ForumsWEPRVoidy's (Less than) Politicaly Correct Views

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3,675 posts

So this thread is going to be me posting all my rather less that politically correct ideas and thoughts on all steps of life. Politics, religion, social structure and such.

I know a lot of you are not going to agree with me. I also know that some of you will get angry.

And I'm fine with that. Maybe it will start some good debates around here.
Enough blabber, on with the show.

I'm sick of nearly every women I meet and interact with pulling the gender card. Acting like that because of them being a women, the are entitled to behaving certain ways, saying certain things. Based purely off of the fact that they are a women. Nothing more, nothing less.

Examples? Of course I have them.
-1) At work, the shift changes and my relief comes. On one of them is a girl roughly my same age. Part of the job requires you to empty a mop bucket and change the water. Mop bucket holds only 4 gallons of water. She looks at me and says "Can you empty the bucket for me? It's too heavy for me." I ask her why it's too heavy since it is only four gallons of water. To which she replies "Well, I am a girl you know. Teehee."
-2) Countless times I have women talk to me about something or another. During the conversation which they initiated, I put in my view and thoughts. They snap at me and go "Oh shut up. You're a guy. You wouldn't know about it."
-3) Too many times I'll be talking with a current/past significant other about something important. Once again, I get the "You are a guy, your emotions are different. Illogical."

And so on and so on.

I'm sick of tired using their gender to their advantage or to stonewall conversations.

You want to be equal to men? Want the same amount of pay? Same levels of respect? Same everything?

Then -stop- using your gender as a disadvantage, dammit. If you can't do the same amount of work as your male counterparts then you should be payed less. If you always use your 'feminine feelings' as a fail-safe in any argument, then you should not get the same level of respect amongst your peers.

Suck it up or go home.

Now, do not think I'm all "Women are inferior and deserve less!" I'm far from it. I truly do think that men and women deserve the same rate of pay, respect and so on. Gender has no place in deciding such things.
Yet if a women uses her gender as an excuse or weakness then no, you do not deserve the all of what you earned.

What would happen if a man did that? If he slacked on the job for no excusable reason? Used his gender to let him slide by? He'd get fired, sued, slapped around.

So the point of this all is such:
Women expect the same everything as men, which I agree with. Yet they then use their gender as an excuse to be treated differently. If you want to be seen as weak and incapable then expect to be treated as such.

I even deliberately left points open for debate. There.

  • 62 Replies
476 posts

I agree. I think everyone would.
So much, I take even farther. But I wouldn't talk about that, I'd definitely be inviting flaming and spam to this thread. >.>
But I think it's partly a revenge for the unfair things. I have friends who didn't even know there were woman's sports teams. All they think about is cheerleaders. And what person really wants to go through childbirth? Or how they still, on average, get payed less. And have extra expenses. Did you know it can cost as much as twice to dry clean a blouse then a regular size guy's shirt? (little random, but I saw a tv special while flipping through channels and it's the only thing I remembered) And the rape chance for a women is much higher then for a man (or at least i would think so.)

5,061 posts

Most women can wear mens clothing sure it doesn't look quite as good as the $300 blouse that hugs every curve on her, but it gets the job done doesn't it? If you want to look attractive then you have to pay the price, same for us guys.

996 posts

Women are scientifically less built than men, but there is no excuse for working a job where you mop floors and do other menial labor and not being able to lift four gallons of water.

My girlfriend tries to use her boobs to get things too, but usually only from me. I find it an unfair advantage.

But seriously, if they want equality they have to mirror equality -- that's problem with all equality arguments -- there isn't a mutual effort, and then people don't feel as inclined to change.

Most women can wear mens clothing sure it doesn't look quite as good as the $300 blouse that hugs every curve on her, but it gets the job done doesn't it? If you want to look attractive then you have to pay the price, same for us guys.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with women working efficiently and still showing off their bodies. We should not interfere with natural sexual selection.
1,532 posts

I'm sick of nearly every women I meet and interact with pulling the gender card. Acting like that because of them being a women, the are entitled to behaving certain ways, saying certain things. Based purely off of the fact that they are a women. Nothing more, nothing less.
Examples? Of course I have them.
-1) At work, the shift changes and my relief comes. On one of them is a girl roughly my same age. Part of the job requires you to empty a mop bucket and change the water. Mop bucket holds only 4 gallons of water. She looks at me and says "Can you empty the bucket for me? It's too heavy for me." I ask her why it's too heavy since it is only four gallons of water. To which she replies "Well, I am a girl you know. Teehee."
-2) Countless times I have women talk to me about something or another. During the conversation which they initiated, I put in my view and thoughts. They snap at me and go "Oh shut up. You're a guy. You wouldn't know about it."
-3) Too many times I'll be talking with a current/past significant other about something important. Once again, I get the "You are a guy, your emotions are different. Illogical."
And so on and so on.
I'm sick of tired using their gender to their advantage or to stonewall conversations.
You want to be equal to men? Want the same amount of pay? Same levels of respect? Same everything?

Womens rights...what a joke.

At least i know im a better driver (Men are statisticly 1% better drivers )

Thank god I'm being taught the art of flirting. On AG. Now I can get all the hawt women.

You should know theres no such thing as cute girls on the internet...
3,224 posts

There's absolutely nothing wrong with women working efficiently and still showing off their bodies. We should not interfere with natural sexual selection.

And why not Herr Adolph?

Seriously, I think it's very easy to criticise the whole 'feminist lite' movement, but it doesn't detract from the very real issue of gender inequality which does exist in society.

