Houston, the city I live in, has become the largest city in the country to elect a gay mayor. Seriously.
Anise Parker was elected with 53% of the votes last night, becoming one of the largest cities in the country first gay mayor, and Houston now is the largest city with an openly gay mayor.
Not that I really have a say, as I'm rather biased in the matter, but I do have this to say: I am truly glad she got in over Mr. Corrupt. I fear what would have happened if he would have been elected.
I will provide not 1, but 3 sources, seeing as many of you hate all but one news source.
Strangely...it's Texas...the most Christian of the states lol.
But it's Houston, one of only 2 or 3 counties to vote in favor of Obama in the whole of Texas, which has 252 counties.
Don't forget though that the other candidate was Mr. Corruption. Although he was black, and there are a lot of black people here. (I'm NOT being racist)
So if a minority becomes a majority, then the people of the former minority leave, would the former majority be considered a growing minority?
Fuck. umm. I tried not to get into the fact that the minority is almost or is the majority in TX...... kind of a hard subject to get into.
but to answer your question, technically no. Since first said minorities are national minorities, they are minorities until they are no longer nat'l mainorities.
I tried not to get into the fact that the minority is almost or is the majority in TX...... kind of a hard subject to get into.
Oh. Not even I knew that. Cool.
but to answer your question, technically no. Since first said minorities are national minorities, they are minorities until they are no longer nat'l mainorities.
I'm pretty sure I heard that hispanics are the majority in New Mexico, but I'm not positive that's true or not. It's certainly possible.
ANYhooo, speaking of Houston. good for them, Texax, etc. Looking at long term meaning.... If the south starts becoming more democratic, I definitely won't be surprised. It's an obvious trend that more industrious areas are Democratic and that rural are Republican, and as the South starts gaining more big cities, the GDP has something to worry about.
It's an obvious trend that more industrious areas are Democratic and that rural are Republican, and as the South starts gaining more big cities, the GDP has something to worry about.
That's probably true, although it balances itself out. It's half and half.
I hope the Dems and the GOP collapse. They need to let independents have their day.
They need to ABOLISH PARTIES FOR ONCE GODDAMNIT! If we're going to honor "founding fathers" we might as well listen to them.
That's probably true, although it balances itself out. It's half and half.
for now.... I'd have to really see long-term to determine whether or not big cities really are more democratic or if Southern cities remain Republican, but it certainly seems as if the Dem's may gain extra power in the future. That being said, if the Democratic party gains large majority of House+Senate+Governing, there will be internal arguments and it'll split up. But, that's just speculation, nothing's predictable in politics.
I was alluding to Former President George Washington's major points to retain the country's general good-being (hence the abolish parties part).
Where, as you probably know, he said "Fuck long terms. Fuck foreign affairs. Fuck the party system. Fuck around with my theory and this country's gonna suck." Not literally. But I promise you, he was thinking it. He was a very vulgar man. But yeah, fuck all those things.
I say congrats to Parker. The sexual orientation of someone shouldn't dictate their political status. Its a big step for gay rights in america. In early america when we were just getting founded one would be slaughtered indecently like a swine or tar/feathered to be blastphemized, like the excruciating pain wasn't enough. So I say yah and congrats!!!