In the cretaceous era, the T-Rex is thought to be the most feared and powerful carnivore, but how? It is very slow, with a maximum speed of 15 mph. It is not agile whatsoever, taking a full two seconds to make a 40 degree turn. It has almost no arms at all. Even though it stands and a tall 40 feet (12 meters) it is basically a big mouth on legs. All it has is a very strong mouth. It has tiny, two fingered, human sized arms that it can't even reach its own mouth with. I watched the Discovery Channel last night and it even said that the triceratops was a huge challenge for it and many other dinosaurs used their arms to kill prey. What do you think?
I think it just consumed as much as possible using the least amount of energy. So, this could mean it could be a scavenger. Or a hunter. Like it was said in the link that goumas provided, most paleontologists believed it was an eating machine that got protein in any way it could.
Well I was watching this documentary one time and it said that the small arms could have been a mateing thing. It said that they probably just became that way suddenly (well not suddenly(I don't think that they had any real sense of time though)). So im not sure what the arms were used for. Still the T-Rex was probably a force to fear. Until the other dinosaurs got smart and tried to kill it more efficently. These things were the dominat species over 65 million years ago so they probably had some sort brain power right? To stay the dominat species they either had instinct or a brain. Nobody can really be proved wrong about much when it comes to dinosaurs unless it glaringly obvious that they're wrong. So if they had evovled instincts after awhile then taking a T-Rex down should be easier.
Well the tyranasaurus rex actually was the ruler of the Jurassic era not the cretaceous, and yes I agree there are other more powerful dinosaur predators like Velociraptor their just like pirahnas. In large numbers they can easily takedown a T-Rex in seconds, but the strongest plant eaters are either the Ankylosaurus or the Triceratops.
but the strongest plant eaters are either the Ankylosaurus or the Triceratops.
My vote would be for the Ankylosaurus. There is evidence suggesting Triceratops horns were ornamental rather then offensive/defensive. But even if they were offensive/defensive the Ankylosaurus was a living tank, kinda hard to compete with that.
My vote would be for the Ankylosaurus. There is evidence suggesting Triceratops horns were ornamental rather then offensive/defensive. But even if they were offensive/defensive the Ankylosaurus was a living tank, kinda hard to compete with that
Yes, the Ankylosaurus was almost impossible to kill with it's armored club it is able to take down a predator with one sweep of it's tail.