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Well, I should be doing my research paper right now, but I'll save that fur later.

This thread will be my random drawings, poems, lyrics, stories, etc.
Comment if you feel you need to say something if you do things like that :P

The Story of Tyler
There was once a boy named Tyler. He was not strong, nor weak, tall nor short. He was basically your average 13 year old. Except for his intelligence. He was not a genius or a prodigy, but he knew what he was doing with his life. He understood in a dimension that was not parallel to his peers.
So one day, his classmates were having an argument about global warming. One person simply said, "Global warming will kill us all!"
The other person said, "Global warming is fake."
They continued to argue for nearly a half an hour. And what did Tyler do?
He doodled.
Another day, a Saturday, Tyler went to the park. And he just sat. Sat on a bench and did nothing. Just nothing. Casually, with the sort of spunk that he seemed absolutely perfunctory and plain. Then, some of his classmates came over. They asked him what he was doing, and he stared coldly straight ahead. They eventually gave up and did the same that he was doing. Tyler then sat up, pointed to a tree, and said, "There."
He walked home, grinning about the trick he had played.
As Tyler got home, some of his classmates came by on their bikes. They were not too big, but they were notorious for annoying other children. They parked their bikes in front of him, and without missing a step, Tyler marched around them. He did not run, he did not slow down. He kept his solemn pace as they tried to follow him. Eventually, they got off of their bikes and caught up with him. As they tried to swing, Tyler flawlessly ducked and tripped them, one after one, as if he were playing 52 pickup.
As they asked him, "Why did you just do that?!?" Tyler marched solemnly home.
When he got home, Tyler sighed and looked around. His house was a mess. He gazed across the living room, and saw an empty bottle of Tito's. His mother had been drinking again. He emotionlessly went to his room. He got the collection of money under his bed and left home with nothing but a jacket and a small flashlight.
Tyler approached the train station. As the engine roared and halted to a stop, Tyler looked behind him. Nothing. No one. Tyler smiled, and stepped aboard.
As Tyler passed stop after stop, a large smile slowly spread across his face.
"This is where I start," Tyler said, "And my start will be magnificent."

That's chapter one of Tyler. I might post a little later.

  • 20 Replies
349 posts

Well worded and interesting. An interesting young character you have there. I hope there will be more characters. Keep up the good work and add some action!

938 posts

I am going to add in a disaster soon, I just wanted to give some backround information on Tyler. I just wanted to show some of his motives and feelings.

938 posts

The Story of Tyler: Part Two: A New World
Tyler stepped off the train and bounced down the platform. He looked around and saw people of all types: Businessmen, Police Officers, Homeless People, Regular looking people, people with strange things, etc. He felt strange and foreign in this new world, and wasn't sure if it was the right choice. Just then, he had a flashback to when he was a small child:
His mother came in the door. Her mascara was smudged all across her face, and she looked like an absolute mess.
"Mommy?" Tyler asked.
"WHAT?!?" his mother replied, ghastly and as if Tyler were the most horrific thing she had ever laid eyes on.
"Mommy, I love you. You know that, dont-"
"I don't care about your love, you little snot-nosed half-brain! I don't care what you think. You're just a little insignificant rat, and I hate you. I wish you were never born."
Tyler then decided he would never see his mother ever again. And on that point, he went into the downtown section.
He had already memorized the Street Atlas of New York, but it was extremely hard to navigate around because of the intensely thick wall of people. Tyler frowned.
How am I going to get around this?
Just then, his stomach grumbled. He saw a street vendor across the square. He found his way over without being trampled too much.
How much?
"It's 20 cents a fruit, kid. You wanna buy sumthin? Or you just gonna stand there?"
Tyler slowly reached into his pocket, and the street vendor impatiently snatched 40 cents out of Tyler's hand.
Alright then, just pick two and get the hell outa here.
Tyler took an apple and a banana, and slowly moved through the crowd, looking for an alley.
He finally found one, as the sun was going down. He ate his fruit dinner quickly, and before he knew it, he was fast asleep behind a dumpster.
He woke with a rummaging noise to his right.
"Where am I?"
He slowly came out of the rubble.
"Rubble?" he thought. He slowly picked his way out of the mess, being careful not to hurt himself on anything. When he got out, he saw a rather large yet fit man searching through the dumpster.
"Hello?" Tyler asked.
"What happened here?"
The man then replied with an unsure look on his face, "We were attacked. Sometime after midnight, the city was bombed, or sumthin. We're lucky to be alive right now, kid."
And so they were, because the walls of the buildings over them had leaned inward and were supporting each other. They looked as if they would give way any second.
"I think we should get out of here," Tyler said, pointing upwards, "I think I saw a manhole just outside the alley. We might be able to see if any survivors found refuge down there."
The man nodded, picked up his large and what looked extremely heavy back-pack, and they left the alley.

