ForumsWEPRReligion is for the uneducated

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210 posts

I think that most people that believe in a religion are, well just dumb. People believe every thing that is some book and base their lives around what the book tells them. Almost everything in these books can be proved wrong by science. O sure there are religious people with P.H.D s but the only thing they do is write BS books and tell other religious people whats wrong and right. I know this post will piss off a lot of poeple, but I am open to all thoughts on this topic.

  • 20 Replies
887 posts

Im hindu and Im currently in college studying law.


9,504 posts

Religion is open for those who wish to learn about the world, how it started, and something and someone to believe in when times are tough and when they look for answers as to what will happen after their lives. There are many things that religions teach and believe that are disagreeable by others.

It really shouldn't be up to anyone to decide by themselves if Religion is correct or not. Religion is for the uneducated, yet the great majority are educated...does not compute *bzzt*

In my opinion? It should be up to you to decide if this religion is for you or not. you should learn about many different kinds, see which one suits you. It's not worth following someones' religion like a sheep, is what I'm getting at...

601 posts

Way to be stereotypical. And are you trying to say C.S. Lewis and J.R. Tolkien were dumb? Also, Barack Obama is a self-claimed Christian, so is he stupid as well? Gutenburg was religious, and if it wasn't for him, technology would be FAR less advanced.

3,224 posts

Well it certainly began that way. Abrahamic religions are religions for the people. They expounded the virtues of equal worth when the world was organised into static hierachies based on birth rights, and so unsurprisingly these became popular with the common people, and these common people were uneducated.

These beliefs only made their way into higher culture once the Romans adopted Christianity as their own official religion, in order that they could control it. Of course that doesn't mean that Abrahamic theists are uneducated or stupid, but the kind of rhetoric these religions do spout certainly does have a strong appeal to uneducated, poor people. I for one think it's a good thing, as it does give many people a reason for their suffering, which makes people much more motivated and likely to do well for themselves.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that even if the assumption in the OP is true, the implications of that are often positive.

5,061 posts

[quote]I think that most people that believe in a religion are, well just dumb. People believe every thing that is some book and base their lives around what the book tells them. Almost everything in these books can be proved wrong by science. O sure there are religious people with P.H.D s but the only thing they do is write BS books and tell other religious people whats wrong and right. I know this post will piss off a lot of poeple, but I am open to all thoughts on this topic. sound like a bigoted moron.
3,174 posts

Gregory Mendel was and Augustine priest and scientist. He did both.

3,817 posts

I think that most people that believe in a religion are, well just dumb. People believe every thing that is some book and base their lives around what the book tells them. Almost everything in these books can be proved wrong by science. O sure there are religious people with P.H.D s but the only thing they do is write BS books and tell other religious people whats wrong and right. I know this post will piss off a lot of poeple, but I am open to all thoughts on this topic.

Not exactly, it is for the foolish, there have been plenty of intelligent... for example, Albert Eintine. He was Jewish in a loose since, he stopped believing in the churches god when he was still a kid though. Or Galilao, he was Cristian like everyone else, but he was a great astronomer, but he also doupted his faith more then the others, they tried to arrest him for his claims. They were smart, they doupted, but they still are considered riligios. But you can call them foolish.
338 posts

Gregory Mendel was and Augustine priest and scientist. He did both.

You dont have to be smart to know when peas change color. :P

Anyway, Religion is not for the uneducated. There are plenty of people who are religion and still very smart and well educated.
Although, in a historical contect it kind of is for the 'uneducated' because there was no other way to answer so many of these questions that humans had.
9,462 posts

I guess I should post my thoughts since I have in the past been rather critical of people being ignorant or even flat out stupid when it come to religious beliefs.

You can be very smart but still be ignorant of certain things. In this respect we all are ignorant to some degree. However religion doesn't offer an environment to gain knowledge of the things we are ignorant of. It simply offers an unfounded explanation and leaves it at that.

There are also deceptive practices involved that play just as much or possibly even more of a roll then being uneducated. Self deception and the deception of others.

For an example. There was a Star Trek episode (Next Generation) where the captain had been captured and tortured. During this time He was asked how many lights he saw and every time he answered four instead of five he would be shocked with pain. He was told if he answered with five he would be given comforts. In the end he was released and asked how many lights one more time. He answered four but admitted later on that he really thought he saw five lights.

Religion uses similar tactics. Offering a reward for believing and threatening torture for not believing. The ideas are drilled into a persons head until they really do believe it. This is even easier to do when the subject is at a very young age.

527 posts

Drcool i think its pretty obvious that those who believe in a religion arent dumb. there obviously educated enough to know about that religion, your dumb for saying something like this

350 posts

I think that most people that believe in a religion are, well just dumb.

