ForumsWEPR[redirected]If God created all things

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210 posts

Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.

  • 1,849 Replies
9,821 posts

well i don't mean to offend anyone but... god doesn't exist.

Stating your opinion is never offensive. Don't worry. Of course, it's also just an opinion.
49 posts

i know some people that would get offended by that, and its not an opinion, it's a fact

86 posts

I also hate to be rude, but please Agoff1101, don't state opinion as fact. You beleive that the world was created by means that is validated by 'science'. While you would like to believe your evidence is 100% solid, it has not been proven.

As I have said before if God is to interact with this reality he would have to abide by the physical laws of this reality in order to exist here. So if God is as you say impossible then he couldn't possibly exist or interact in this reality.

I'm just wondering, but where do you get that idea from? There is no precedent to the situation, it has never happened before; how do you know what laws and limits omnipotent beings are confined to when interacting with our world? I could argue that if God create the world, then he created the laws of physics and reality and can change them as he likes. This goes back to my point about these arguments bing futile.

dammit magegaryfwolf! God told me science is a sin. Along with math, learning, reading, and educating myself. It is my holy duty to stop my self from learning anything that might challenge my bias belief!

I find this offensive, you are mocking my religon while knowing little about it. Science is not considered to be a sin,science is observation of our world around us, learning about this world is not a sin. Preaching unproven claims that contradict God is considered to be a sin. Math is not a sin, I have no idea where you would get that idea. Before you aregue angainst the bible, read it. By saying that reading is a sin you are just being foolish, the bible is a book, made to be read. Educating oneself as a whole is not a sin, and it does not lead us to challenge our supposedly biased belief. By posting this you prove that you argue your case without reading my argument, this is like listening to a debate, and plugging your ears whenever one side is speaking. Stop being ignorant.

What makes it logical?

Sorry, wrong word, I should have said this turns it into a valid argument, from out point of view I mean.
77 posts

Alright Agoff, riddle me this:
If Evlution is true, then how come there are:
A. Monkeys hanging around. How come they arn't humans yet?
B. Humans! Why havn't we evolved yet?

I have something else on the big bang, I'll put it up after your responce to this.

77 posts

Meh, typo. I ment to spell evolution.

49 posts

Well there are still monkeys because some of the monkeys evolved but others didn't. The monkeys didn't just die out though because they were able to coexist with their human counterparts.

3,826 posts

God is God, he created logic, he doesn't have to be within its boundries.

I've seen a number of posts suggesting that God can do things which are logically impossible. This stance is absolutely unacceptable. God must obey the laws of logical possibility; anything in any universe must obey these laws.
Logical laws have their status because they are true in any possible world. Another way of putting this is that they are, by definition, incapable of being false. INCAPABLE OF BEING FALSE!
Not even God can make a square circle. There is a unique definition for a circle that is logically contradictory with a square. It just can't be done.
But this, as I said before, is not a sleight to God. Not being able to perform logical impossibilities is not a threat or a limit to omnipotence.
All we need to do is define omnipotence as doing anything that is logically possible. Any theist with any understanding of the conversation at all needs to accept this basic fact.
37 posts

If God created all things, didn't God create itself? Then in that case, God was created at one point, in some sense of the word "created" which brings the question, did anything exist before that?

9,821 posts

and its not an opinion, it's a fact

Honestly, I'm with CB here. Thinking your opinion is fact is idiotic. We don't know if God exists or not for sure, so you can't state either way as a fact and have it be logical.

A. Monkeys hanging around. How come they arn't humans yet?
B. Humans! Why havn't we evolved yet?

You do not have even a rudimentary understanding of what evo9lution is. I do not want to explain it to you. Do some research. Get informed. But hint: humans have evolved and continue to, but it is a VERY slow process, and monkeys are as evolved as humans - they've just adapted to a different environment than humans. Their evolutionary lineage is parallel to ours, not the same as ours.

Well there are still monkeys because some of the monkeys evolved but others didn't. The monkeys didn't just die out though because they were able to coexist with their human counterparts.

. . . No. Like I said before, they're on a different evolutionary lineage than us, not below us on the same line.

And cweb, if you say that the Big Bang was an explosion(which is wasn't), I WILL TURN INTO A BOWL OF RAGE PUDDING.
36 posts

(God must obey the laws of logical possibility; anything in any universe must obey these laws.)

If God had to obey laws of logical possibility their well would be no earth (thus no creation)
thinking about it actually you could make a square circle (if you change the definition of square )

49 posts

oh i forgot to answer your second question cweb. Humans have evolved! humans used to all grow wisdom teeth but because they were removed some people have evolved to not grow wisdom teeth. also evolution takes many many many years. Here is a bit of a time line to help you out. Around 3.8 billion years ago the first life (single celled prokaryotes) appears on earth. 200 million years ago the first mammals evolve. 2.5 million years ago the genus Homo (cavemen) evolve. 200,000 years ago humans evolved. that means that it took about 197.5 million years for mammals to evolve into cavemen and then another 2.3 million years for cavemen to evolve into humans.

86 posts

Sorry thisisnotanalt, i had one question about an inconsistency withen the big bang, but i do not want to appear an ignorant mororn my not having all the facts.

Science says that energy cannot be created or destroyes, how does the bigbang theory fit in with this, is it believed to be a uniues case? Is all the energy already believed to have been there?

If God created all things, didn't God create itself? Then in that case, God was created at one point, in some sense of the word "created" which brings the question, did anything exist before that?

When we say God created all things we mean that he created all things other than himself, we just say all things because it is quicker. Also the bible talks a little bit about how the orgins of it all, Genisis 1,1: In the begginging. This implys that God created the begginging, which means that befor the beggining he was there, infinatly.
36 posts

(Humans have evolved! humans used to all grow wisdom teeth but because they were removed some people have evolved to not grow wisdom teeth.)
Thats genes buddy,plus the earth is only about 6000 years old , The genus homo was proven wrong a while ago.

338 posts

Thats genes buddy,plus the earth is only about 6000 years old , The genus homo was proven wrong a while ago

Are you joking?

Why would god have to follow the laws? God would transcend every thing. Hell even the fact god 'created' the universe brakes the laws (I think). Considering that shit cant be 'created'.
49 posts

Thats genes buddy,plus the earth is only about 6000 years old , The genus homo was proven wrong a while ago.

chandler, first off you have no idea what your talking about. If you are born with blond hair and have it dyed brown your genes still say you have blond hair, also it has been proven that the earth is over 6,000 years old many many times (like light from a millions light years away just now reaching us) which is just one of the proofs that god isn't real. Also, the official name for human is homo sapien. in case you don't understand what that means it says were are from the genus Homo therefor if the genus homo doesn't exist humans don't exist
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