ForumsWEPR[redirected]If God created all things

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210 posts

Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.

  • 1,849 Replies
9,462 posts

Your method some how seems a bit deceitful. Mine might result in the person trying to dig there heels in at least it is honest. I would also not be limited to not using the tactic you suggest, but if I am to connect with someone in a friendly manner I will do so genuinely, not for the sole purpose of trying to change there ideals.

78 posts

Why don't we all just debate about something fun, like whether Twinkies can survive a nuclear explosion?

You know what?
I think that's a GREAT idea. How about we stop fighting an endless battle like people have been doing for years and debate about something else? Like aliens? Or dragons? Or unicorns? Or psyco maniac chickens on mars?
1 posts

religion is wat u make it ppl. athiest is the way to go unless u want to believe in the nothing.

5,043 posts

Your method some how seems a bit deceitful. Mine might result in the person trying to dig there heels in at least it is honest.

The goal of persuasion isn't honesty or the means by which you work. The goal of persuasion is to sway the other to understanding your view. How you persuade them is intirely up to you. However, facts are not the same as morality. If you tell an anti-gay activist that homosexuality is natural, they will argue it's still immoral; if you tell them that God isn't real, they will argue that you are blind in faith; if you tell them that nothing bad comes from homosexuality, they will tell you the bad that comes from it are sins (and maybe some other unproven lies). These aren't grounds for debating fact, these are grounds for debating morals, and the only way to debate morals is to build trust. It is impossible to win an argument of morality without gaining the other person's respect and trust.

How to win friends and influence people

someone in a friendly manner I will do so genuinely, not for the sole purpose of trying to change there ideals.

The reason to debate is to change the other person's ideas. However, you often debate to change the way in which a person thinks. Your goal is to either persuade them, or to force them to make better arguments supporting their views. In this thread, you want to either persuade people that God does not exist, or you want to force people to finding actual proof of his existance (which you beleive does not exist). You're stuck in a loop. Nobody is budging. We are at 80 pages and the argument has barely shifted at all.

Everybody is different, so it must be understood that you can't use the same tactic of debate with everyone. You must know what they value, and understand what they hate. Mage, you are a very logical person and you are very open minded. In fact, you don't work with trivial morals, you work with facts. You're a rarer breed of person, and you must understand that what it takes to persuade you is vastly different than what it takes to persuade others.
818 posts

this is an atheist picking on poor christians who are outnumbered 10-1.
oh and you have just ignored me on my past debates.
silence is complience, as they all say .

Actually it's 10-2.
Your silence is my complience. (as they all say) lol
Yes, people use religion to justify anti-gay acts

Those biotches.
I beleive in invisible elephants.

What type of elephant are they?
what created the potato?

I will post the rest of my comment later.
78 posts

religion is wat u make it ppl. athiest is the way to go unless u want to believe in the nothing.

Doesn't it go the other way around? I mean if you are atheist you don't exactly believe in anything but if you're Christian you at least believe in something...
Unless you're assuming that atheism is better than Christianity, in that case, kindly GTFO!!
818 posts

You know what?
I think that's a GREAT idea. How about we stop fighting an endless battle like people have been doing for years and debate about something else? Like aliens? Or dragons? Or unicorns? Or psyco maniac chickens on mars?

Why don't you just go to another forum? It's alot easier.
You're a rarer breed of person, and you must understand that what it takes to persuade you is vastly different than what it takes to persuade others.

I agree with this.
9,462 posts

If you tell an anti-gay activist that homosexuality is natural, they will argue it's still immoral; if you tell them that God isn't real, they will argue that you are blind in faith; if you tell them that nothing bad comes from homosexuality, they will tell you the bad that comes from it are sins (and maybe some other unproven lies).

I can still argue these points with reason even if the person I'm arguing with is not reasonable.

The reason to debate is to change the other person's ideas.

I debate primarily to challenge my own ideas not to change the other persons.

What type of elephant are they?

The invisible type of course. :P

Doesn't it go the other way around? I mean if you are atheist you don't exactly believe in anything but if you're Christian you at least believe in something...

An atheist just doesn't believe in god, not nothing.
166 posts

religion is wat u make it ppl. athiest is the way to go unless u want to believe in the nothing.

Doesn't it go the other way around? I mean if you are atheist you don't exactly believe in anything but if you're Christian you at least believe in something...
Unless you're assuming that atheism is better than Christianity, in that case, kindly GTFO!!

Well, I know which of the two has caused most wars.
And if god really excists, then tell my, why are there so many completely different religions? Sji'At Ali and Tsunites are killing each other... Why can't we just all be friends...

The onliest thing we should belive in is

or eventually FSM or Cthulhu
818 posts

And if god really excists, then tell my, why are there so many completely different religions?

If you look at every religion in existence there is an evil and a good. Most religions are based on the same concepts. They all have the ability to be actuality or a fantasy created by the believer.
Why can't we just all be friends...

Because society is based on chaos, the universe is based on chaos, without chaos there would be no reality and with no reality there would be no chaos. ( I personally like that last part. )
9,462 posts

If you look at every religion in existence there is an evil and a good.

Not all of them. Take Wicca for instance. Some versions of this belief hold that there is nothing that is truly good or evil but how we act that determines weather something is positive or negative. Kind of an all things are relative concept.
374 posts

Doesn't it go the other way around? I mean if you are atheist you don't exactly believe in anything but if you're Christian you at least believe in something...

Stereotype. Atheists aren't completely faithless. We can have philosophies, and stuff.

Unless you're assuming that atheism is better than Christianity, in that case, kindly GTFO!!

Not until you admit that God isn't real.
1,903 posts

We can have philosophies, and stuff.

Faith is belief without evidence, philosophy is literally a love of learning, but is attributed to a school of thought that one adheres to, for example, Buddhism, and I mean ORIGINAL Buddhism can be considered a philosophy.

Not until you admit that God isn't real.

They all have an inner struggle anyways, mate, no need to screw people up further.
2 posts

Not until you admit that God isn't real.

I agree. If God is real then where is he for all of the terrible things happening in our world.
1,903 posts

I agree. If God is real then where is he for all of the terrible things happening in our world.

Causing them!
Jk, though I know I'll catch a lot of flak for that one.
Besides, if a group of people believe in a devil that can alter your perceptions and beliefs, who's to say that's not true? Who's to say anything is true?
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