So it's silly if God had done it back then but it's not silly for him to do it sometime in the future? Also how is it any more silly then any of the other things that have been done in the Bible?
It's silly to try to rewrite the past. What you wrote, the way you wrote it made me laugh, I do have a sense of humor.
Now how can I respond to a wide open, general question like that?
Besides, God works in mysterious ways; to me, I understand the mysteries that I've studied but the challenge is to help others understand. It's impossible without the Holy Spirit.
To you, the holy spirit makes about as much sense as listening to your stomach and letting it make the decisions for you.
I just love these non answers I've been getting lately. I feel a bit like Shatner in a crappy sequel. What does God need with an Army? You didn't answer me.
Maybe I didn't complete the story and I do apologize. You are intelligent Mage, and I don't mean any disrespect. Sometimes I get the impression you already know the answer(s) before you ask them, which leads me to only supply the in-between bits of the story.
Why was God training an army? Why did He need an Army?
God was training an army to battle against sinful people who had spiritually, mentally and physically sinned against Him.
Spiritually, by worshiping false gods/goddesses to the point that they were doubting that God existed. Mentally, by thinking depraved, sexually deviant thoughts, angry murderous thoughts, lusting after money, each others wives, property, etc. Physically, because their hands were shaping the clay, carving the wood or smelting the bronze, silver or golden idols; fighting, raping, and killing everyone and children, even animals to the point that God said, enough!
Imagine open air prisons where rapists, murders, thieves, baby and kidnappers were all your relatives and close neighbors; or, multiply the worst ghetto you can think of by 10.
God had to train a special elite force that could conquer not only the physical rulers over these sinful people but minister to them by setting an example of what God expected of His people. God's chosen people are a people set apart from everyone else.
It took 40 years until God was pleased with His people that were spiritually, mentally and physically fit and equipped to carry out God's commandments.
The '
romised land' was occupied by the sinful people I described before, so when the leader of God's people was selected by God and Moses was buried, the army was ready to fight.
God commands that you not kill, God also says to kill witches. So how do you obey here?
I obey by praying, studying God's Word and practicing defensive moves. The Bible says all I have to do is 'show up' to the battle, whatever, where ever it may be and the victory is Jesus'.
I'm not afraid of what any human or spirit can do to my physical self because my spirit is protected by Jesus. The worst any witch could do to me is to send me on to my reward quicker, that's all they would be able to accomplish.
A pointless action at best and cruel at worst on Gods part.
I think this response was about the story of Job and I think this is the same response you gave the first time?
How do you wish for me to reply?
The story of Job isn't pointless because it teaches us to face down Satan in all of his forms by keeping our faith strong.
Everything can be taken away from us at any time but not our faith in God.
The true believer will remain steadfast while everyone else around him/her is criticizing and blaming God.
So God turned viruses and the like bad %&^*ing over all of humanity again just for the action of a single person?
Yes, God cursed the ground because of Cain's crime. Only once. The Garden of Eden was paradise on earth. The Bible doesn't explain what life was like outside of the Garden of Eden so it's pointless to speculate.
I don't want to use scientific terms because I'm not a geologist and I haven't studied archaeology but I have started researching for a reliable web site that someone is helping me to locate.
Would you like to help too?
If your in it to convince another person, you're more likely to have a third party "fence sitter" read the debate and see how illogical it really is.
These are the people that God hates. God prefers if you are either hot or cold, not tepid.