I've been thinking about this lately. I'm in no way supporting r*p*, but what if being a r*p*st is trait carried on by genes? Think about it. You are furthering your genes (survival of the fitness) and if you are strong enough to force yourself on someone and maybe take on their mate, that would definitely survive as a strong trait in your offspring. It's still a disgusting act that you should be punished for (you should still be able to restrain yourself) but what if some people are just more at risk of becoming a r*p*st? If we could identify those genes in someone, should they get a more lenient sentence? Should they have to go through mandatory therapy or something?
No, I have high doupts its in the genes, becase of the fact that there were a ton during midival Europe, Greek, Roman, Barbarians ect. They had fights, and it was part of there culter to r*** the losers women, so if your theory were true, then most of the world whould be ra***.
It's been proven before that aggressiveness is shown in genes, so it's possible that r*pe could be through genes too. However, it has been proven that r*p*sts usually are such because of their upbringing. It's very possible it could be linked to the Y chromosome if it is a gene.
Many other species force sex on their women, but I don't honestly see it in humans being a gene. I could see aggressiveness being a gene and improper upbringing to lead to the acts of rape.
Regarding lenient sentence for gene-linked rapists, if you knew it was in someone's unchangeable genes to have a seeming need to rape, would you go easier on them?
I think it's more of a power thing. If you force yourself on another human being as such that you can force intercourse, would that not be an immense feeling of power?
I think that certain rapists should get the death penalty though. Serial rapists who r*pe at random for example.
I'm pretty sure that there is no Rape gene, therefore it isn't an inheritable trait. Rape occurs through chemical imbalances, stress/drama, social standards, and a number of other outside issues.
Rape is nothing new. If it was a trait, someone who's father was a rapist would more likely be a rapist themselves. There is absolutely no evidence supporting that the offspring of rapist is more likely to become rapist.
Rape isn't nature, it's mostly nurture. However, chemical embalances and other mental issues could help push someone to becoming a rapist.
It's not about sex, it's a power thing. The r@pist (I hate censorship) wants power over their victom, not sex. This is why it is so common in prisons, it's about power over another individual. Sometimes their trying to get power over a certain individual (someone that has hurt them in some way in their life) or there can be other reasons, but it's all about power, not being horny. So, nurture over nature on this one.
It's definitely about sex! It's not just a power thing. There are many many variables as to why someone would rape another human being. I know people who have been raped, and to say it's just a way for them to show dominance is an insult.
Can rape be a form of showing power? Yes, but it's just as much about sex and psychological issues.
....(everything written in this thread saying it's not a trait)
i agree,but how do i rape a man if im a man,and actually,why rape,the charges for rape is cheaper?(sorry if this is too sophisticated for my young mind...)