ForumsForum GamesThe Snowball Fight Group RPG!!! (GRPG)

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The Snowball Fight Group RPG!!! (GRPG)

This is a group RPG, so it will be different from most RPGs. The basics will be the same, but now you work as a team of 5-10 people, and you will fight against another team, and trying to, well, beat them in a snowball fight!


So first, you have to sign up. Not all applications will be accepted, because I can only have about 20 people. But MOST will be.
Ill take you through all the steps of signing up.

1. (Name: )
Do I really have to explain this?
2. (Job: )
You can choose between 4 jobs.

Attacker: Is the one who attacks the outer team. Has high attack.
Speedy: Also attacks the outer team. Has high speed.
Defender: Blocks bullets from hitting people. Can also make walls and outer defensive things.
Creator: Creates things like turrets and outer offensive things. Also creates snowballs.
3. (Group: )
Red team, or Blue team.
4. (Age: )
Just choose a age between 6-65.
5. (History: )
A small paragraph telling about what happened in your chars. life. This is how I tell who will join and who wonât. Try to work a little hard on it.

ANDDDDDDDDDD youâre done! Sorry about how different the form is, I used to play on a RPG forum, and their rules were MUCH stricter. (And thereâs less spam, too!


So you got in, huh? So now you need to know how to play.

1. Form your groups.

Get with the people who are in your group, and select a group leader.

2. How to attack/ Defend
Comment on each outers profile about how you want to attack or defend. After you are done, the Group Leader will post a paragraph-thing about what everyone did.

Bob â" Defender â" Created a wall.
Bobby- Defender â" Created a snowball. (You need a snowball if you want to attack.)
Sally â" Attacker â" Threw 3 BIG snowballs. (3 big snowballs if you are a attacker, 8 normal snowballs if you are a speedy. Be sure to tell the snowballs are big or not.)
Aaron â" Creator â" Created a turret.
Alan - Defender â" Created a snowball. (You need a snowball if you want to attack.)

Snowballs left â" 1
Turrets left - 1
HP left â" 5000/5000 (You all have 5000 HP)
Wall HP â" 25/25 (All walls/defense stuff = 25 HP)
Turret HP â" 10/10 (Outer stuff = 10 HP)

Yeah. Like that.

Then I reply likeâ¦

Sally â" Attacker = 50 x 3 (+ random number, It will usually be higher for attackers) = 210 DAMAGE

Turrets = 20 x 1 = 20 DAMAGE

You get the idea.



If you don't understand something, post on my profile. ONLY SIGN-UPS MAY BE POSTED HERE!

  • 110 Replies
1,262 posts

Name: Mike Thomas
Job: Defender
Group: Red
Age: 25
History: Grew up home schooled, so when he went to College, he didn't even try to communicate with people. Always ahead of the class, but never gloating it or rubbing it in other people's faces. Once had an encounter with a rude person, and the taunts he said haunted him for the rest of Mike's life. Once he graduated College with outstanding marks, he moved in to an apartment in the city. While looking outside one day, he noticed other people playing in snow forts, and it brought back happy memories, so Mike joined. He will cry like a baby when he is taunted from afar.

Good luck in getting 20... >.>

9 posts

Name: Alexander Kyrby
Job: Creator
Group: Red
Age: 16
History: After spending the last 5 years of his life inside books, Alex realised how far behind he was in his social life. Grabbing his coat to look outside, some random idiot threw a snowball at his exposed head. After scoring a revenge throw, he realised what he was missing out on, so gave chase to his now fleeing enemy. He finds... the snow wars.