That's all for now, I really need to work today, so I might not post too frequently.

349 posts

Dude this is great. Nice way to add the action. A ton of stuff is gonna happen next, I can bet on it. Can't wait for more.

938 posts

Well, unfortunately you're going to have to wait because I need to write 5 pages of essay, read an entire book, and clean my room.

Apparently it's all going to be done today.
Don't you just love the holidays?

938 posts

OK, sorry that I couldn't post yesterday, I was just really busy. I'll try and post the story tonight, after I finish my homework and play a basketball game.
I hope I'll have enough time, anyway....

938 posts

The Story of Tyler: Part Three: In the Rubble
Tyler and the mystery man he found himself traversing with went down into the sewer systems. The foulest smell Tyler had ever experienced burst through his nostrils as if it were an angry bull raging into an arena. Tyler was having trouble staying conscious, but the man had the same, unchanged look on his face. Unsureness, with a tinge of anger and depression.
"What's your name, then?" Tyler asked.
"Call me Frank," the man replied, "just Frank, nothing more, nothing less. What's your name, kid?"
"People call me Tyler," Tyler replied, "and I'd like you to call me Tyler."
The man surprisingly did not find this strangest in the least bit, to Tyler's joy and comfort. Tyler had a feeling he was going to get along with this man.
"Hey, kid, did you just here that?"
Tyler heard a rumble that lasted for about three seconds.
"Yeah, I just heard it again. What is that, Frank?"
Frank paused for a moment, then a look of complete surprise jumped onto his face as if someone just pulled his brain down his throat.
"Listen, kid, that was one corridor away. We have to hurry. Keep your eyes peeled for any ways to the"
Tyler was very confused and very scared at the same time. He had a horrible feeling deep in his gut, and it was telling him to get out of there. Tyler looked around, and saw some light coming down about 50 yards away.
"Frank, over there!"
Tyler and Frank ran over to the opening, and found that they were barred in.
Another great rumble came, this time shaking some flakes of concrete from the ceiling.
Tyler stepped out of the light, thinking all hope was lost. He nearly jumped into the sewer water he was so startled by the diamond saw Frank was now using to take the bars off. He took off the first bar and sharpened one end into a spike.
"Here, kid, take this. You might need it."
He tossed the piece of steel to Tyler, and Tyler nearly lost it because he didn't remember how heavy steel was. As Frank finished up the last bar, Tyler jumped up into the street.
What he saw changed his life forever. All around him, he saw....

That's enough for part three, part four will come to you tomorrow, hopefully.

938 posts

OK, thanks for the comment, I'll try to make it as flowing as possible, because I just read it and it seemed a bit choppy to me.

