So this thread is going to be me posting all my rather less that politically correct ideas and thoughts on all steps of life. Politics, religion, social structure and such.
I know a lot of you are not going to agree with me. I also know that some of you will get angry.
And I'm fine with that. Maybe it will start some good debates around here. Enough blabber, on with the show. ------ Women.
I'm sick of nearly every women I meet and interact with pulling the gender card. Acting like that because of them being a women, the are entitled to behaving certain ways, saying certain things. Based purely off of the fact that they are a women. Nothing more, nothing less.
Examples? Of course I have them. -1) At work, the shift changes and my relief comes. On one of them is a girl roughly my same age. Part of the job requires you to empty a mop bucket and change the water. Mop bucket holds only 4 gallons of water. She looks at me and says "Can you empty the bucket for me? It's too heavy for me." I ask her why it's too heavy since it is only four gallons of water. To which she replies "Well, I am a girl you know. Teehee." -2) Countless times I have women talk to me about something or another. During the conversation which they initiated, I put in my view and thoughts. They snap at me and go "Oh shut up. You're a guy. You wouldn't know about it." -3) Too many times I'll be talking with a current/past significant other about something important. Once again, I get the "You are a guy, your emotions are different. Illogical."
And so on and so on.
I'm sick of tired using their gender to their advantage or to stonewall conversations.
You want to be equal to men? Want the same amount of pay? Same levels of respect? Same everything?
Then -stop- using your gender as a disadvantage, dammit. If you can't do the same amount of work as your male counterparts then you should be payed less. If you always use your 'feminine feelings' as a fail-safe in any argument, then you should not get the same level of respect amongst your peers.
Suck it up or go home.
Now, do not think I'm all "Women are inferior and deserve less!" I'm far from it. I truly do think that men and women deserve the same rate of pay, respect and so on. Gender has no place in deciding such things. Yet if a women uses her gender as an excuse or weakness then no, you do not deserve the all of what you earned.
What would happen if a man did that? If he slacked on the job for no excusable reason? Used his gender to let him slide by? He'd get fired, sued, slapped around.
So the point of this all is such: Women expect the same everything as men, which I agree with. Yet they then use their gender as an excuse to be treated differently. If you want to be seen as weak and incapable then expect to be treated as such. -----
I even deliberately left points open for debate. There.
I am a Christian and say Merry Christmas because that is what I personally celebrate, but I'd also like to point out that Christmas is recognized by the federal government of the United States as a national holiday. The federal government is comprised of politicians who have the most to lose if they are politically incorrect and offend someone. So, if they can recognize Christmas, surely you can.
So, if they can recognize Christmas, surely you can
This is a very touchy subject. Yes they recognize it as a holiday, but it's probably more of a "Hey look, we get a few days off" rather than it being of any religious observance.
This is a very touchy subject. Yes they recognize it as a holiday, but it's probably more of a "Hey look, we get a few days off" rather than it being of any religious observance.
This is just for the whole girls hitting guys conversation, a lot of the girls I know can break through slabs of concrete with their being hit by them not an option. So the argument about girls being slightly built and therefore it being horrible isn't entirely valid since I've seen one of those girls throwing a 240 lb man around like a rag doll.
This is just for the whole girls hitting guys conversation, a lot of the girls I know can break through slabs of concrete with their being hit by them not an option. So the argument about girls being slightly built and therefore it being horrible isn't entirely valid since I've seen one of those girls throwing a 240 lb man around like a rag doll. [quote]wrong topic.
anyway, i usually don't say merry Christmas or happy holidays because i personally see no reason 2.
Oh RLY? That DOES offend me a little. I would think Christianity would be the most popular reason, as well as the one that has survived the longest.
Ha, you better be kidding. If not, I send condolences to your common sense which was more than likely stolen by Beck.
...I'd also like to point out that Christmas is recognized by the federal government of the United States as a national holiday. The federal government is comprised of politicians who have the most to lose if they are politically incorrect and offend someone. So, if they can recognize Christmas, surely you can.
