this ones about weapons. list your favorite old age weapon like the katana or the broad sword or axe. something like that also include what type like germanic, viking broadsword stuff like that
mine is a japanese katana because of how samurai were trained to use them and the beauty that went along with it
The venician "misericordia" (misery) So called because it had a square blade and was used to stab. It was easier to put someone out of his misery than try to cure him. Even now it woul be hard to save someone with such a wound.
Ok. First. theprofessionblablabla. You double posted annnd your first post isn't true. and your second post didnt make much sense and isnt true either.
The repeating crossbow is also a favorite.
I'd be wary of that one. People have built an exact replica and tried it out. Although somewhat effective it also jams alot, and once hat happens it takes forever to unjam.