Anyway, here goes. I'll continue from the "..."
The Story of Tyler: Part Four: Into the Danger
All around him, he saw chaos. Regular human beings had been turned to savages.
Most of the buildings around him had fallen, except for the few that still had structural integrity. Under said rubble lie bodies and limbs of humans and creatures Tyler had never seen before. Apparently Frank was right, there was an attack.
The few people that survived the explosions looked insane. Their faces were pure white, some had changing splotches of purple, green, red, more colors than Tyler could count. They looked very upset about something, as if they had just come back to their robbed home. They looked at each other then stormed away, as if something was said to hurt them.
Tyler froze, not knowing what to do.
"My goodness!" a voice screeched from an alleyway. A woman whose face looked like it was almost sagged off hobbled off.
"A Ranger!" as she pointed to Frank.
Frank looked at Tyler, and his eyes gave him the message before his mouth did.
Tyler ran down the street, running away from the majority of the...people. He kept seeing little and little, and heard less and less shrieks. Tyler stopped abruptly.
"No more shrieks..." he thought.
He turned around, and saw Frank kneeling on the ground, holding a miniature chainsaw and sawed off shotgun in each hand. He was panting, but did not look tired whatsoever. He stared Tyler straight in the eyes, and Tyler stared straight back. They suddenly realized then, that they were very much the same. They were not accepted by most. They were considered weird. They were the Outcasts.

That's all for now, fokes, I'll try and get some more in tonight or tomorrow.

601 posts

omg zombie story....

938 posts

omg zombie story....


...more like alien invasion story...
601 posts

Same difference.

To be honest, I'm rather disappointed. The first and second chapters got my hopes up of a good story, completely within the bounds of reality. I was imagining something among the lines of Maniac Magee, and I was excited, as most authors on AG write about completely fantastical things, which isn't that bad. I thought there was going to be a nice change for once. I'm sure it'll still be really good, just not what I had hoped for.

938 posts

Alright then, I might make an alternate storyline later on. But this is what I thought of.
Originally, I was thinking of a Soviet-invasion storyline. Then it turned into aliens o.O

601 posts

Even Soviet invasion would've been better than zombies/aliens, imo. But I guess that's just cause I've had too much of zombies, and War of the Worlds ruined aliens for me. :P

938 posts

Yeah, I decided right when I started that I wouldn't use zombies. They are way overused in AG.
Maybe it will be mutant Soviet troops?
Who knows at this point, I sure as hell don't.

938 posts

The Story of Tyler:Part Five: The Survivors
Tyler and Frank approached a building in hazy twilight. They could barely see anything, and they would soon have to stop for the night. Just then, they heard a rumbling in the alley adjacent to them
Frank motioned Tyler to stand in front of the alley, while he went in to investigate. Frank slowly opened up the dumpster, and when it was fully opened, two scruffy-looking twin brothers popped up.
"Hey!" one of them said.
"More survivors!" the other chimed in.
And so, other misfit-looking characters came out of buildings, from behind dumpsters and boxes, and eventually about a dozen of them were present.
A tall, lanky looking man stepped forward.
"Hello. My name is Theo. What are your names?"
Tyler and Frank told him their names, and he solemnly looked at each of the others.
"You two look like you've been through hell and more," Theo said to them in his strong, bold voice, "I think we can accept you here for a few nights, anyway.
And so, Tyler and Frank were accepted into the remnants of a bank which looked more like a cave. They had used the vaults as emergency hiding places, and Tyler saw stashes of food, water, and various other necessities in each one. He then saw a girl about his age moving boxes around.
Tyler thought she was absolutely perfect. She had caramel hair that even though looked a bit worn and wiry flowed down past her shoulders. When Tyler saw her face, he nearly fell down. They locked eyes for a solid 5-6 seconds, before Tyler was knocked out of the spell by Theo patting his back.
"Hey, Tyler, when was the last time you ate? You look starved."
Tyler mumbled something he couldn't remember to him, then when he looked back, he could not find the girl. He then sat down in one of the vaults and stared at the wall until Frank came in.
"Well, kid, this might be our lucky break. They have enough supplies here to last them a nuclear holocaust. Let's hope we can stick around for a while."
Tyler hoped so, too, but not because of the extra supplies there.

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