I kinda agree but there are very smart ppl who believes in god, religion, whatever...u cant generalize.
But I know that most of ppl who believe in religion isnt that smart (in my country when we say Catholic It comes to our idea an uneducated old person)...its a fact

1 more thing young ppl from FREE countries who can choose religion dont give a them about me Im totally atheist and I believe in what I see
8,570 posts

I think that most people that believe in a religion are, well just dumb. People believe every thing that is some book and base their lives around what the book tells them. Almost everything in these books can be proved wrong by science. O sure there are religious people with P.H.D s but the only thing they do is write BS books and tell other religious people whats wrong and right. I know this post will piss off a lot of poeple, but I am open to all thoughts on this topic.

I find it ironic that someone who can't even use correct grammar is presumptious enough to call someone else stupid. Sure, I'm an agnostic/atheist kind of person, but you're wrong. Most religious doctrines cannot be proven or disproven to be false or true, so don't call people of faith stupid. Your assumptions of religious people with Ph.Ds telling other religious people what's wrong and right is incorrect. And how do you know that the prophets and leaders of religions did not truly believe what they were saying?
What I'm saying is, you're being extremely presumptious and rude, as well as foolish in your assumptions. I doubt you have even read the guidelines of the religions that you insult as well as their followers. In fact, I doubt you've ever read those "BS books". You're open to all thoughts? I'd say that you're, in fact, close-minded, rather than the opposite.
2,520 posts

I think that most people that believe in a religion are, well just dumb. People believe every thing that is some book and base their lives around what the book tells them. Almost everything in these books can be proved wrong by science. O sure there are religious people with P.H.D s but the only thing they do is write BS books and tell other religious people whats wrong and right. I know this post will piss off a lot of poeple, but I am open to all thoughts on this topic.

Hmmm, quite vague. I would think that a layperson would think that the scientific are pretty stupid for believing in their books that are BS and can be proven wrong by Religion. It is obviously for the uneducated. All people with scientific Ph.D's just write books about how religious people are wrong.

Now this is obviously not the case, but non religious can kind of get the feel to the initial reaction of reading this post.
210 posts

The reason why I wrote this post is to make people think about all the idiots that are religious in todays time. You have all these redneck churches across America were the people that go to them will believe almost everything you tell them. What about the the Middle East religions? These people kill themselves thinking they will be in some heaven with many virgins. Come on you don't have to be very smart to know that is BS. Also I am tied of seeing these A-holes that got a religious sudy degree from a uncredited school that write books on how to live a good religious life, and all these people buying those books. I am also so glad that the AG community has brought up a lot of smart people that have acknowledge, not believe religion.

: ]

8,570 posts

The reason why I wrote this post is to make people think about all the idiots that are religious in todays time. You have all these redneck churches across America were the people that go to them will believe almost everything you tell them. What about the the Middle East religions? These people kill themselves thinking they will be in some heaven with many virgins. Come on you don't have to be very smart to know that is BS. Also I am tied of seeing these A-holes that got a religious sudy degree from a uncredited school that write books on how to live a good religious life, and all these people buying those books. I am also so glad that the AG community has brought up a lot of smart people that have acknowledge, not believe religion.

The Middle Eastern religions do not require that the members kill themselves; that's only the infamous ones, the extremists. And that would be the minority. That's like saying that the Catholic religion requires members of their faith to torture people based solely on the Crusades.
You don't have to be very smart to know that's BS? I'd be careful about what you insult. Don't forget, several people base their entire lives on religion and that would be very insulting. And just because someone believes in a religion, that does not make them stupid. Watch what you say. Within this thread and within 2 posts, you've already insulted more than 2/3 of my family, calling them stupid ***holes. Several people are taught to be religious from childhood. That does not make them stupid.
Redneck churches, huh? And tell me; have you ever been to one of these supposed redneck churches? On that note, have you ever even been to church? Also; religious churches and schools are perfectly qualified to give out diplomas and their certifications are legitimate and authentic.
If people buy books on how to live a good religious life, then that's their business, not yours. It's a good thing if people want to improve their lives, and if religion is a conduit for that, then that is also a beneficial thing. I'm not saying religion is good, but just because it is false in our opinions does not mean that the people who subscribe to that faith are foolish. We have no proof either way.
If you want to make a thread that would cause deep thought, then here's a tip: DON'T ****ING INSULT PEOPLE .I'm sorry, but I'm seriously pissed off at you right now. Almost all of my family and my friends are religious. And I don't like it when they are called stupid ***holes. Understand?
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