Topic. I have an extreme hate for OPs, since they tend to try and shift the reader to one side or another. Therefore, I don't right one, unless I am explaining something.
...for the love of Cthulhu, do people even read these days?
Fine. I'll put it this way.
No one on this planet can make a real judgment on the subject due to use being biased. Because we have had war. Thus made a word for when there is no war.
Ultimately, it depends on how one defines both peace and war. I personally think that the yin/yang theory that people have been using does not apply. As yin/yang applies to good and evil. Anyway good and evil are too things that arent constant and, in my opinion, dont really exist in the first place. Unlike war and peace which are tangible (that is if you think our world is real and tangible but that is a topic for another time). So if one considers peace to be an absence of war, as I do, yes it can.
Of course there is also the fact that if war never existed in the 1st place peace would have a different meaning or the word would not exist in the first place. That, in my opinion, does not mean peace would not exist. If there is a language where the word snow does not exist, does that mean that snow does not exist? Or was the sun created when man named it. No.
I hope this all makes sense I typed it rather quickly.
Maybe that's why there is war, because we are not sophisticated enough to tolerate peace. We are human, we fight, we kill, we've done so since the dawn of time, or since mankind first existed. It is the way of things.
Peace is what happens when war isn't going on. If there was no war then peace would always exist. Peace would always exist people would just not know it. If something is happening but you don't know it is it still happening? YES!!!!!!!!!!!
alpha, if a tree falls and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound.
Yes it does! This is what is wrong with most people. They think that they are sooooo important that if a human isn't around to see or hear something it never happened.