ForumsWEPR[redirected]If God created all things

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210 posts

Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.

  • 1,849 Replies
374 posts

I doubt they would. Atheists that I know are paticularly lazy.

Are you stereotyping Atheists?


Saying proove God exists, is exactly like me asking you to prove every single concept of science for yourself, and then show me it.

Hey, at least we're getting there.
9,504 posts

Saying proove God exists, is exactly like me asking you to prove every single concept of science for yourself, and then show me it.

Because we actually have solid, tangible evidence to back up our claims, whereas Christians claim proof as the popping out of the hand of a deity and a book created by the Church to generate revenue.

My suggestion is to look through a couple pages of this thread to find links and credible posts pertaining to theories of Atheists. You are the one asking for proof; we cannot and should not spoonfeed it to you.
1,495 posts

Sometimes when I ask for proof they say 'we have theology' or something and I'm like...okay? What someone thinks is NOT proof.

9,504 posts

we have theology

Ah yes... the study of theism. We should have Atheology hahaha
1,495 posts

Yeah, we should :P We have scientists on our side, also.

468 posts

Are you stereotyping Atheists

Wow. Considering that every **** day chrisitans are stereotyped as the people without any fun in their lives, isnt it only fair?

Because we actually have solid, tangible evidence to back up our claims, whereas Christians claim proof as the popping out of the hand of a deity and a book created by the Church to generate revenue.

Yeah... so your saying that by no means neccesary there is any other explanation whatsoever but the one you believe? Sounds much like the sterotype christian thing to do if you ask me.

What would happen if we found out it was true that a freakin apple fell because the freakin apple wanted to fall??????
3,817 posts

Yeah... so your saying that by no means neccesary there is any other explanation whatsoever but the one you believe? Sounds much like the sterotype christian thing to do if you ask me.

No, we are saying we are way more likly. Your steriotyping agian...

What would happen if we found out it was true that a freakin apple fell because the freakin apple wanted to fall??????

Then all we know is wrong, and I will say hi to Beowolf and fight windmills. It is a huge impossibility though.
1,633 posts

Wow. Considering that every **** day chrisitans are stereotyped as the people without any fun in their lives, isnt it only fair?

Didn't Jesus tell you turn the other cheek? Jesus told you to deal with it. And you are not. Once again, you are a hypocrite.

What would happen if we found out it was true that a freakin apple fell because the freakin apple wanted to fall??????

One: how would we test that?
Two: "What if" statements are very poor quality. Try again.
Three: I never knew a fruit carrying genetic material had neurons and complex cell wiring to develop a conscious.
9,462 posts

Yeah... so your saying that by no means neccesary there is any other explanation whatsoever but the one you believe? Sounds much like the sterotype christian thing to do if you ask me.

No a theory can be proven wrong tomorrow. If so we have to go back and refine what we know by taking what evidence we have and comparing it to the new evidence and come up with a new theory.

What would happen if we found out it was true that a freakin apple fell because the freakin apple wanted to fall??????

I would be very surprised if that turned out to be the case, but if someone were to find sufficient evidence to prove it we would have to accept it as true, regardless of what we believe.
But it doesn't stop there as an absolute either, we would continue to ask questions and test the theory, in order to find a better explanation or more refined theory.

I'm not sure which painter said it but the saying goes "a painting is never finished only abandoned". A theory is like a painting in this respect, but is never abandoned.

Here is a video the help explain.
The Relativity of Wrong
374 posts

Wow. Considering that every **** day chrisitans are stereotyped as the people without any fun in their lives, isnt it only fair?

Christians are the ones without fun? I thought those were scientists and thus, atheists.

And also, being a victim of stereotyping doesn't justify stereotyping others. Revenge is never the answer.

What would happen if we found out it was true that a freakin apple fell because the freakin apple wanted to fall??????

We can't exactly determine absolute truth in anything. Unless there actually is an intelligent designer who someday decides to float down to say "apples fall because they feel like it", we never completely know if something is true. In the face of reality, uncertainty always exists. Even the theories and postulates that are alive today are always subject to deletion or revision.
9,462 posts

We can't exactly determine absolute truth in anything. Unless there actually is an intelligent designer who someday decides to float down to say "apples fall because they feel like it", we never completely know if something is true. In the face of reality, uncertainty always exists. Even the theories and postulates that are alive today are always subject to deletion or revision.

