ForumsWEPR[redirected]If God created all things

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Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.

  • 1,849 Replies
78 posts

I wasn't fully Christian and I'm still not, MGW. I didn't expect Him to speak to me. In fact, I didn't want it. I just thought (and I was real young back then, so please do not ask) "Hey! Maybe if I pray and ask God into my heart I'll have real good luck and find money on the ground!" Or something like that. And, MGW, how do you explain a flock of birds leading me to the mall? I never even set foot on the path that they lead me through! In fact, I didn't know where they were leading me until it was right in front of me.

78 posts

Aparently he can grant wisdom, and we whould not need any of the other stuff. The Cristain god pictures you as slaves or pets. If I was god and treated my people like that I whould give people safty and such in return, as I do with my pets. Obviosly if he existed and was all loving then why whouldn't he help?

Aparently he can grant wisdom, and we whould not need any of the other stuff. The Cristain god pictures you as slaves or pets. If I was god and treated my people like that I whould give people safty and such in return, as I do with my pets. Obviosly if he existed and was all loving then why whouldn't he help?

Aparently he can grant wisdom, and we whould not need any of the other stuff. The Cristain god pictures you as slaves or pets. If I was god and treated my people like that I whould give people safty and such in return, as I do with my pets. Obviosly if he existed and was all loving then why whouldn't he help?

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
-John 3:16
3,817 posts

I wasn't fully Christian and I'm still not, MGW. I didn't expect Him to speak to me. In fact, I didn't want it. I just thought (and I was real young back then, so please do not ask) "Hey! Maybe if I pray and ask God into my heart I'll have real good luck and find money on the ground!" Or something like that. And, MGW, how do you explain a flock of birds leading me to the mall? I never even set foot on the path that they lead me through! In fact, I didn't know where they were leading me until it was right in front of me.

A coincidence. Next time a 100 foot illuminant floating hand leads you to the mall, be shure to tell me. By the way, why did you fallow birds? They eather travle north or south, two common ways for roads to go.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
-John 3:16

As said before, why whould he have to give his son to be able to forgive? "Here, kill my only son and Ill forgive you...". Either he is fake, most likly, or he is a Reeeeeeaaaaaly bad parent.
78 posts

A coincidence. Next time a 100 foot illuminant floating hand leads you to the mall, be shure to tell me. By the way, why did you fallow birds? They eather travle north or south, two common ways for roads to go.

Be "shure" to tell me when you can STOP USING THAT FREAKIN' COINCIDENCE WORD!!
I told you, the reason it's so hard defending christianity or any beliefs for that matter is that the atheists just run around tossing the word "coincidence" around blindly.
And by the way, I wasn't in a car...
And i had no effing idea why it was a flock of birds i followed, ok? Ask God.
As said before, why whould he have to give his son to be able to forgive? "Here, kill my only son and Ill forgive you...". Either he is fake, most likly, or he is a Reeeeeeaaaaaly bad parent.

I don't know how God thinks, but back then, like eons ago, they had some harsh punishment... take the Chinese guys for example...ah, ya know what, this brings disturbing images to mind, and im just gonna submit the comment now.
374 posts

[uote]And how am i a hypocrit? At least i gave an explanation to how you atheists are hypocrits.[/quote]

As I recall in one of your previous posts, you actually told me to "chill out", or something. I'm not the one posting with triple exclamation marks and CAPS LOCK ON.

POed means p!ssed off, BTW. And please start using the quote button up top.

And, MGW, how do you explain a flock of birds leading me to the mall?

What about all those other times when you decided to throw caution into the wind and ended up having something bad happen instead? You only notice a "miracle" when it happens, but disregard counterevidence. It's not like flocks of birds lead you to malls every other day. I just might convert to Christianity if I lived to see that.

Be "shure" to tell me when you can STOP USING THAT FREAKIN' COINCIDENCE WORD!!

There it is again. The oh-so "chilled out" caps lock, and followed by, what's this?, a double exclaimation mark. Tell yourself to chill.

I'm not sure if you even understand the concept of a coincidence. You're telling us to abandon the entire concept of a coincidence? How about you stop using the following words: punishment, God, and Athiest. Oh, yeah, might want to eliminate "miracle" and "religion" while you're at it.

atheists just run around tossing the word "coincidence" around blindly.

