ForumsGamesModern Warfare 2

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111 posts

This thread is for anything related to Modern Warfare 2. Post your classes, reviews, glitches you found,random talk about the game, or anything else. Although if you wanna talk about, and see other peoples tactics/strategys for playing MW2, then go here: because I don't want to repeat a topic.

  • 1,600 Replies
645 posts

I thought you loved the game, you forgot the overpriced map packs.

49 posts

i seriously wish i had this game...and a ps3/xbox 360. i have a freaking wii. wii sucks balls

1,989 posts

I thought you loved the game

I do but I thought I should list some things that suck about the game.
117 posts

6.The Weapons
The weapons that require no skill.

... Then how do you play the game? Do you only use your knife or what?

5.The Lag
Oh the lag is so unbelievable.

That would depend on your connection to the host server, or the hosts connection. If it's the host, after the 2nd or 3rd time it happens it SHOULD change. Otherwise, it's just your connection, there isn't a certain lag on this game like Gears of War.

4. Glitches
Glitches like the Javelin Glitch.

This game is near 'in-glitchable,' I suppose would be the word, the Javelin Glitch was fixed ages ago. The Care Package glitch was also fixed ages ago. Sure there's a rock you can hop into on Fuel, but that only will work for so long, and you can be killed in it by anyone with FMJ.
1,989 posts

Then how do you play the game? Do you only use your knife or what?

There are weapons that DO require skill also. So I use the ones that require skill as they are more fun to use.
1,101 posts

God MW2 was actually horribly built, and is a horrible game. I personally cant wait for COD black ops.

First off I'd like to thank IW for creating Commando, a great way to p'ss everybody off. Not everyone in war can magically be a ninja, teleport across the room, and then knife you in the face. Definate fail on IW part. O and i guess the tac knife can fall in here to... put both of them together, and hurray we got a quick knifing ninja....

Second off HB sensors... I just love it when your being all sneaky and silent behind the enemy. Then all of a sudden a person back tracks on you, by looking at his HB sensor and kills you... Or camps with one. Either way... Its retarded. I suppose u could use ninja perk... But this perk was based around the HB sensor, something that should never have been invented.

Third off weapons. How many times do you hear people complaining about the M16, , the LMG, the glocks, the famas, the tar, the scar, and the ump... Hmmm all weapons are unbelievably cheap, and help those poeple who suck at FPS camp in one spot and get a nuke.. Which brings me to my next 2 points

Fourth, camping. Yup. to many guns, perks and killstreaks allowing easy camping... They should basically have this time limit, where you stand in one spot for longer than 10 secs (unless you have a sniper) then u instantly die... Or health meter start dropping. That way u cant be dirty ninja and kill everybody from a single spot, then switch locations by a cpl meters and get the drop on em again. We all do it, but im sick of it.

Fifth point, killstreaks. Yes we all love going from 7 to 11 and then magically getting that numba 25. Ok so getting to 7 is a lil hard. Sure camp in one spot and ull get it easily but moving around and getting it legit is sorta difficult. Anyways u get 7, you'll prob get 2-10 kills with that based on luck. Then from there you'll most likely get the chopper gunner, and then you got 25. Ive done that 76 times now. Yea really retarded.

Sixth point, connection issues. If your host and no one can easily connect to you, you get kicked midway through the game. If your in a bad connection game, it swaps hosts, then its probably gonna be laggy still.

Seventh point, painkiller... So most of the time, a single shot an kill a person in this game. Now with painkiller, they made it way over the top. A rocket launcher, 3 sniper bullets, and 2 shots from a famas wont kill them..... too bipolar if u ask me.

Eighth point, Activision is just becoming another greedy corporation thanks to microsoft, all because of this game. Its not really a reason why MW2 is bad, but it is constantly turning this series into a powerhouse for greed.

Nineth point, team based games created, were a fail... Because of the nuke all team based games have become a fail. Its not CTF anymore. the flags are just extra scenarie in the background, while everyone trys for a nuke. Each game is just TDM.... except for Search and Destroy... Which would be if you could actually get 25 kills.

Tenth Point, NOOB TUBES. yeah lets end this list with a bang. Do i really need to describe why this made the game such a fail? Its an even bigger fail when the have one man army or scavenger on. I mean what other way are you able to say that you cant aim without a noob tube?

