We arn't overpopulated either. We arn't going to have wars just for the sake of killing... Nature has already made somthing called "starvation" that does it for us
Voluntray Euthanasia Birth control Involuntary Euthanasia Soylent Green Mandatory Veganism Vasectomies Government created Disease Family Planning National Abortion Day/week/month/year (depending on how severe the overpopulation problem is) Coast Expansion Utopian Style farming Outlaw Alcohol (at least at night) Subsidize Homosexuality Subsidize ugly people and shallow people Give people handwarmers and tell them to live in Antartica The Lottery Make little kids more annoying
These are all things that people can do to prevent overpopulation.
The Earth won't overpopulate either. I read a study form Oxford saying the world we peak at about 9 billion and then decrease because of natural reasons, like disease and stuff.
Oh I read something like that.. Nature takes it's course in balancing the overpopulation just like nature balances mostly everything.
if the goverment spread diease it could get out of control and everything else the people would hate who did it
Well obviously if the government created a disease, they wouldn't tell people they did it. They would blame it on nature or people they don't like. They could say terrorists did it, and then claim to have killed the guilty terrorists (who don't actually exist). Then, they would have increased their popularity while simultaneosly reducing the population. But most importantly, it was meant to be a joke because this thread is pointless. Modern warfare has a very little impact on global population. It is nothing compared to crime, disease, starvation, and genocide.
There's no chance of over population unless the climate forces people to live in smaller areas, but still. The chances of overpopulation are very slim.
Overpopulation is caused by poverty. Much of the population in Europe is actually declining, especially in Russia. So war does nothing but to create more poverty. And in the modern age, very little people actually die from warfare.
Overpopulation and world hunger can both be easily solved through cannibalism. So, if there's too many people do the world a favor and eat your neighbor.