
46 7553
4 posts

Obama = Awesome greatness. If you think that he's an idiot and that he should be impeached, then you are most likely a racist. Try and be fair to him. Democrats didn't go to such lengths to try and impeach or even kill Bush now did they? Lay off Obama and just chill out.

World Peace

  • 46 Replies
49 posts

Obama = Awesome greatness

So what has he done that is so great?
3,817 posts

I hate people like you. Not Obomba lovers, but your bieng racist. Your saying if you disslike Obomba, then your racist, witch is bieng racist. I actualy think he got a ton of votes just for bieng black... but I digress. He has a tone of policies witch I dissagree with, and he has done nothing that disserves the to be called "great"

4 posts

dms269 - He's started putting a health plan out that EVERYONE can be a part of, he's stopped torture, and other things.

314d1 - Any why all the hate? That is lots of peoples problems, they hate too much. People are so deeply into politics that they are irritated at the slightest thing. You hear something that vaguely offends you and you hate them. I didn't mean that everyone was a racist, but there are people out there that hate him for being black. People also are dissing him because "he hasn't done what he promised he would", but he has been in office for less than a year!
I'm sorry if I did offend or make accusations.

4,220 posts

but he has been in office for less than a year!

1 year, 3 weeks.

Longer than a year. Much longer than 100 days, isn't it?

Obama = Awesome greatness.

He's an average president at best.

he's stopped torture

You can't stop what you don't know.

He's started putting a health plan out that EVERYONE can be a part of

Except for everyone.

I don't hate him. I don't like him either. He's done absolutely nothing in his time in office, therefore I have nothing to like or dislike about him beyond his extreme lack of decision making.
3,817 posts

You ARE bieng a racist. I hate racist. The main argument youve put up in the oppining statment is that he is black. Thats the only reason you like him. I don't care if he does what he said he whould, but he has done NOTHING GOOD! And even worse, he got a noble prize for doing nothing. Its extramly pathetic

4,220 posts

he got a noble prize for doing nothing.

He got it for his ideas, 314.

Using that argument, I am currently waiting for my 16 Nobel prizes. I have had ideas about ending terrorism, war, and hunger for years.
2,837 posts

Nobel Peace Prize + Sending even more troops to war = *critical error, does not compute*

I am tempted to copy the rant that I did for fun in the Obama thread that popped up yesterday. Oh so tempted...

3,817 posts

*Can't wait to get yelled at by all the liberal freaks on here yet again*
Brainwashing young children in elementary schools to sing your praises is just sick. You get the Nobel Peace prize as you send more men and women to war. You tell our closest ally in the Middle East that you don't think they should build freaking houses and to give away half their land to the very people that want to see them dead. You claim if we don't pass a bill raising the insurance premiums of the 85% of Americans who are currently insured our country will go broke. Your middle name is Hussein, and you went to the church of someone screaming God **** America for 20 years without realizing he was a radical nut. You want to raise our costs of heating, electric, gas, and anything that ever has to be shipped so we will stop the greenhouse gas effect that is caused by water vapor. You the president of the most powerful country of the world grovel before paltry kings. You allow a sham of a trial of people who admitted, no shouted out their guilty deed of planning 9/11 and you try them in the court system as if they were citizens when they should go before a military tribunal and then be shot. By appeasing countries like France you make our nation appear weak to our enemies. You put people in charge of the IRS that didn't pay their taxes. A man posts quotes from your own book on a website your staff manages and they block it while it is filled with Antisemitic garbage that is just fine and dandy in your opinion. You give the woman who spent Katrina victim funds for a political campaign the job Secretary of State. You claim you won't have any lobbyists in your cabinet as you run and it is the first thing that you do. You close a prison where terrorists are safely held and bring them to the states endangering our nation.
Again I say NObama.

Unlike you, I coulden't resist. It has a tone of good points, not my words, not my facts, but still.
1,455 posts

Responding to the OP.

Obama = Awesome greatness.

As a general rule for opening posts, you should put more thought into it. There's no evidence for this statement, and it is subjective, which makes it debateable.
If you think that he's an idiot and that he should be impeached, then you are most likely a racist.

I think he's a bit of an idiot, but not that he should be impeached (at least not yet). But anyone who does think that is going to have reasons. You really can't open up a discussion by calling the other person, whom you haven't met yet, a racist. That's an ignorant thing to put in your OP.
Furthermore, you can't ignore somebody's posts and beliefs just because you think they MIGHT be a racist. If their reasoning would not apply to a white man doing exactly what Obama is doing, then sure, that's a racist post you can ignore. But to say that anybody who disagrees with you is most likely a racist is a poor generalization based on the fringe of society. It was especially stupid of you to post this on armorgames, as most debaters on here make genuinly good arguments, and are open-minded posters.
Try and be fair to him.

Fair means going in unbiased and coming out with facts and logic to support yourself, and how is the first sentence,
Obama = Awesome greatness

a fact, logical, or even something that counts as a sentence?
Democrats didn't go to such lengths to try and impeach or even kill Bush now did they?

Well, Democrats did insult Bush and negatively critique him a lot. I'm not saying he didn't deserve it; I'm just pointing out that you have to expect people to be critical, especially in a crisis.
Now, do you really think the conservatives that discuss and critique Obama are actually going to try to kill him? Assassination attempts cannot be blamed on anybody that was not involved in the act.
In other words, you can't put down conservative arguments just because somebody ELSE tried to assassinate Obama.
Lay off Obama and just chill out.

You want us to just chill out in a crisis? You're saying that nothing Obama does can be criticized? Obama may even appreciate the criticism in this economic crisis. He's going to be paying attention to his attacks just because some of them may tell him the effect his policies have on the US. Politicians have to take a lot of crap, and Obama knew it when he went into politics. He wouldn't have run for president if mere insults would break him to tears.
World Peace

Yeah, good luck with that. I can't see that happening anytime soon or ever, actually. It's a nice thought, but seeking a perfect world will lead you to spend your life in disappointment in your quest to acheive the impossible.
1,455 posts

People would prefer a President that that made the USA more hated my the world and sent it Trillions of dollars into dept and started a war over Obama.

A lot of people disagree with Obama's foreign affairs, and feel he should be paying more respect to our allies. For all his flaws, at least Bush did that.
Furthermore, Obama has borrowed a ton of money as well, and plans to borrow a lot more than Bush did in his entire term. Without mentioning Obama's faults, of course he will appear the more qualified candidate.
As for that last part, you should know that the war is debateable. I have mixed feelings myself, but I wouldn't want someone to just say, "Bush started a war" and immediately assume the worst. You haven't dipped into Bush's motivations for anything he did. You've only insulted him and made the assumption that his decisions are definite choices between good and bad. Nobody wants to raise the debt, or start a war, or make the world hate us. But if these were clear-cut decisions, Bush wouldn't have done any of those things.
2,837 posts

As for your claiming about Bush being responsible for all of the federal debt please refer to the graph.


2,837 posts

996 posts

If you say "If you think that he's an idiot and that he should be impeached, then you are most likely a racist." then YOU are a racist, and you are not a supporter of Obama's ideas.

Don't mislead people and yourself.

I am a supporter of Obama and I resent your remarks deeply.

Balerion: how about a graph where dems and repubicans are compared with the same variable?

3,817 posts

They are, the color is refering to the background

2,837 posts

The variable is the same. They are two different graphs and both show the effect of the republican and democratic presidents upon 1) The federal debt in Trillions 2) The percent of the GDP that the federal debt takes up.

The red and blue shadings on the graph show which party was in power at the time.

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