So. What team are YOU on? Personally, I'm on Team Eragon. Know Why? Cuz on Team Potter, their argument is tht they can cast spellz. On Team Twilight, its all about how awesome vampire's physical abilities are. But Eragon has those physical abilities AND can cast spells SO WHAT NOW!
P.S. How do you post pics?
P.P.S. I would like it if there were some pics with your posts too guys!
Wha? There is such a thing as Team Potter and Team Eragon? Well, I'm not on any team becuase I think they all have a load of crap in their pants in some way. Team Potter- the movies suck. Team Twilight- it's a "chick flick", not an all-rounder. Team Eragon- the game and movie SUCK, at least the books are alright. But if I HAVE to be one on of the 3 teams, I guess I'll be in Team Potter. At least their books and games are at least, maybe, in some ways, sort of bearable, somehow.
Team Potter if I have to choose. I love how the books got darker and darker and how Rowling killed off a LOT of character in the last book. Eragon was ok until his EVERY SINGLE FLAW (besides his idiocy of course) was just erased by some twirly magic thing. (What's up with the 12 death words? What's the point then if you can kill off anyone?) Twilight's only cool character was Jacob, Bella was plain annoying and the 'dark side' of vampires was nowhere to be seen.
I don't like Mary/Gary Sues if you know what I mean :P There are way better books out there though.
For books and film:Harry Potter you get so into the ooks and the films are mputh watering in my opinion. For the books:Harry Potter the book series is one of the best I have ever read. For the film it self:Twilight, great storyline in my opinion cant wait for the third of that.
I have to say i am on team potter and team eragon, but only for the books not the movies. the potter were not that bad but the eragon movie sickens me.