ForumsWEPRPerversion of Religion

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408 posts

I know the topic of religion is a hotly debated one, just looking at these boards can easily prove that, but what I would like to talk about is not if it is true or not but how it is used and perverted to fit with certain ideas to justify things.
My main point is the teaching of Jesus Christ, a man believed by many to be the son of God but even if not a man most are fairly sure existed around 2000 years ago in the Middle East and preached a message of peace. His message, from what we have recorded of it (history has a way of shaping things to fit with images), tells us that we should love our neighbor and turn the other check no matter what someone does to us, yet how many religious people do this. He was angered by people profiting off of religion from what I recall (I admit I haven't really read the bible, maybe skimmed a few pages once upon a time), yet today churches, especially mega churches, claim to preach his message while profiting off of millions, something from what I can gather the man himself was against. He lived (again, from what we know of the man through recorded history) a simple life dedicated to helping others and how many "religious" people do so?
This all leads me to my point of, excuse my ramblings, how many people that claim to be religious (Christian for this example) actually follow these ideas? They seem to use the Bible to shout down the opposition, use it to prove them right and to justify evils, something Jesus never would have done. How can a religion that preaches to turn the other check justify going to war and how can the teachings of a simple carpenter's son who lived meagerly in order to help others justify getting rich off people?
What I wish to ask is how many people are actually âChristianâ and how many use it to justify their evils. This isnât really a religious belief thing, but how many people live by this long dead manâs teachings and how many simply claim to in order to justify their twisted desires? Is religion a cause of great evil in our world, or is it simply an excuse, one that people use to control the masses that if lost would be replaced by something else the next day? Are the teachings of Jesus (or any other âprophetâ) worthwhile to our modern society or not, and what examples (besides the Crusades and Inquisition) can people think of of religion, especially Christianity, being used to justify evils?

  • 40 Replies
1,714 posts

While I am not Christian, you see people claiming any religion without following it. It is a problem because religion itself is not inherently evil, but people twist it and it becomes evil. I am Buddhist and for the most part I follow Buddha's teachings, well the ones I have read so far. Except for the anti-violence one I follow them, so thats gotta count for something, right?

8,051 posts

Long time ago in a forced-church visit, they talked about how you are not following if you do not do the action of it aswell. reading the bible is just knowing about it. acting on it is being a christian.

and yes, i do believe churches are used to control the masses so that the belief of life after death defeats the truth of their corrupt methods.

51 posts

someone else tried to copy your idea on religion being justified so i let them know. they called it "is religion insanity (justified)?"

"how it is used and perverted to fit with certain ideas to justify things."

"They seem to use the Bible to shout down the opposition, use it to prove them right and to justify evils, something Jesus never would have done."

"how many use it to justify their evils."

"how many simply claim to in order to justify their twisted desires? "

"what examples (besides the Crusades and Inquisition) can people think of of religion, especially Christianity, being used to justify evils?"

2,837 posts

Try looking at the dates...

842 posts

REligion through my eyes is a bunch of people caring about one single person that died...alright whoopie ima live my life not kissing some dead dudes cheeks.

59 posts

Religon is a wast of time you belive in some one whos dead and spend time worshiping woah so fun!

154 posts

Religion cannot be perversed as religion is itself a perversion.

Religion was invented by MAN to control his fellow man. God did not create man, but rather, man created god. Religion serves no purpose but to control others.

8,570 posts

Did you c/p this from somewhere, Texan? Where did the symbols come from?
And that would be because all religion, is, in itself, a falsehood and an illusion for the gullible to explain things and to take hope, something for which they can hardly be blamed. Furthermore, in my opinion, it is not the perversion of something already untrue that you speak of, but the perversion of the use that it is put to by the very people who are faithful to it. They are radicals, and radicals, without realizing it, often break the covenants of the very religious sect that they so unyieldingly and blindly defend.

1,633 posts

Religion was invented by MAN to control his fellow man. God did not create man, but rather, man created god. Religion serves no purpose but to control others.

I couldn't agree more about that statement. Man is exploiting his neighbors. Sad isn't it?
154 posts

"The masses of humanity will always have to suffer"

What would Jesus do?

Probably nothing to be honest.

1,633 posts

What would Jesus do?

profit over the fact that he is worshiped by masses for around two millenniums.
1,455 posts

It is in human nature to pervert ideas. Lawmakers will change their laws for selfish reasons at times. Sometimes for just reasons, but also for selfish reasons. A rumor evolves into what the previous speaker most wanted to say regarding the subject. And yes, sometimes those who seek spiritual justice will reread the texts of their religion until they find what they trick themselves into believing is a justification.
That's all there is to it. I know you had a good discussion topic, but I have a bad feeling that this thread is going to turn into another place to rip apart religion. I guarantee I'm going to see, in more or less words, "Man made religion to explain what he couldn't", "Religion is a form of control", and probably the occasional "Jesus is a douche".

3,817 posts

Religion is changed to fit new idias, and to control people. Back during the middle ages, people whould take everything litteraly and die for there religions. Today they change what it says to fit new facts. For example, now that we know of other planets, and since it doesen't explain that in the bible, they say god made the big bang not just earth.

And the control thing has been touched alote, so all Ill ad is the fact that priests have always been high ranking, in every culture, in every example, untill now that is.

154 posts

I guarantee I'm going to see, in more or less words, "Man made religion to explain what he couldn't", "Religion is a form of control", and probably the occasional "Jesus is a douche"

Yeah, that's exactly what happens when religion no longer dictates the flow of knowledge and ideas. People start to question and disbelieve. Why does the survival of religion require the suppression of contradictory ideas?
1,455 posts

Yeah, that's exactly what happens when religion no longer dictates the flow of knowledge and ideas. People start to question and disbelieve. Why does the survival of religion require the suppression of contradictory ideas?

My point being that I've seen those posts probably 100 times per religious thread. It's been theorized, and it's valid, but why does everyone keep saying what everyone has already considered? If it didn't get into my head the first 100 times, why would 101 make a difference?
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