That's only because you believers just run around using the word miracle blindly.
1,573 posts

No, God doesn't help us 24/7 to insure discipline, caution, and wisdom.

Its not working then is it.
9,462 posts

I wasn't fully Christian and I'm still not, MGW. I didn't expect Him to speak to me. In fact, I didn't want it. I just thought (and I was real young back then, so please do not ask) "Hey! Maybe if I pray and ask God into my heart I'll have real good luck and find money on the ground!" Or something like that.

Seeing as you contributed what happened to being God shows you already had a predisposition to think that.

And, MGW, how do you explain a flock of birds leading me to the mall? I never even set foot on the path that they lead me through! In fact, I didn't know where they were leading me until it was right in front of me.

So you saw a bunch of bird flying in a single direction, something we hardly ever see bird do. And you just happened to get the idea to follow them and you ended up at the mall. So what? Honestly leading a boy to the mall seems like a waste of Gods time considering the likely hood of other miracles he could have done.

Yeah I can just see Gods agenda that day.

God: Who's requesting miracles today?

Well there's a guy in intensive care who's family has been praying for a miracle that he pulls through,
There's a little girl who's going to die of cancer if you don't grant her the miracle she's been praying for for the past year,
There's a drunk who's about to try and drive home and kill a family coming home from church if you don't stop him.
And there's a boy who wants to go to the mall but doesn't know the way.

God: I'll go talk to the boy and send some bird for him to follow.

Angel: God sir that seems like a waste of your power, what about all those other people?

God: Don't question me! I work in mysterious ways.

Knee Mail

Be "shure" to tell me when you can STOP USING THAT FREAKIN' COINCIDENCE WORD!!

Let's take another situation for example.
I have an uncle who once thought he could change the color of traffic lights with his mind. Every time he came to a red light instead of stopping he would just think green and the light would turn green just before he went under it. Except once and he nearly got in an accident and was ticketed.

Now which is more likely.
He really has telepathic powers that could change the color of traffic lights and it just failed that last time?
Or was it just a coincidence that the times it seemed to work the light was about to change just as he was nearing it except for that last light?

just run around tossing the word "coincidence" around blindly.

It's not blindly it's called reason. I suggest you use it some time.
1,573 posts

Your friend at one moment will be your killer when times get tough.

This is not set in stone, and people prove otherwise every day.
78 posts

And how am i a hypocrit? At least i gave an explanation to how you atheists are hypocrits.

Uhh... I thought you were the atheist?
Nah, kiddin'...
Thought you were so pumped up about that quote button.
So USE it if you want ME to use it.
78 posts

As I recall in one of your previous posts, you actually told me to "chill out", or something. I'm not the one posting with triple exclamation marks and CAPS LOCK ON.

Bah, blast it. I meant as in stop being all scientific and formal and all that nerdy stuff. at least post like you were talking to a friend or something, like be yourself, ok? Unless formal and nerdy IS yourself....

Lately I've been wondering why in the heck that i'm even arguing against you guys. I mean, you outnumber the christians ten-to-one, call off our miracles with the word "coincidence", and basically have the big advantage over us. maybe if you guys had the heart-NOT that "cardiovascular system" beastmode talks about, a heart like in the phrase "kind heart" or "big heart"- to truly believe, YOU may be in my place. If these miracles happened to you, YOU would feel how i do. You have no idea how hard it is for Christians. I would love to be atheist.
But i know better than to take the easy way out.
We christians have to withstand scienc and biography lessons about evolution and all that crap, study like atheists, and basically BE atheists at school, and still pray, obey God, be kind to others, be quick to forgive, read, decipher, and obey the Bible, and all that Christian stuff too. I don't know, but maybe you guys chose atheism because it was easier. Maybe because you trusted Christianity, and didnt get anything from it.
Either way, this may be my last post on this blog if no other Christians stands up for his religion here. Unless you guys experience a miracle, there ain't naught that's gonna change you're mind. And ya know what? There ain't naught that's gonna make me believe in science alone. I may give up on God if pigs start flyin', but there ain't NOTHIN' that's gonna make me start worshippin' science like ya'll, ya hear?
P.S. BeastMode10, consider being a little more easy on the Christians... you seem the hardest atheist and you should realize not all of us are christians bc we want to... some are forced to by parents.
P.P.S. I ain't really southern.
9,462 posts

Bah, blast it. I meant as in stop being all scientific and formal and all that nerdy stuff. at least post like you were talking to a friend or something, like be yourself, ok? Unless formal and nerdy IS yourself....

