left every large country in Europe in debt and/or ruins.

They COULD have reversed it yes. But they didn't. Woodrow Wilson tried making a League of Nations WHICH really could have made real world peace. It was the 14th point of his 14 point peace plan. Well all countries liked and accepted the idea except ironically the United States. Congress couldn't accept that the president could have made such a great treaty without their consent.

Also against what Wilson wanted Europe decided to make Germany accept full responsibility and get rid of their navy, most of their army, pay for the whole war and etc. Germany wanted revenge for this.

WWI started WWII, has roots in Vietnam, and is a major cause to the Cold War.

I stand by my "terrible justification".
996 posts

Also against what Wilson wanted Europe decided to make Germany accept full responsibility and get rid of their navy, most of their army, pay for the whole war and etc. Germany wanted revenge for this.

I stand by my "terrible justification".

So you're saying that 6 million Jews and 7 million gays/cripples/supporters of such deserved to die because of the WWI treaty? That Russia deserved to have scores of soldiers killed and be left with a huge debt and zero help because they were communist? That Poland deserved to go through a second invasion, as well as Russian occupancy for decades? France invaded and bombed mercilessly? Britain bombed mercilessly?
All because Germany was kicked around in the WWI treaty?

They weren't completely at fault for WWI, but they could have simply attacked Serbia and act as Austria-Hungary's ally, and didn't have to attack France at all. It could have simply been a war within Serbia and Austria-Hungary. Once again, they were not completely at fault, but they did things which weren't necessary.
145 posts

So you're saying that 6 million Jews and 7 million gays/cripples/supporters of such deserved to die because of the WWI treaty?

Now.... wait.... WHAT? Since when did I say that? I said that WWII happened because of a treaty, not an attempted Genocide.

That Russia deserved to have scores of soldiers killed and be left with a huge debt and zero help because they were communist?

Once again, I don't remember saying that.... No one deserved to die for anything in all that happened. I just said that it DID happen BECAUSE Germany was treated unfairly and they wanted revenge.

That Poland deserved to go through a second invasion, as well as Russian occupancy for decades? France invaded and bombed mercilessly? Britain bombed mercilessly?
All because Germany was kicked around in the WWI treaty?

Read above rebuttals ^

Seriously, what's with all the assumptions? I just stated why WWII was started. I didn't state any opinions having to do with what you implied were mine.

Dam dude... wtf?
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