The only kind of feminism I don't like is the exclusive kind. Like being told you are not a feminist because you are a man.
996 posts

And why not Herr Adolph?

Where in fucking hell did that analogy even come from?

It's a scientific fact that male members of a species are more attracted to and more likely to mate with females which have the indicators of fertility. In humans, that is breasts, hips, ass, etc (fluctuating from one person to another due to our advanced minds). There's no reason we should tell women not to make themselves more attractive if they want to be.
It's unnecessary for them to exploit such, but it's much too controlling to tell women not to wear nice clothes so that they're more equal.

Men could wear nice clothes nice and snug in the crotch and ass area and tight shirts to show off body figures if they wanted. There, compromise.
3,224 posts

Where in ****ing hell did that analogy even come from?

You know the whole Nazi eugenics thing, based on misconceptions about the theory of evolution.

In humans, that is breasts, hips, ***, etc (fluctuating from one person to another due to our advanced minds)

Then why are size 0 models so idolised?
996 posts

Then why are size 0 models so idolised?

I explained that in the part the you quoted.
Our minds vary.
Some people are attracted to those with skin and bones, most (as far as I am aware of) are attracted to the human indicators of fertility.
You know the whole Nazi eugenics thing, based on misconceptions about the theory of evolution

I was not speaking of the Theory of Evolution, I was speaking of Sexual Selection.
At any rate, you should be ashamed of yourself for making such an analogy.
527 posts

i agree with you Devoidless. some times girls act "TO" girly

5,043 posts

I might be missing the point myself, but if I'm not, everyone else is. Girls have every right to act girly. If a girl seduces a guy, she seduces him. There's nothing wrong with gender differences, however, when it comes to work and law, women shouldn't be able to get away with gaining unfair advantages over men. It's bad when a woman gets other co workers to help her out, but the main problem is when they get advantages in court and at work from the higher ups.

It's not a rant about girls acting girly, but about them using it for unfair advantages.

I read a while back that someone thinks that it's unfair that men shouldn't hit women, men usually are stronger. If I saw that person his a girl, he would be in the fetal position on the ground with a busted nose.

873 posts

I read a while back that someone thinks that it's unfair that men shouldn't hit women, men usually are stronger. If I saw that person his a girl, he would be in the fetal position on the ground with a busted nose.

Yeah i was trying to make the point that even though men are bigger, its still not ok for women to hit men, even though it is held up as an ok thing to do
5,043 posts

Yeah i was trying to make the point that even though men are bigger, its still not ok for women to hit men, even though it is held up as an ok thing to do

Actually it isn't. As gentle and caring as women are perceived, men are often more forgiving or embarrassed. They either ignore being hit or they are too embarrassed to call the police.

I have seen guys call cops on women on COPS. I also remember seeing a guy go into a hospital with a gouge on his arm from his gf. Men tend to blow that kind of stuff off and don't report it to authorities.

Women think more though feelings than men. Men tend to think more logically than women. Where a man looks for the best way to get something done that will result in the greatest rewards, women focus on making sure things are done right and that everyone is comfortable or that certain things aren't done due to moral code. If a woman feels like a man isn't sharing the same feelings as her, she often thinks of him as thinking illogically, when it often is the opposite.
1,310 posts

If I saw that person his a girl, he would be in the fetal position on the ground with a busted nose.

Just make sure you don't go for the heroics when it turns out to be a pimp with a gun. You'll look real macho after you get shot.

You have to watch yourself though. Half of the women who study at my shaolin school could easily take me to the cleaners. Just because someone looks weaker doesn't mean they are - and if someone decides to start a *real* fight, woman or man, they had better be prepared to finish it.
5,043 posts

Just make sure you don't go for the heroics when it turns out to be a pimp with a gun. You'll look real macho after you get shot.

Not if you're Holden.

Then he smacked me. I didn't even try to get out of the way or duck or anything. All I felt was this terrific punch in my stomach.

But I'm crazy. I swear to God I am. About halfway to the bathroom, I sort of started pretending I had a bullet in my guts. Old 'Maurice had plugged me. Now I was on the way to the bathroom to get a good shot of bourbon or something to steady my nerves and help me really go into action. I pictured myself coming out of the goddam bathroom, dressed and all, with my automatic in my pocket, and staggering around a little bit. Then I'd walk downstairs, instead of using the elevator. I'd hold onto the banister and all, with this blood trickling out of the side of my mouth a little at a time. What I'd do, I'd walk down a few floors--holding onto my guts, blood leaking all over the place-- and then I'd ring the elevator bell. As soon as old Maurice opened the doors, he'd see me with the automatic in my hand and he'd start screaming at me, in this very high-pitched, yellow-belly voice, to leave him alone. But I'd plug him anyway. Six shots right through his fat hairy belly. Then I'd throw my automatic down the elevator shaft--after I'd wiped off all the finger prints and all. Then I'd crawl back to my room and call up Jane and have her come over and bandage up my guts. I pictured her holding a cigarette for me to smoke while I was bleeding and all.

The goddam movies. They can ruin you. I'm not kidding.
3,224 posts

Some people are attracted to those with skin and bones, most (as far as I am aware of) are attracted to the human indicators of fertility.

There's a distinct difference between saying most men are attracted to those with large hips etc., and saying that sexual selection should be encouraged.

At any rate, you should be ashamed of yourself for making such an analogy.

And why exactly. If you suggest that only attractive women and men should have children with other attractive men and women, then expect to get some stick for it. Seeing as the Nazis did the same thing, it's a valid analogy.
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