These 10 reasons are why IW screwed the pooch... At least treyarch are asking fans what they want... We might have a dece game on our hands now.

1,207 posts

MW2 , I would have to say it's campaign is awesome.

I criticised it quite a bit, I found the plot extremely similar to that seen in Call of Duty 4 and far too much time was spent with your character laying on the ground, barely able to move and it just made the game extremely dull and repetitive if I'm honest with you. However, it's your opinion - I won't go about changing it.

2. Campers
No skilled noobs sit in one spot for the whole match with the Barrett 50 Cal.

You can't really use that as an excuse to dislike the game, after all that's a flaw in the community and is existent in every game in the FPS market that has implemented multiplayer functions. You can't get away from it, so I'd say it's best to get used to tactics such as camping.

3. Hackers
Those bast...Noobs that have no skill that use aimbot's!

Once again, that's a flaw in the community - the player base is both willing to produce and distribute hacking tools and people are also willing to use them. However, we could argue that the anti-cheat mechanisms in place are ineffective or there is not enough moderation going on. I would argue that both of these statements are true when discussing MW2 and they're big reasons to criticise multiplayer.

I give MW2 , 9/10 . It could of been better.

After all them flaws - which are largely less noticeable in other multiplayer games would you really rate it that high? I sure as hell wouldn't and don't. I rate games based on the amount of criticism I give the game, and 6 relatively to very major flaws certainly shouldn't be seemingly dismissed in the final score. : )

That would depend on your connection to the host server, or the hosts connection. If it's the host, after the 2nd or 3rd time it happens it SHOULD change. Otherwise, it's just your connection, there isn't a certain lag on this game like Gears of War.

However, the systems in place to pick a reliable host and the scripts that manage host migrations are flawed and the overall execution of unlaggy multiplayer, if I may, was bad. Whilst from a console gamers perspective, multiplayer might not seems so alien - matchmaking being the standard as far as I'm aware - but people still see laggy hosts being picked when there are obviously better choices available, and many people witness stupid crashes in host migration.

For PC gamers the solution to laggy gameplay and the results all seem very strange. Dedicated servers have been in place on most PC games for years now - they tell you how much lag there is, allow for full customisation, are run and moderated by real people and players on these servers have direct interactions with those whom host the servers - it's all very efficient and convenient and why Infinity Ward decided to replace dedicated servers with such a horrible system remains unanswered.

This game is near 'in-glitchable,' I suppose would be the word, the Javelin Glitch was fixed ages ago. The Care Package glitch was also fixed ages ago. Sure there's a rock you can hop into on Fuel, but that only will work for so long, and you can be killed in it by anyone with FMJ.

Infinity Ward, in my eyes, are not jumping onto ever single pressing matter that reaches their forums. Activison support teams act completely futile, Infinity Ward staff on their official forums go ghost for months on end, and development teams seem to have a coding ability that extends for three maps, some re-texturing on some old maps and then they get tired. Whilst major glitches have been fixed, we also get glitches that remain unpatched for no reason - namely elevators - and like Holden brought up, the developers seem utterly reluctant to do anything about unfairness inside the game - be that a glitch or not, I can't see much development coming along without a £10 price tag, and even then it's simply new maps, nothing that will make the game better in the long-run.
1,989 posts

You can't really use that as an excuse to dislike the game.

I don't exactly dislike the game , Only the MW2 Multiplayer Online . Hackers and Boosters just ruin the game.
1,207 posts

I don't exactly dislike the game , Only the MW2 Multiplayer Online . Hackers and Boosters just ruin the game.

I'll make it a bit more explicit: a flaw in the community is no reason to dislike the actual multiplayer. Also, did you read all my responses? I said you should add up all your criticisms to decide a final score. Do you think that Special Ops and Campaign really outweighed the frustrating and ignored problems in multiplayer enough to really rate it a 9?

I don't mean to harshly criticise you as a reviewer, just pointing out a few things that you might want to ask yourself. Thought I should note that in case you decide to give me a bollocking.
1,989 posts

just pointing out a few things that you might want to ask yourself.

