ForumsArt, Music, and WritingWhimsyboy's stoof

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Well, I should be doing my research paper right now, but I'll save that fur later.

This thread will be my random drawings, poems, lyrics, stories, etc.
Comment if you feel you need to say something if you do things like that :P

The Story of Tyler
There was once a boy named Tyler. He was not strong, nor weak, tall nor short. He was basically your average 13 year old. Except for his intelligence. He was not a genius or a prodigy, but he knew what he was doing with his life. He understood in a dimension that was not parallel to his peers.
So one day, his classmates were having an argument about global warming. One person simply said, "Global warming will kill us all!"
The other person said, "Global warming is fake."
They continued to argue for nearly a half an hour. And what did Tyler do?
He doodled.
Another day, a Saturday, Tyler went to the park. And he just sat. Sat on a bench and did nothing. Just nothing. Casually, with the sort of spunk that he seemed absolutely perfunctory and plain. Then, some of his classmates came over. They asked him what he was doing, and he stared coldly straight ahead. They eventually gave up and did the same that he was doing. Tyler then sat up, pointed to a tree, and said, "There."
He walked home, grinning about the trick he had played.
As Tyler got home, some of his classmates came by on their bikes. They were not too big, but they were notorious for annoying other children. They parked their bikes in front of him, and without missing a step, Tyler marched around them. He did not run, he did not slow down. He kept his solemn pace as they tried to follow him. Eventually, they got off of their bikes and caught up with him. As they tried to swing, Tyler flawlessly ducked and tripped them, one after one, as if he were playing 52 pickup.
As they asked him, "Why did you just do that?!?" Tyler marched solemnly home.
When he got home, Tyler sighed and looked around. His house was a mess. He gazed across the living room, and saw an empty bottle of Tito's. His mother had been drinking again. He emotionlessly went to his room. He got the collection of money under his bed and left home with nothing but a jacket and a small flashlight.
Tyler approached the train station. As the engine roared and halted to a stop, Tyler looked behind him. Nothing. No one. Tyler smiled, and stepped aboard.
As Tyler passed stop after stop, a large smile slowly spread across his face.
"This is where I start," Tyler said, "And my start will be magnificent."

That's chapter one of Tyler. I might post a little later.

  • 20 Replies
13,657 posts

Sloppy mod have read it now...

He is a heavy sleeper, that kid.
From the top: The story seems oddly distant. Not just the story telling style (which is a major part of it), but also the way the protagonist sees everything, how he acts and how he talks. I do not entirely agree with it being a good description of a preteen/early teen, because, while he might be an outside, he seems more mentally damaged than any outsider. Thanks to his mother, I presume.
It all gives off a feeling like when you are dreaming and is kinda aware that it is a dream. Just observing, and not caring much.
That, I actually dislike in a story, because you don't feel the characters, you just observe. Emotionless.
You sometimes, at least in the first couple of chapters, missed some of the ", and got around to do thought like that as well, which is somewhat confusing.
And humans have never been so trusting.
Oh well, as mentioned, not my cup of tea. I am more into the heavily described stuff, and while everything in between is all good too, this is more the opposite and strangely loose.
But carry on, just saying since you asked.

938 posts

When I started this story, one of the things I was going for was a mentally neglected preteen, and I decided to fit that in with a storyline I've wanted to do for a while now, so yes, it does not fall into the description of a preteen/early teen, he is psychologically seperate from what you are talking about.
I do realize that this story is not everyone's cup of tea, and I know that. I have, however, written in the way you prefer before, so I know what you're talking about.
But yeah, sometimes it does feel distant. And sorry about the quotation marks, I always forget to do that at first.

You have to take into consideration if you're dealing with a story with several protagonists, you can't really focus on one's feelings. This may be what I turn it into.
*thinks about a plottwist he can do*

13,657 posts

You have to take into consideration if you're dealing with a story with several protagonists, you can't really focus on one's feelings.

It largely depends on the approach. I usually only focus on one, which is kinda what you do too. But I have seen it done with more or less success, but it often requires less distance from the characters.
938 posts

Sorry for the giant post, just thought you people would like this :P
Sorry if some of them were blurry...
I did this for a school project last year. 8 page paper on the Vikings, with this as my 3-D. Was completed in about 2 weeks. Used Baltic Birch for the "spine" of the ship, planks and flooring were made of pine, gunwhales were made of mahogoney, and the oars and mast were made of mahogoney. I'll upload the original designs in a little while...
P.S. I made a compartment in the floor. It holds a little plastic treasure chest

13,657 posts

Very blurry, very huge images. I think the sides might be a little high. But I am not a viking expert after all. It seems to have been put together right, though.

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