what are you favorite schreamo bands? -Pr
All that I've listened to is imo. Disturbed, Slipknot (which is definitely nu-metal even though they don't like the name), SOAD, etc. all of it is just boring to me. But i you have any good nu-metal bands, please tell me.
Hmm, Deftones, Disturbed, Korn and Limp Bizkit have some Nu Metal songs - it's hard to classify genre boundaries so...
I listed Disturbed up thar, and I've tried Limp Bizkit and Korn ebfore - like I said, it just bores me. I will try Deftones though.I'm neutral on Rammstein, to be honest - they're far from the best of metal or industrial, but they're not bad or anything.
Like the Big 4 of thrash metal.
Blasphemy!!! I hope the god of thrash metal makes you burn in thrash metal hell!
metal and screamo are two entirely different genres. Metal singers dont scream, they growl
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