Yeah , I get it ... I'll make sure I remember this when I make my next review.
1,101 posts

MW2 , I would have to say it's campaign is awesome. I agree with the "Australian Official Xbox 360 Magazine" that the Spec Ops is brilliant.

After Nazi zombies, i playe spec ops.. Found myself disappointed.. Dont get me wrong Its ok, and i beat it. But going from nazi zombies something that was godly built, to spec ops.... Well definately not IWs best ideas.

2,128 posts

Those no skilled noobs just boost , I have seen it loads of times.

2. Campers
No skilled noobs sit in one spot for the whole match with the Barrett 50 Cal.

3. Hackers
Those bast...Noobs that have no skill that use aimbot's!

4. Glitches
Glitches like the Javelin Glitch.

5.The Lag
Oh the lag is so unbelievable.

6.The Weapons
The weapons that require no skill.

1- Stealth Clown posted saying that the are patching FFA tactical insertions.

2-First off, let me say that campers tend to not snipe. camping is only effective against those whom rush. You get killed by a camper, and go back for revenge. In essence, you are fueling the thing that you hate. Maybe you should just stop going after him, so he can't get kills? Or maybe find a different means of killing that person, instead of rushing.

3- Aimbots aren't as common as many think. People actually can have good aim. Name hacks aren't even a problem, gameplaywise.

4- All game glitches have been fixed. Nothing else is really worth patching (refresh my memory if not, I probably forgot)

5- Get a better connection. I play on a good 3 bar/4 bar 95% or the time.

6- You are correct.
1,989 posts

Get a better connection. I play on a good 3 bar/4 bar 95% or the time.

Lol I don't have Xbox Live , My mate does. It lags sometimes but only when someone goes on the computer while we are online.
1,207 posts

After Nazi zombies, i playe spec ops.. Found myself disappointed.. Dont get me wrong Its ok, and i beat it. But going from nazi zombies something that was godly built, to spec ops.... Well definately not IWs best ideas.

Actually, I though Special Ops was the one part of Modern Warfare 2 that superseded World at War's equivalent. Nazi Zombies was fun, but I've played wave defence all before - I've played it on Unreal Tournament where server administrators would add in instagb rifles and full RPG mechanics for the lulz, and the strobe-lighting packed Space Invaders Extreme for Nintendo DS kept me entertained for longer.

Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed Nazi Zombies but as aforementioned I've seen it all before and I've seen it done better. Modern Warfare 2 managed to take settings from inside the game and give them new uses - inventive missions that you do actually have to think about, and the large variety, you do see wave defence here and there but you also see things like racring, friendly support and the array of different choices is just so much more fun than bog-standard wave defence.

1- Stealth Clown posted saying that the are patching FFA tactical insertions.

This just shows the weak support for this game. A multi-billion dollar company, fuelled by a huge publisher like Activision, and a team of supposedly skilled developers should be able to stop tactical insertions being used in a game type.

3- Aimbots aren't as common as many think. People actually can have good aim. Name hacks aren't even a problem, gameplaywise.

If we take into account all the different types of hacking, you tend to see quite a bit. On PC the only way to get rid of these people, since there's bad anti-cheat and no admins is to fill out a little text box with evidence and such a let it go through to the people at Valve(?) who are no doubt working on the reports from a lot of other games on Steam.

I'm not sure about which anti-hack systems were employed on the consoles and how frequent hacking is on the consoles but the situation isn't amazing on PC.

4- All game glitches have been fixed. Nothing else is really worth patching (refresh my memory if not, I probably forgot)

I believe things like elevators have remained unpatched? And like I said earlier, even if the flaws aren't considered glitches, the development teams show unwillingness to fix it.

5- Get a better connection. I play on a good 3 bar/4 bar 95% or the time.

You've also got to consider the hosts connection and secondly, the Steam(?) servers for PC are mostly in America which gives people who aren't American worse connections, an problem that could be fixed with something like dedicated servers. As I've said, the multiplayer mechanisms are flawed.
2,513 posts

4- All game glitches have been fixed. Nothing else is really worth patching (refresh my memory if not, I probably forgot)

I have Ps3 but I heard about the rock glitch in Fuel?
Lol I don't have Xbox Live

That must be why you like the game so much. If you had this game online and played it regularly, then you would probably kill yourself.
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