Thinking scientifically isn't a bad thing. Really this is almost like saying "stop questioning everything and just except it at face value". Doing so would only lead to false assumptions.
While I can't speak for the person your replying to here I myself really am "formal and nerdy" and proud of it.

maybe if you guys had the heart-NOT that "cardiovascular system" beastmode talks about, a heart like in the phrase "kind heart" or "big heart"- to truly believe,

An atheist can be "kind hearted" However when it comes to believing or disbelieving an emotional bias can be very misleading as such should not be used.

YOU may be in my place. If these miracles happened to you, YOU would feel how i do. You have no idea how hard it is for Christians. I would love to be atheist.

It's no walk in the park to be an atheist. Particularly if you live in the Bible belt. Many think we are immoral and untrustworthy just because we don't believe in a deity. This can be to the point where it costs us jobs. I have even heard stories of people being assaulted by there community in almost the same style the KKK did to black people.

Also I have had what you would consider a miracle happen to me. I use to epileptic seizures. I actually suffered two strokes from them. I was told I would have them all my life and had to take medication to prevent it from happening. A year after diagnosis I discovered I no longer needed the medication (I can remember how it happened that I found out) but they have been gone ever since.

Does this mean it was a miracle? No, epilepsy can sometimes dissipate in young children as they mature. So what this suggests is the doctor who diagnosed me was simply wrong.
There is the possibility it could return and there have been times in the past it felt it was but I never went into one.

We christians have to withstand scienc and biography lessons about evolution and all that crap, study like atheists, and basically BE atheists at school, and still pray, obey God, be kind to others, be quick to forgive, read, decipher, and obey the Bible, and all that Christian stuff too.

How bad it must be for you only being allowed to use facts in school.
Seriously is you next move to say "Learning's stupid"?

but there ain't NOTHIN' that's gonna make me start worshippin' science like ya'll, ya hear?

We don't worship science we simply accept an apply it.
9,504 posts

I'm going to add this to my list of reasons why I don't participate much in the WEPR.

but there ain't NOTHIN' that's gonna make me start worshippin' science like ya'll, ya hear?

We christians have to withstand scienc and biography lessons about evolution and all that crap, study like atheists, and basically BE atheists at school, and still pray, obey God, be kind to others, be quick to forgive, read, decipher, and obey the Bible, and all that Christian stuff too.

and most of all...:

YOU may be in my place. If these miracles happened to you, YOU would feel how i do. You have no idea how hard it is for Christians. I would love to be atheist.

Creationism was taken out by science over 138 years ago. All that is left of Creationism are church-based commercial businesses which have a political agenda. These businesses produce Bibles, audio tapes, and video tapes for people to buy. There may be faith within the masses, but to the big guys at the top, it's nothing but big business. There are many Creationists out there in many websites, including armorgames, that produce many of the same arguments that have been debunked many, many times over. They believe in their religion because their masters have told them to believe in it for their eventual salvation upon death. What happens when you die? Again, probably the 5th time I've said this; you lose all control and sense of your body and mind. It doesn't matter if you believe in a salvation or not, you will not sense it! Creationists can always pull out the "spirit" card, but it doesn't matter. They consider evident facts to be a hinderence to their ticket into Heaven or "insert other religious salvation here". They cannot and maybe refuse to listen to other interpretations, all because of the one single rule: if they do and think about it, they will disobey their master and will not get their salvation.

You ever stop and think to yourself that maybe something that's not made out of atoms is not right at all? I get that feeling too.
1,714 posts

not all of us are christians bc we want to... some are forced to by parents.

Thats a good reason to find a new place to live. Oh and a good reason to not follow religion.
9,504 posts

not all of us are christians bc we want to... some are forced to by parents.

You ever think to have any sort of individuality among yourself? Just because you are forced to by your parents doesn't mean you should. If they really do anything serious to you because you won't follow their religion, they can be charged with child abuse.
9,462 posts

You ever think to have any sort of individuality among yourself? Just because you are forced to by your parents doesn't mean you should. If they really do anything serious to you because you won't follow their religion, they can be charged with child abuse.

Unfortunately it's not always that simple. There can be a lot of emotional blackmail involved.

(Explicit language)
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