Starting off, I am just a supplier of information.
I recently heard a conversation, and one person said that the moon landing was a hoax, and he had support. First off, he said that solar flares happen regularly, and have been recorded ever since the 1750's. Our atmosphere protects us fro the intense flares, but outside from that, they are lethal. He said that the astronauts had to be flying with a chunk of lead 5 feet thick ll around to be safe, and then they couldn't take off. So, solar flares have always been recorded. Solar flare born on 5/22/76 and reaches Earth 5/25/76. But during the moon landing, the six days were simply missing, no record whatsoever. Coincidence?
He claimed also that Hubble telescope will allow you to see every corner of the Galaxy. Anywhere. Except where the U.S.A. flag is. They claim "the telescope won't focus". Truth?
And there are reasons to fake, a lot.. do your research..
Don't say that, say them allowed. I want to debate this topic. D:
A. Not possible
We only believe that.
B. Not Possible either
Going to the moon and finding a flag is not difficult. Provided you have the location of the land, which probably would not be too hard to get if the moon land were real, and you were trying to get proof of that.
Trolling can also include posting things that have nothing to do with the subject and leading the topic away altogether.
You know what I like about the moon? It reminds me of cheese. If I could eat cheese all day long I would, but it would make me super constipated. Constipation is a real bitch. Having to take exlax and all that jazz. I wonder who invented that. I feel sorry for him. He must not have ever been able to use the restroom. That would be awful. I wonder if you could die from that. It's probably what killed that guy. You know the one, the guy with the hair. He tried to get help but there was nothing to be done. Poor guy. And his wife had to sit there all alone at the funeral too.
alright guys, thanks for the lesson on trolling. ...back to the debate...
It happened, no real reason to fake it.
Well, you know, they had a thing called the Cold War, and, you see, there were these guys called the Soviets, see, and these Soviets and us were in a race to space. If we did fake it, then it saved us a lot of money. ...not that I'm saying we faked it, of course....
And you got first to the moon . . . And then for whatever reason staged it again two more times in pretty rapid succession. What would your country do that for? Seems like a pretty pointless thing to fake over and over again. Expensive, too.
trolling is flaming(insulting and swearing and whatnot) to get people mad.
Trolling is making a thread promoting the moon landing hoax so people get mad and flamey, Jonnycakes.
Well, not necessarily. It's saying anything to make people mad or confuzzled.
Hm. All conspiracy theories are pretty stupid. The moon landing one is no different. Why would America waste so much money on that three times in a row? And could you reiterate the solar flare thing?I don't fully understand what that means.
Mah Grammar Nazi style revenge for you calling me Jonnycakes: Queue is as in "queue line". In that context, it would actually be "cue". Yeah...pretty sucky revenge. =[
I'm pretty confident it is real. That Mythbusters' episode was pretty compelling to me, even though they didn't cover many of the supposed theories.
If I remember correctly, there is a mirror on the moon that Armstrong and Aldrin put on the surface that can be recflected on by a (very powerful) lazer. That is pretty convincing for me.
The moon landing hoax was the conspiracy theory of the '60s, just as 9/11 is now. And it's all a load of junk.
Yeah, that's one off-the-wall theory they had back then, considering the moon landing happened during the summer of '69.
I have yet to see any piece of evidence to convince me that the moon landing was fake. Like most conspiracy theories, it seems more like disjointed facts or opinions that look vaguely suspect taken out of context.