I ran into someone on the internet who supports Anarchy. They believe in it like it's a religion, as in, if you don't support it, then no matter what logic you use, you are wrong. Anyway, they find that the American government is flawed, and therefore should be eradicated. I explained that government is good. They probably jumped to the conclusion that I was talking about The Government rather than government in general. I find that there's A LOT of problems with the American government. In fact, I complain about it all the time. However, to think that the government should seize to exist, is absolutely absurd!
It is common in many situations for people to believe total eradication to be the answer to any given problem. Alcohol caused problems in the past. The answer? