ForumsWEPR[redirected]If God created all things

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Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.

  • 1,849 Replies
4,871 posts

Dude, I'm talking abut verified, legitimate gospels that used to be in the Bible but were taken out to reshape Christianity. Also, the gospel of Judas wasn't mentioned at all in that article, meaning both your point and that source are moot in this discussion.

Such as what and when? If your talking about books removed from the Catholic bible I'll have to laugh a little bit because the basic Roman Catholic belief is bad theology.
9,821 posts

Such as what and when? If your talking about books removed from the Catholic bible I'll have to laugh a little bit because the basic Roman Catholic belief is bad theology.


I'm talking about two gospels that used to be in the CHRISTIAN BIBLE(yaknow, the ones the Catholics AND the Protestants use?) but were removed to reshape Christianity. These books were never found to not be 'inspired' or anything like that. The Gospel of Judas and the Gospel of Mary.

Sorry for being angry, but you dodging my point is getting annoying.
3,817 posts

The book basically said that it was not written by prophets. Then how are the prophets supposed to prove that they are prophets? If they attempt to prove it, then your god would kill them. So what is the line between being a prophet and being a phony, and how can you tell them apart?

4,871 posts

The Gospel of Judas and the Gospel of Mary.

Oh. I still laugh at you anyways.

These books were never in the bible and they don't make sense in regards to the rest of the bible.


The gnostic gospels are ridiculous attempts to create a cult inside of Christianity. I've never dogged your point as I haven't actually seen one that I haven't answered.
9,821 posts

While the gospel of Judas was never in the Bible for sure, there were quite a few that were taken out because of the Nicene Creed. At least three books - Philip, Mary, and Timothy - were taken out of the Bible because of the Nicene Creed. The Council of Nicea removed a lot of books from the orthodoxy, and they were forgotten. The Bible you have is most definitely not the whole picture - it's been trimmed down to what it is today. The COuncil of Nicea even burned over 300 different writings just because they were written in Hebrew!

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

Source 4

There are a lot of texts - be them Gnostic texts, Hebrew texts, etc. that were removed. That can't be argued. There's a lot missing from the picture today - isn't it important to try to find out what was cut out or lost? Even the gospel of Barnabas is theorized to be a revision of a once-relevant text.

9,821 posts

Another note . . . even the apocryphal texts probably contain some sort of useful information, and shouldn't be disregarded. They're often linked to canonical texts - there's a lot to learn about the time period from those texts, and probably a lot of Christianity could be changed by pulling out the relevant information.

9,462 posts

I step out of the house and the thread runs away. Well I guess I will just touch on a few things.

1. You cannot be a "good person" each of us is tainted by sin to an extreme amount.

It would seem the Bible disagrees with this statement.

Luke 23:50
Now there was a man named Joseph, a member of the Council, a good and upright man,

And agrees with you, because there are no contradictions.

Luke 18:19
"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone.

I ran into this video.
Quiz Show (Bible Contradictions)

2. God does not send people to hell; hell will feel like a relief to the immense feeling of shame you will feel before God.

If 1. is true, then everyone should go to hell?

I know your going to try and say well you can be saved if you accept Jesus. This of course is another contradiction attempted to be covered by the concept of the trinity (you won't find mention of God being a trinity in the Bible). But even if so there are plenty of people who don't see the evidence (like myself) for this God and many who have never even heard of this God or follow a different god. Weather good or not they go to hell. You might argue that is why the word of the lord is spread. But if you really do have the correct religion following it in the correct way that isn't very helpful to the countless who have already died.

So surely an all powerful and fair God would understand why people would doubt him, because it is so easy for them to do. Those people who choose not to believe in God aren't stupid, for many brilliant people are atheist or agnostic.

True, I know if it could be demonstrated to me using objective irrefutable evidence that God existed I would believe there was a God. Weather I would worship that God or not is another matter. If this God were as he is described in the Bible I don't think I would. I don't see that God as being worthy of worship. However if he is really pure good and all that and some, then maybe. Though I don't see such a God wanting my worship, but just loving me for who I am and wanting me to live my life to the fullest.

Oh and a side note it's something like 93% of all scientists are atheist.

genetics doesn't work like that. If the human race was made from two people, we would all be dead. Think of it as the same reason why the government outlaws inbreeding. *you marrying your sister*
It creates a lack of new genes and the defective genes get amplified. An example would be the Romanov family's hemophilia. The Russian Czars would often bear children who died due to generations of almost no genetic variability.

