ForumsWEPR[redirected]If God created all things

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210 posts

Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.

  • 1,849 Replies
9,462 posts

People who have never accepted God into their heart will never accept the knowledge of God that we speak of.

First off that's not knowledge.

We are speaking a foreign language to them because they will only accept God in their minds.

We don't have to accept it to understand it. I bet it hasn't once accrued to you that possibly we might have a better understanding of this stuff and that's why we don't believe.

The proof are scrolls, clay tablets, some are in fragments due to fires, earthquakes, Roman destruction or contact with air.

What you found is proof early Christians existed, not God.
4,871 posts

Oh mage if theres one thing you've yet to learn about God it's that seeing does not equal believing but believing does equal seeing. Wajor I understand your point completely and am planning in creating an end all post for all threads created for the purpose of debating the existence of the Christian God.

3,817 posts

Oh mage if theres one thing you've yet to learn about God it's that seeing does not equal believing but believing does equal seeing. Wajor I understand your point completely and am planning in creating an end all post for all threads created for the purpose of debating the existence of the Christian God.

In that case, were are the tooth faerie, boogy man, Sherlock Holmes, Ect that some people believe exist but others know do not?
9,462 posts

Oh mage if theres one thing you've yet to learn about God it's that seeing does not equal believing but believing does equal seeing.

I'm pretty sure that's what's referred to as a self-delusion.
374 posts

seeing does not equal believing but believing does equal seeing.

Have you read the novel 1984?

Seeing what you believe is like making yourself 'know' that 2 + 2 = 5, or that freedom is slavery, and so on and so forth. It completely contradicts human logic, and is very detrimental to rational puruits such as science and mathmetics.

am planning in creating an end all post for all threads created for the purpose of debating the existence of the Christian God.

Good luck with that, although it sounds like inhibition of freedom of speech to me.
3,437 posts

Have you read the novel 1984?

A perfect example. The Party treats Big Brother as God and Goldstein as Satan. O'Brien says to Wilson that Big Brother will exist forever and so will Goldstein. This is to prove to Wilson that neither exist except in the mind of the believer.
9,462 posts

Good luck with that, although it sounds like inhibition of freedom of speech to me.

Not necessarily, he may think he really has a good case that will once and for all prove or disprove God. I find that unlikely though.
4,871 posts

No I just meant I was going to create a compilation of all the bible verses against the premise of argument with non-believers. I'll still be up for argument with fellow believers as well as theodicy and the like. However I will no longer debate the existence of God as its futile.

In response to Beast I have not read the novel but I do plan to and I'll attempt to draw parallels. As for your point on logic your debating in fallacies because many of the examples you gave do not pertain to the point and you do not have absolute knowledge as God does; therefore, human logic is lesser and cannot be compared. The second quote was taken out of context and the end-all is purely for myself.

5,001 posts

I have a question for those that follow the Bible. I am assuming that most of you associate with the King James version, if not, please let me know the version. Whatever the case, it is a fact that all the modern versions of the Bible have been whittled down and modified to fit a certain way.

With this in mind, how can you use the Bible as any kind of credible reference? Here is an example of one of the cut gospels. These non-canonical gospels are just as legitimate as the modern ones.

But the son of Annas the scribe was standing there with Joseph; and he took a branch of a willow and dispersed the waters which Jesus had gathered together. 2 And when Jesus saw what was done, he was wroth and said unto him: O evil, ungodly, and foolish one, what hurt did the pools and the waters do thee? behold, now also thou shalt be withered like a tree, and shalt not bear leaves, neither root, nor fruit. 3 And straightway that lad withered up wholly, but Jesus departed and went unto Joseph's house. But the parents of him that was withered took him up, bewailing his youth, and brought him to Joseph, and accused him 'for that thou hast such a child which doeth such deeds.'

P.S. I am not intending this as a stab, I would just like to know the opinions on this.

