ForumsWEPR[redirected]If God created all things

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210 posts

Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.

  • 1,849 Replies
374 posts

If Evlution is true, then how come there are:
A. Monkeys hanging around. How come they arn't humans yet?
B. Humans! Why havn't we evolved yet?

A) The genetic make-up of all monkeys back then was very diverse. Due to the variance produced in sexual reproduction and meiosis, monkeys in the same generation possessed different traits. Some monkeys were smarter, others were stronger. The monkeys, whose offspring in the present generation are still monkeys, encompassed traits allowed them to thrive as monkeys. Similarly, the monkeys, whose offspring we presently see as humans, inherited advantageous traits that are similar to the traits of modern humans. These advantageous human-like traits allowed the different monkeys to survive, and eventually the monkeys "took advantage" of their human-like traits, and ultimately evolved into the human species as we see today.

B) Evolution occurs through natural selection, when organisms with particular advantages survive and pass on their alleles (not genes) to the next generation, while the weak are unable to compete and consequentially die off. However, the human mortality rate is much lower these days, and we die a lot less from predators, the environment, etc. In fact, the modern human society allows the weak to survive through medication and programs like special ed. Human beings no longer require an advantageous genetic make-up to survive and pass on their traits to the next generation.
9,821 posts

Science says that energy cannot be created or destroyes, how does the bigbang theory fit in with this, is it believed to be a uniues case? Is all the energy already believed to have been there?

That law only applies to places where there is time. There was no before the Big Bang, because all of time was inside the singularity - so the laws of cause and effect would not apply.

Thats genes buddy,plus the earth is only about 6000 years old , The genus homo was proven wrong a while ago.

We are not treating the Bible as fact here. We're assuming that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old like it actually is.

If God exists and could do absolutely anything like the Bible says, then it would become part of the laws of logic that God would transcend the other laws of logic, no?
9,821 posts

A) The genetic make-up of all monkeys back then was very diverse. Due to the variance produced in sexual reproduction and meiosis, monkeys in the same generation possessed different traits. Some monkeys were smarter, others were stronger. The monkeys, whose offspring in the present generation are still monkeys, encompassed traits allowed them to thrive as monkeys. Similarly, the monkeys, whose offspring we presently see as humans, inherited advantageous traits that are similar to the traits of modern humans. These advantageous human-like traits allowed the different monkeys to survive, and eventually the monkeys "took advantage" of their human-like traits, and ultimately evolved into the human species as we see today.

Humans and monkeys share an ancestor, not a lineage. >.<

They're in the same phylum as us, but a different genus. We're closely related, but we are not more evolved versions of the same evolutionary lineage.
374 posts

plus the earth is only about 6000 years old

Explain radioactive dating.

The genus homo was proven wrong a while ago.

Where's your source? What's your definition of &quotroven"? If you believe that some book called the bible tells the gospel truth, then Hogwarts exists and fairies are real.
9,821 posts

PROTIP: Humans didn't directly evolve from monkeys. Humans and apes, I believe (maybe gorillas or some other primate) have a close common ancestor. Theres a difference.

Dingdingding, we have a winner.

Humans are just more specialized than other types of primates.
49 posts

Hahahaha are you pretending to be Chandler?

389 posts

Yea Beast. Please explain Radio active dating. From what I've read an know science haven't proved crap except that more evidence is being found on Biblical characters.. example: Peter's tomb

389 posts

Chris? Why are you spamming? You don't have to post on here. lol
Oh and to my previous post I meant science hasn't* proved... etc.

37 posts

science hasn't* proved... etc.

Sure, there are many things science hasn't proven. Religion, however, proves nothing. In fact, there is no way for proof to ever exist. The &quotroof" that some people offer can be explained in a variety of ways. Those that can not be explained by science can be explained through other belief systems. So no matter what religion you follow (and that includes Atheism), there is never proof until one dies and therefore confronts the truth.

Here is the thing though: Science proved the existence of dinosaurs, the fact that the world is not flat, the fact that the sun is the center of the solar system, not the Earth. The fact that the Sun does not actually rise or set, the Earth moves around it. Science has proven many things.
9,821 posts

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand now I leave the thread.

37 posts

I've seen for evolution is "THE BIBLE SAYS SO", and anyone that says that is a ****ing retard.

While I dislike your choice of words, I do think you make a valid point.

There is no part of the Bible that states that evolution is possible. In fact, in no part of the Bible to they discuss genetics, evolution, life on other planets, cloning, effects of chemicals on a fetus's genetic development, mutation, and many aspects of science. So why are they considered impossible?