Another thing to add to this is we wouldn't have the genetic diversity we would have today. If we all started with just two people forcing inbreeding on a massive scale then again dropped down to only eight people again forcing massive inbreeding we shouldn't see any genetic diversity in our species.

These books were never in the bible and they don't make sense in regards to the rest of the bible.

That's because when they were assembling the Bible they just looked at this stuff and decided it didn't work and threw them out. They were basically the snippets left on the cutting room floor when they were trying to come up with a single Bible to follow.
5,001 posts

Sanalt, I appreciate your effort to help my issues and questions be highlighted again, but clearly they are going to be ignored.

So, I am going to assume that I hit a sensitive spot that cannot be combated.

This is more than likely going to be my last post in this ridiculous topic.

3,437 posts

Now you know how I feel Ash...

However, I'm determined to know how anyone can consider the bible a legitimate source after multiple rewrites, mis translation and not to mention political interference. And I friggen expect an answer.

4,871 posts

And I friggen expect an answer.

Kiss my A@$ =)

Seriously though I'm generally done with this thread as well. But before I go.

So, I am going to assume that I hit a sensitive spot that cannot be combated.

Perhaps it's because I'm the only Christian on this thread and have to pick and choose what question I reply to because I don't have an endless amount of time to spend on this thread. Just maybe. Or perhaps it's because your the most infuriating atheist on this thread, which mind you has nothing to do with your points, and I generally would rather spend my time addressing the questions of others. Take your pick.

The point of the matter is I don't give a rip about what your saying and you could care less about what I'm saying; as with all threads on religion they always end up in a "majority rules" situation that the minority can do nothing about.

I believe in God and you don't and nothing either of us says on an internet forum is going to change the others opinion. I'm still open for discussion on my comments if anyone cares about I'm done with the thread.

On a final note God loves you. He wants to be your savior, your life, and your very meaning.

Now tear that apart :P
3,437 posts

Or perhaps it's because your the most infuriating atheist on this thread

WHAT? I thought I filled that spot...*sighs* I guess I'd better try harder.
3,817 posts

Now tear that apart :P

I take that....

Kiss my A@$ =)


On a final note God loves you. He wants to be your savior, your life, and your very meaning.

And that, as a challenge.

Perhaps it's because I'm the only Christian on this thread and have to pick and choose what question I reply to because I don't have an endless amount of time to spend on this thread. Just maybe. Or perhaps it's because your the most infuriating atheist on this thread, which mind you has nothing to do with your points, and I generally would rather spend my time addressing the questions of others. Take your pick.

Witch means " I don't have time to get beat up"

The point of the matter is I don't give a rip about what your saying and you could care less about what I'm saying; as with all threads on religion they always end up in a "majority rules" situation that the minority can do nothing about.

Try harder next time, or maybe get your giant spaghetti monster to help you.

I believe in God and you don't and nothing either of us says on an internet forum is going to change the others opinion. I'm still open for discussion on my comments if anyone cares about I'm done with the thread.

Most people are not trying to change the others opinion, but to get them to think against it rather then getting fed pure propaganda they hear at church.
9,462 posts

WHAT? I thought I filled that spot...*sighs* I guess I'd better try harder.

I'm pretty sure Asherlee stated she wasn't atheist so I think your title is safe.

On a final note God loves you. He wants to be your savior, your life, and your very meaning.

An all loving God wouldn't just want to love me but would love me regardless.
God can save me if he wants. Though it's foolish to expect me to believe he exists if he won't offer any evidence for his existence.
He want's to be my life? That seems rather anti free will.
So does wanting to be my meaning.
You seem to be arguing that we should be mindless sheep even though if your claim of God is true he gave us the ability to think and reason. Coming to the conclusion that there is no God since there is no solid evidence for such a being existing is me simply using this ability. An all loving, all powerful God who is all for free will would likely not desire my worship, but simply want me to live my life to the best of my ability. Such a God could not be as described in the Bible being vengeful, jealous, and killing.
4,871 posts

*Ignores numbers*
Eghast! I knew I should have put non-Christian.
*Ignores the rest of Mage's post"

3,817 posts

*Ignores numbers*
Eghast! I knew I should have put non-Christian.
*Ignores the rest of Mage's post"

Congrats. You are now qualified to be a theologists.
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