4,871 posts

The KJV? The best two translations of the bible are currently the NIV and the ESV, my personal preference is the NIV but each to his own. In regards to your question it is believe that the current Christian bible contains all the writing that were inspired by God and pertain directly to the faith. However it should be said that you must pray in order to gain a better understanding of scripture, to learn what is true and what is not.

3,437 posts

=/ That seems like a bit of a dodge Samy.

5,001 posts

The KJV? The best two translations of the bible are currently the NIV and the ESV, my personal preference is the NIV but each to his own.

Whichever modern version it is, really doesn't matter. They have all been cut, edited, and formed into a specific mold.

In regards to your question it is believe that the current Christian bible contains all the writing that were inspired by God and pertain directly to the faith. However it should be said that you must pray in order to gain a better understanding of scripture, to learn what is true and what is not.

Samy, you must see that what you've just said does not hold any credible recognition. When each gospel was finally written down it was, at the time, believed to be "the word of God." What you have, is over time, several groups of individuals that edited the Bible to make Jesus into a specific image.

How in the world can you hold that credible? Would you trust any other book, claiming to be factual, if over time, pieces of it were taken out because someone didn't like what it said?
5,043 posts

In regards to your question it is believe that the current Christian bible contains all the writing that were inspired by God and pertain directly to the faith. However it should be said that you must pray in order to gain a better understanding of scripture, to learn what is true and what is not.

Fire upon a match the homeless wanderer till burns hither he does; whence hither does he, he hath learned his lesson. And if hath not learned, but instead swallowed that in which is the sloth of those whom he burrow so deep within, he be wrenched and torn through the poison he hath bestowed upon himself, slowly rotting away to live hither in pain upon his waste.

If you pray to me enough, I shall tell you what this passage means.

"I have prayed daily, what does it mean?"

What do you think it means?

"Don't play with fire?"

Sure, why not?

However it should be said that you must pray in order to gain a better understanding of scripture, to learn what is true and what is not.

So you take the bible, the book of truth, and you explain that it is a credible source that proves God's existence. However, even though the book is holy and true, only some of it is true where some of it is false. You must pray to know what parts of the bible are true and which parts are false. But how do you know if you aren't just discrediting the parts you dislike and accepting the parts you agree with? Ok, fine, whatever, for sake of arguement, let's say that God DID speak to you and tell you which parts are true and which aren't. How is an atheist supposed to read the bible and be converted when he does not have his own God to pray too?

I have a book. It talks about raping men, giving to the poor, murdering those who call me a buttface, eating lemons, and blowing up barns. I tell you that this book is MY word and you must follow it, what I don't tell you is that some of the book is false and that I expect you to only follow certain parts of it and to disdain other parts.

So, what do you do? Do you listen to God when he tells you the bible is the truth, or do you listen to your heart that God is speaking through when he tells you the bible is a mixture of truths and lies and that you must only follow part of the bible? Which one is it?

OR MAYBE, the bible is truth, and God really does look down on those who waste water and believe they should suffer. Maybe the bible really does support Jesus and his decision to ruin the kid's life. Maybe you just don't want to agree with it because you don't want to believe in a God who makes up his own rules and kills and ruins those who do not deserve it.

Either way, it doesn't make sense.
156 posts

Listen here. God is good. He put us one this Earth, in the garden of eden to test us whether we would listen to him, or the fallen angel known as Lucifer, aka satan. when a&e sinned, it corrupted all of our lives. they brought sin into the world. thats your answer

9,462 posts

Listen here. God is good.

I know I'm probably going to get godwin'd for this, but this good God is responsible (Biblically speaking) for a number of deaths comparable to the number committed in the holocaust. Arguably we could even give him some blame for all deaths.

He put us one this Earth, in the garden of eden to test us whether we would listen to him, or the fallen angel known as Lucifer, aka satan. when a&e sinned, it corrupted all of our lives.

If your God is all knowing then he would have known the results of this test before giving it, thus just making it pointless and cruel.
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