Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.
I completely agree with you, Bloodscum. Its not cool at all to hear BS coming from who knows where due to the fact others of the same religion are doing something in respect to the religion with little or no regard to the actual base of its fundamentals. Mostly, Religions are based off of pretty much the same thing -- and to commit atrocities of such a high manner are never clearly acceptable or anything near normal. In my opinion, killing over religion is more a matter of economics and power than it is as a 'Holy War'. (At least, in this time period.)
The usual answer to this one is "God always existed" This argument while at first may seem simple, really only serves to muddy the waters. If we are to say something always existed it would be much simpler to say the singularity that sparked the big bang always existed. This is still a crude answer but a much simpler one.
that make no sense like why is Ice corking on water (ice is heavyer than water)
why is Ice corking on water (ice is heavyer than water)
I guess by corking you mean floating??
Just so you know, the Density of Ice is something like .917, meanwhile the Density of water is .98-1. That being said, If you held the same amount of Ice and the same amount of Water, the Water would, infact, turn out to be heavier.
Simply said, your statement of Ice being Heavier than water is wrong, and infact, the opposite is true, that Water is heavier than Ice.
Then again, I'm really bored, and I'm not even sure that Corking translates to Float :S
Has anyone noticed that your imaginary friend "god" whould have been a sinner? I remember one story were "god" killed everything the guy owned and everyone he cared about just to see if he whould stay loyal. He murdered, but when god gets involved you don't think of it as wrong. It whould be like me punching a random gun in the face, then Obomba punching a random guy and Obomba gitting away with it becase he is the president and me gitting throne in jail...
That'd be a good cereal name. but it's spelled Obama. Congratulations on making the new weirdest/coolest spelling of Obama.
On a different note...
I once argues that God was like the Devil, ad the Devil was like god. I mean, god killed millions, maybe billions of creatures, in only 1 passage! the Devil told God not to kill his son, of maybe he told some other holy man in the Bible, any case, I got to make some popcorn.
That'd be a good cereal name. but it's spelled Obama. Congratulations on making the new weirdest/coolest spelling of Obama.
Sorry about the spelling, I was just thinking of the joke of Oboma sounding like he had the word "bomb" in his name and teh fact that his middle name is Husain...
killing over religion is more a matter of economics and power than it is as a 'Holy War'. (At least, in this time period.)
Dunno if it matter what time period, its always the same game.
Satan was good when God made him Magegray you moron
I dont recall God making angels with free will. And if its all supposedly part of gods plan then satan is not evil, he is mearly filling his designed role.
None of the god story really makes sense. Its a whole contradicatry mess, regardless of nutters taking "his message" the wrong way. As was said, god still did some messed up stuff just to prove a point. I thought, even WITH free will, that god could look into the hearts of men, being the onmipotent infallible being that he supposedly is, and SEE if someone is trustworthy etc... In fact if he is so infallible, omnipotent, omnipresent and i forget the third one, but if he IS these things, then past present and future mean nothing because his BIG plan is going smoothly. So that means those who are dammed already are, and he knows it, as its part of his plan. Oh but we have free will you say? But I thought we were part of his infallible plan.
Your religion doesnt make sense. I think something like buddhism makes alot more sense that any of the monolithic christian, islam and whatever else religion within the same god delusion.
Just admit you religios ppl COULD be wrong and I happily admit there COULD be a god. We can then have faith in our own beliefs and concentrate on the nutters who will kill in the name of...
Sorry about the spelling, I was just thinking of the joke of Oboma sounding like he had the word "bomb" in his name and teh fact that his middle name is Husain...
You link bomb with the name Husain. Wow, that is impressive. No wonder we can't have peace and understanding amongst people of other religions.
You have no idea what's going on in my life right now. I'm telling you one last time to BACK OFF. If a mod is watch I would suggest stepping in before this turn into a flame war.