480 posts

Name: David Becham
Job: Atacker
Group: Red
Age: 35
History: Beckham was born at Whipps Cross University Hospital in Leytonstone, London, England.He is the son of David Edward Alan "Ted" Beckham, a kitchen fitter, and wife, Sandra Georgina West a hairdresser. He regularly played football in Ridgeway Park, Chingford, as a child, and attended Chase Lane Primary School and Chingford Foundation School. In a 2007 interview, Beckham said that, "At school whenever the teachers asked, 'What do you want to do when you're older?' I'd say, 'I want to be a footballer.' And they'd say, 'No, what do you really want to do, for a job?' But that was the only thing I ever wanted to do."Beckham has described his maternal grandfather as Jewish,and has referred to himself as "half Jewish" and spoken of the influence the religion has had on him. In his book Both Feet on the Ground, he stated that growing up he always attended church with his parents and his two sisters, Joanne and Lynne. His parents were fanatical Manchester United supporters who would frequently travel to Old Trafford from London to attend the team's home matches. David inherited his parents' love of Manchester United, and his main sporting passion was football. He attended one of Bobby Charlton's football schools in Manchester and won the chance to take part in a training session at FC Barcelona, as part of a talent competition. He played for a local youth team called the Ridgeway Rovers â" coached by his father, Stuart Underwood and Steve Kirby. Beckham was a Manchester United mascot for a match against West Ham United. Young Beckham had trials with his local club Leyton Orient, Norwich City and attended Tottenham Hotspur's school of excellence. Tottenham Hotspur was the first club he played for. During a two-year period in which Beckham played for Brimsdown Rovers' youth team, he was named Under-15 Player of the Year in.He also attended Bradenton Preparatory Academy, but signed schoolboy forms at Manchester United on his fourteenth birthday, and subsequently signed a Youth Training Scheme contract.But when he heard of a New sport called SnowBall Fight Group, he joined it imediatly,leaving his football carier behind...

9 posts

Team, you three? I can lead, if that's OK.

9 posts

Three? What am I on about! I mean you TWO.

4,584 posts

Name: Storm Dragon
Job: Creator
Group: red
Age: 20
History: Storm has lived her whole life in the northren parts of the USA. She was teased during school for her white hair and being a big time bookworm. Dispite this everyone knew that if you were to win a snowball fight it was good to have her on your team. She was able to make 3-4 snowballs in a minet and she had great ideas for offense that some times once built would scare the other team away. Storm always chose the team that had her friends in it, even when she would be threatened or bribed to do otherwise.

I don't care who leads but please keep me out of it cause all I want to do is give offensive advice and make snowballs.

938 posts

Name: Jorgavek Straikzechelov
Job: Creator
Group: Red
Age: 13
History: Jorgavek is a Norwegian boy who moved to the U.S. with his Cyprian and Russian parents at the age of 4. He speaks Greek, Russian, Hebrew, English, French, and German, and usually finds himself drawing blueprints for structures and weapons. He is fantastic in using the right material for the right problem. He can also make 9-10 snowballs per minute with his fancy shmancy snowball maker machine.

1. Thanks for the invitation, Axel.
2. I don't care who leads, but I'm really good with strategy, so if anyone needs any help, I'd be glad to give the help.
3. I'd like to be the main person who makes offensive structures that are farther away from the main fort. I'd be really good at that.

536 posts

Name: Shawn Santrell
Job: Speedy
Group: Blue
Age: 15
History: lived in Grand Repalins, Michigan for all my life and then foced to move out to Hillshire, Arizona for my Mom's job. Older brother of a boy permanently put in a wheelchair. Loves to run track and field. Fathers was shot dead when i was 6 and my mothers been their for me ever since. Currently record holder for fastest time in the 40 yard dash and the mile run. Times are 40 yd. - 3.56 Mile - 6.32

I don't care who leads but I would prefer to have other people on my team! 8D

3,896 posts

Name:Adam Garron
History:Has always loved to build things but was forced into sports by his father. He made him go to all of the tryouts but he was only good at football. Over the years football has grown on him but it is a forced growth. He constantly feels suffocated and under pressure from his father to succeed in sports. He has finally gotten a good job and been emancipated and is going to finish high-school and go to college to become an architect.

Sup Afro?

536 posts

finally someone on the blue team!

3,896 posts

We are going to die if no one else joins the blue team lol.

475 posts

Dont worry, after like 8 people from Red, no one else can join red.

536 posts

add more stuff to your Attis dude. thanx for choosing blue have a nice flight

475 posts

...Note that only Defenders can make snowballs, not creators. Does anyone want to change their job now?

475 posts

...Note that only Defenders can make snowballs, not creators. Does anyone want to change their job now?

Wait... never mind. Sorry!
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