Yes though we can develop degrees of certainty based on observations. While we can never be 100% sure we could be 99.999999...% sure.

Before I hear the statement again, no it's not just that we have our own opinions or beliefs. These are things based on evidence not beliefs or opinion. If I were to say 2+2=5 and you said I was wrong, would me replying with "well that's my belief, you have your belief and I have mine" be acceptable?
9,504 posts

Yeah... so your saying that by no means neccesary there is any other explanation whatsoever but the one you believe? Sounds much like the sterotype christian thing to do if you ask me.

Alright, let me explain this. We don't think that this and this happens. With every verifiable research experiment and with every credible piece of evidence, we do less THINK and more KNOW. Where is your Christian "know" besides faith? Do you have any facts based on credible evidence? Do you do constant research trying to interpret pieces of your religion? Or do you just enforce your beliefs without any sort of reason why this and this happened?

Are your 'facts' based on credible explanations of events, as in WHY they occur? Just saying "God is the reason" is heresay and unjustifiable, because I could come up with a different deity with different notions, claim that events happened because Charlie the Unicorn said so, and by your principles, claim it as fact.

Is your organization bent on providing true answers for your belief? Or is there a sort of ulterior motive to their notions? Scientists work everyday interpreting what is fact and what is just a hypothesis, using funds from charitable organizations. This is how they are able to do research and come up with true answers to everyday life and beyond. Does your organization (the Church) come up with answers as to what happened in Biblical times? Answers as to why God does the things he does? Or is it just all an ulterior motive to bring in revenue? Selling Bibles, passing them on to ignorant people with no real beliefs saying that what this book contains is fact, and drawing cold hard cash from the process. Call this any way you wish, but it is fact.

Then you have the people that are hired to go and spread your beliefs to people who do not want to consider being converted, because your master said so. It is all a notion by the Church to bring in funds to power nothing. Our scientists use these funds to power our research, constantly redoing our theories and hypotheses, making sure that what is interpreted cannot be questionable and cannot conflict with other theories and laws, because if so, they are discarded and/or reviewed and changed.

We are flexible; your belief is not. Why we are constantly winning debates and have won since 120 years ago refuting that Christianity is nothing but faith, not fact, is because we have proof, evidence that what occurs in real life is not by the hand of a deity, but by the hand of Nature herself. You do not need a deity to mate, you do not need a deity to change, you even do not need a deity to create worlds, shape matter, and to create a universe, because that is all done by itself.
263 posts

Our scientists use these funds to power our research, constantly redoing our theories and hypotheses, making sure that what is interpreted cannot be questionable and cannot conflict with other theories and laws, because if so, they are discarded and/or reviewed and changed.

Our scientist? that is a very biased thing to say, there are christian scientist, i believe in science and hope it escalates to a point of all knowing but there are certain things like "where did the mass from the big bang(if it indeed happened) come from" questions like that no one knows the answer to for sure, so you either believe or say idk your whole life, i choose to believe in GOD and no one has ever proven him false, also there is no proof for him either, hence Faith. So saying all Christians say "GOD DID EVERYTHING" is an ignorant Biase opinion.
263 posts

you even do not need a deity to create worlds, shape matter, and to create a universe, because that is all done by itself.

you should know that matter can't make itself from nothing, so how did it start exactly? We have an answer, you don't.
3,817 posts

i choose to believe in GOD and no one has ever proven him false

You can't disprove somthing without proof...

questions like that no one knows the answer to for sure

We can try looking. Think of it like a minsweeper game, with science we guese logicaly based on the facts whitch whould be the numbers, and if we find out later that we are wrong we change it. With riligion you just flag everything with "god" and leave it like that, and you cant win minesweeper if you flag everything.

So saying all Christians say "GOD DID EVERYTHING" is an ignorant Biase opinion

Thats how Cristians origionly thought, then science improved so they think differently... Science is bound to move foward untill riligion gets week enough to break.
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