No, not really. I tend to not fall in line behind my government on many (Read: Most all) matters. So that being one of them.
This is just for the whole girls hitting guys conversation, a lot of the girls I know can break through slabs of concrete with their being hit by them not an option. So the argument about girls being slightly built and therefore it being horrible isn't entirely valid since I've seen one of those girls throwing a 240 lb man around like a rag doll.
Then you know some very strange girls. The majority of girls can't do that. Physically speaking, the average guy is stronger than the average girl.
If only I could magically wish away all the spam and off-topic posts. Oh well.
New rant, I mean, view. ------------ Revenge. Justice.
Not getting revenge or justice. Not being able to get it.
Due to laws which were made to protect your fellow man.
Back in the days of vast empires and golden ages, you had the ability and -right- to call someone out if they wronged you. You would settle your differences like men and the one who walked away was deemed correct. Someone steal your property? Run them through. Someone tarnish your good name with lies? Challenge them to a duel.
Someone bed with your wife? Make sure they never can do it again. People learned not to do amazingly stupid things for fear of death or serious injury, or in the very least make sure they were darn good at not getting caught. Why steal something, attack someone, spread vicious lies or steal away loved ones when you had a pretty high chance of being killed? Or, rather, chance of someone trying to kill you. If you wronged someone you had to expect to defend yourself against them. And their family. And their friends. And so on.
These days, everyone is expected to either: Suck it up or note the authorities. Both which bring about less-than-satisfying ends.
And due to that fact, acts of utterly stupid injustices are done everyday. And they are often never reprimanded for it, yet if they are it is hardly fitting of the crime.
I am sure that this sounds like a mash-up between "survival of the fittest/might is right" and anarchist ideologies.
Which would be because it is. Which would be because it worked in the past.
The government should not interfere in such personal matters, nor decide what the punishment/severity of said matters is. If someone steps out of line, they need to be expected to face the consequences. If they come out on top, then that is the way it is. If they are dead because of it, just as well. The ends justify the means.
So basically, remove most - if not all - of the justice part away from the government. Interesting idea... But, I think that once we do such a thing, the thin line between being wronged and using these things for personal gain becomes even thinner, leading to a real survival of the strongest idea. Besides, say I wronged a cripple, how would he fight back? People who can't fend for themselves and don't have anyone who will fight for their sake will be doomed, to say the least. And that's the whole idea behind modern justice, that no matter who the person wronged is, the person who wronged him will get what he deserves. Hence, justice is blind.
Besides, say I wronged a cripple, how would he fight back? People who can't fend for themselves and don't have anyone who will fight for their sake will be doomed, to say the least. And that's the whole idea behind modern justice, that no matter who the person wronged is, the person who wronged him will get what he deserves. Hence, justice is blind.
Well, then it happens. Sucks for him/her. Even more so if they have no one close to them that can bring justice. In that case though, you would likely have quite a few people after your blood. It is bad enough to wrong someone and even worse to wrong someone who clearly can not defend themselves. So you had better be good at defending yourself, or going into hiding.
If they abuse the power, then someone righteously takes care of them.
I am sure scenarios such as that would happen every now and then for a bit. And they would either be struck down for it, or come out on top. If they have the means of defending themselves after wronging someone then so be it.
The whole topic is not so much about right or wrong or even successfully getting justice. It is more about the -chance- to right ill deeds against you and leaving it as a personal matter.
I think that what you are speaking of is kind of like vigilantism, but from your family.
If people just got revenge for every crime that was committed there would be murder and fighting and looting in the streets, but all in the name of revenge and personal justice.
In order for there to be, well, order there has to be a neutral third party that can take matters in to their hands and see that a fit punishment is brought to the bad guys. While our modern day justice system doesn't always seem to work logically or in and unbiased manner it gets that job done, all that needs dealing with within it is the corruption.
I think what you also want is harsher punishments, no? Going to jail is not really justice? I think some punishments could be much harsher, but jail works just fine for now for most crimes.