Sin is not an actual thing...
Okay I'm with you so far.
sin is the lack of something.
And you begin to fall apart. I suppose your first sentence does make some sense since good and evil are concepts not things. So we could also say good is not a thing, it's a concept.
A lack of God becomes sin...
Again atheists get called evil, you know there is a point I'm going to stop laughing at that.
So He did not create sin, He created mankind CAPABLE of sinning
If there is a God this would still leave him partly responsible. I think I said this earlier but if there was a God he could have simply instilled in us a lack of desire to do evil (using the term in a more religious black and white context). We would still be free to do all the bad stuff just not have a desire to do it. This still doesn't explain evils that are resulted from things outside free will. I know some say it's Gods test, but this only further puts the blame on God.
That is the ultimate proof of His love... He COULD micromanage us... but loved us so much that He wanted us to love Him back with our free will...
And when we don't want that relationship we get sent to a place to be tortured for all eternity, but you know it's totally up to you.
Like you could agree with me and live peacefully or some guy named Stan will some day come over to your house a break your fingers with a hammer, but you know it's your choice.
Thus making it a true relationship...
Let's look at that relationship.
Came across a video last night that seems to sum up this relationship quite nicely.
Set Yourself FreeFor those of you not willing to actually look at the video.
"Battered Women Syndrome" is common in abusive relationships. The symptoms have a pattern.
1) The woman believes it's all her fault.
2)The woman has an inability to place the responsibility for the violence elsewhere.
3)The woman fears for her life and the lives of her children.
4) The woman has an irrational belief that the abuser is omnipresent and omniscient.
Now this gets compare to those with a relationship with God.
"it's my fault" "I have a sinful nature"
"I'm unworthy" "the punishment is death" "Eternal Hell" "Love God"
"He is everywhere" "Fear God" "he knows everything"
"He loves me" "He punishes me" "He condemns me"
"He saves me"
"I just can't leave him"
Notice any similarities there?
I didn't retype the video in it's entirety, but that's the gist of it.