Obama = Awesome greatness. If you think that he's an idiot and that he should be impeached, then you are most likely a racist. Try and be fair to him. Democrats didn't go to such lengths to try and impeach or even kill Bush now did they? Lay off Obama and just chill out.
I am asking you to cite references to the garbage you have spewed out,
He caused a massive international brouhaha in the U.N, completely ignored the European Union's efforts in the Middle East, and basically told everyone other than the Vatican and Israel to p*ss off.
not for where something you quoted is. You do understand what a reference is, don't you?
Like you would want it to be any other way. The UN is different as you are appointed not voted on by the disillusioned masses. If you don't know what you are doing you won't get approved for the position.
I want to know why you defend him cyan. What has he done so far that is so great and praise-worthy. I'll be back a little later to see what people say. Wait...OMG my favorite Obama-praising song just came on, SING ALONG WITH ME! "MMM, mmm, mmm. Barak Hussein Obama!"