Evolution and Christianity can co-exist. The evolutionary theory states that species evolve over time. That much is definitely true. In fact, dare I say it? Yes, I shall.... "The Bible says so!" is the phrase I wish to use here. For why would people eventually be so different if they had not evolved? The Bible clearly indicates that there were, at at least two different occasions, only one race of people. Somehow, more races came to be, even when the gene pool was very small.

In order for the gene pool to grow, mutation had to occur... which is a part of evolution. So the Bible actually shows that there was genetic progression in the human race itself. Believe it or not, the Bible says so.
1,633 posts

Yea Beast. Please explain Radio active dating. From what I've read an know science haven't proved crap except that more evidence is being found on Biblical characters.. example: Peter's tomb

Some one fell asleep during chemistry class... You can find the age of most organic material by the amount of carbon-14 it has left. For example. Suppose a living tree branch has 5 grams of carbon-14. The fossil branch has .32 grams If you know the half life of carbon-14 you can calculate how old things are.

Peter's tomb wasn't proven by science >_<. The Vatican built their St. Peter's Ballistica on the tomb.

Science has proven most biblical concepts wrong. I think you and I both know the examples that I'm referring to.
9,462 posts

Sorry, wrong word, I should have said this turns it into a valid argument, from out point of view I mean.

So if I believe magic pixies exist then my belief validates that they really do exist?

even if the scientific explanation is that its is a complete coincidence.
All things were created by chance

Well no it's not entirely by chance. You mix certain compounds together under the right conditions your going to end up with what we have.

i know some people that would get offended by that, and its not an opinion, it's a fact

A better way to put it is that God probably doesn't exist.

I've seen a number of posts suggesting that God can do things which are logically impossible. This stance is absolutely unacceptable. God must obey the laws of logical possibility; anything in any universe must obey these laws.
Logical laws have their status because they are true in any possible world. Another way of putting this is that they are, by definition, incapable of being false. INCAPABLE OF BEING FALSE!
Not even God can make a square circle. There is a unique definition for a circle that is logically contradictory with a square. It just can't be done.
But this, as I said before, is not a sleight to God. Not being able to perform logical impossibilities is not a threat or a limit to omnipotence.
All we need to do is define omnipotence as doing anything that is logically possible. Any theist with any understanding of the conversation at all needs to accept this basic fact.

This is what I meant by "if God is to interact with this reality he would have to abide by the physical laws of this reality in order to exist here."

Thats genes buddy,plus the earth is only about 6000 years old , The genus homo was proven wrong a while ago

Can I have some of what your smoking?

Thats genes buddy,plus the earth is only about 6000 years old , The genus homo was proven wrong a while ago.

Interesting considering ht oldest know civilization dates back to about 7000 to 8000 BC. That's 9-10 thousand years ago.

Besides the Bible never states the Earth is 6000 years old.

Yea Beast. Please explain Radio active dating. From what I've read an know science haven't proved crap except that more evidence is being found on Biblical characters.. example: Peter's tomb

Radiocarbon dating is only one of several methods used to determine the age of an object. We use other methods such as potassium-argon dating and uranium dating. Each method is independent of each other. If we use each method and they all support each other then we come to the conclusion that the object is X years old.
389 posts

Sure, there are many things science hasn't proven. Religion, however, proves nothing. In fact, there is no way for proof to ever exist. The &quotroof" that some people offer can be explained in a variety of ways. Those that can not be explained by science can be explained through other belief systems. So no matter what religion you follow (and that includes Atheism), there is never proof until one dies and therefore confronts the truth.

Yes I do agree with you about proof. And my proof is my God and my Bible. Its my choice to believe and I can only pray that people who do not believe in Him do so, soon.
And I meant Science hasn't proved anything about Big Band or evolution. It only has its so called "theories" and such.

Chris, I believe your the one that needs to leave this thread. Seriously I pray for you as well. But I cannot understand what you are trying to say cause all I see is stars where the filter is burring out your profane language which makes reading your statements uncompromisable.
3,826 posts

If God had to obey laws of logical possibility their well would be no earth (thus no creation)

The existence of the earth is not a logical contradiction. If you don't know what a logical contradiction is, then please don't comment on it.

thinking about it actually you could make a square circle (if you change the definition of

That's not making a square circle. That's just calling a circle a square.

Either you're a troll or you just can't handle this debate. Either way, stick to an arena you can handle.
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