In the cretaceous era, the T-Rex is thought to be the most feared and powerful carnivore, but how? It is very slow, with a maximum speed of 15 mph. It is not agile whatsoever, taking a full two seconds to make a 40 degree turn. It has almost no arms at all. Even though it stands and a tall 40 feet (12 meters) it is basically a big mouth on legs. All it has is a very strong mouth. It has tiny, two fingered, human sized arms that it can't even reach its own mouth with. I watched the Discovery Channel last night and it even said that the triceratops was a huge challenge for it and many other dinosaurs used their arms to kill prey. What do you think?
Woops, sry for the double post. Forgot to add this pic." alt="" />
It's jaw. While the smaller dinosaurs would be hard to get, being all fast and agile, the other large scale dinosaurs would be rather easy to kill, as it can just aim for the neck (brontosaurus, etc). This ensures that the Tyrannosaurus will have lots of food, so it won't even need to hunt all the velociraptors and stuff. Also, the tail of the Tyrannosaurus seems to be pretty strong, so just use it to sweep the opponent away. And don't forget that not many other dinosaurs were that fast (stegosauri only reaching up to around 5 mph).
The hunting style of the t-rex takes advantage of its strengths and minimizes its weaknesses, and while they are still young(in their teens before they start to grow really big) they are very agile (because of their higher leg to body ratio) which allows them to chase prey beside a forest where the adult can ambush the prey. So yes, it is indeed strong.
Well, the Spinosaurus was actually the largest dinosaur, however the T-Rex is widely acknowledged as the most dangerous(just look at its name; Tyrannosaurus Rex is Latin for Tyrant _ King(I don't know what Saurus means)). However, its dominance is debatable. So, I partially agree with you. The T-Rex was not the most powerful dinosaur, but it was still quite a force to be reckoned with. And how does this belong in the WEPR forum?
It is a major current discussion Moat. Also I think that often 60% of the time the herbivores it preyed on if it was not a slow brontosaurus or such would put up a fight and would sometimes fatally wound it. Even an injury that takes out one of its eyes would become fatal because it now has an even larger blind side. It is extremely slow and I think they have it wrong when they say that dinosaurs would run in fear, for the only reason they would lose is if they tried to kill it in head on combat because small, agile dinosaurs could just run around, out of his range, jump on top of it and claw it to death. I really don't see why it is so respected as the most dangerous
Few be-all end-all predators are completely dominant of their respective domains. Hell, even the great white shark has enemies...
Crocodiles being destroyed by hippopotami would be another example. I think the T-Rex still deserves it's feared reputation. Well.. did. like.. 65 million years ago.
Well, the Spinosaurus was actually the largest dinosaur
Largest predator, you mean?
I thought the Argentinosaurus was the biggest one of all.
But yes, it doesn't need much agility, it had a very large jaw and hard head, so even a small bite could knock down big prey. And T-Rex only focused on larger prey, so it always had plenty of food.
Tyrannosaurus is probably the most overestimated animal of all times. Some experts say that the Tyrannosaurus was exclusively a scavenger and did not engage in active hunting at all. Links
I have always thought of T-rex has the king of dinosaurs ever since I was a kid, and probably always will. I remember how mad I was when the Spinosaurus killed that T-rex in JP3. I always will be stubborn about that kind of stuff, just like I still use the term Brontosaurus and just like Pluto will always be a planet to me.
O, and if you guys want a big dinosaur, check this bad boy out, Deinocheirus
Tyrannosaurus is probably the most overestimated animal of all times. Some experts say that the Tyrannosaurus was exclusively a scavenger and did not engage in active hunting at all.
I think it more likely that T-Rex was both a hunter and scavenger. The question is what was he primarily.
HE WAS A LOVER NOT A FIGHTER! I mean, seriously. Those lil' arms are the PERFECT size for givings hugs!
Thats actually funny since you could be right. Those little arms are very muscular and it is speculated that they used them to hold on to mates when they did the dirty dirty, so yes, they might be for hugs xD