Ok, so i was messing with my phone and I went onto the news and read a brief paragrah about a Morman church in Salt Lake-City that, as of today, supports gay rights. This was a shock to me because from what i have heard Morman's don't support gay rights, or marriage, in any way. Please post a comment telling me what you think of this ordeal. Thank You
Although I am not religous (and don't want to be) I think that no matter what popular beliefs are, you don't have to follow them. If a church supports gay rights, it isn't your problem at all. Especially if you are not a Mormon.
You know, I'm happy to see that there is another LDS member on this site, I'm surprized your open about it, most people clam up and just say christian, nothing special, and yes, most people that insult the church learn everything from their parents and it goes back generations, but most havent even seen the book of mormon, at least, this is what my parents taught me
No, because marriage between a man and woman is ordained by God in our religion. There's always the option of adoption.
So it's same sex couples can't have kids. This argument doesn't apply to a hetero couple because they can adopt. Further more try and prevent same sex couples from adopting. rinse repeat.
Considering the argument of having and raising children is only being applied to a same sex couple and not a hetero couple who are unable to have there own children then Hinckley's comment to me comes off as seeming hypocritical and rather bigoted. The argument that God only approves of X + Y couples just seems like a veiled attempt to justify that bigotry.
We ALL read the Bible, my friend. It's still very much a part of out religion.
If this is true then the very last bit of Revelation gets ignored quite a bit.
They have nothing against gays themselves and their rights, viewing the homosexuals as fellow children of God. However, they see marriage as a holy sacrament and don't support gay marriage because it would be impossible for the purpose of marriage, child-raising.
The bible calls such a thing abomination and anyone who partakes of abomination cannot be called a child of God. You forget that those who are not children of God are described as children of darkness and satan. And I am sure that with marriage being such an important sacrament the more times the merrier right?
The bible calls such a thing abomination and anyone who partakes of abomination cannot be called a child of God. You forget that those who are not children of God are described as children of darkness and satan. And I am sure that with marriage being such an important sacrament the more times the merrier right?
*sigh* Look, all I'm basing my opinion on is the Mormon president's words. I am not going to argue my point, I simply put in another view.
Let me say one thing, before you even mention Revalations last little bit, look at Duet 4:2, then search up, when was the book of revalations written, followed by when the pauline epistles were, then you can say something