So the Big Bang existed out of time did it... Sounds like you are turning it into a god. When you blow things up it doesn't suddenly create worlds and suns, it just destroys what was there.
And no, God did not create himself. He is eternal thus has no beginning or end just like the one sided ring.
So the Big Bang existed out of time did it... Sounds like you are turning it into a god. When you blow things up it doesn't suddenly create worlds and suns, it just destroys what was there.
Do not argue about the Big Bang ever again until you know what the hell it really is.
to save you time, I'll try to tell you.
The Big Bang was not really an explosion. It was a decompression of all the mass in the Universe - all of the Universe's mass was compressed into a singularity, often called the Primeval atom despite it not being an atom, before the Big Bang. Also, it didn't exist outside of time, time only existed inside the singularity. Read my posts right, dammit. It didn't have a beginning or a cause because they didn't exist until it all decompressed. It didn't have to because those concepts only apply to places where time exists. Then, it didn't exist.
At the point, why add 'god' to the mix? It's adding an extra step, and we have no reason to add it, since we have no proof for a deity.
Why add science into the mix? Religion existed first.
Then this contradicts the first postulate - that 'everything' has a cause. If that's null, then Perhaps the universe has, and always will be here in some shape or form, and did not have an original cause.
God is both the beginning and the end. As a counterargument to you Atheists, what made the Big Bang happen, and if you can answer that what made the things that made the Big Bang?
, what made the Big Bang happen, and if you can answer that what made the things that made the Big Bang?
Matter makes up the Big Bang. What a concept!!! >_<
The big bang was probably a result from a Big Crunch in another universe. Remember what good 'ol Albert said? "For every reaction, there is an equal opposite reaction"
The opposite of all the matter coming together, is all the matter being ejected into space.
I know the Big Crunch theory, but it doesn't answer the question. The other universe, according to the theory, also started with a Big Bang, so I ask again, what made it happen?
The other universe, according to the theory, also started with a Big Bang, so I ask again, what made it happen?
Its rather hard to understand, but think of it this way;
you have matter in one universe. That matter is drained from it to another via black holes. That matter from black holes is goes to another universe, where it accumulates. The matter reaches a certain mass and pressure and energy, where then it explodes. In the another universe, it is has no matter and gains matter through black holes on other universes .
I'm no astrophysicist, and we don't know all the details about the cosmology yet. The Multivesre is a very complicated thing that gives people headaches.....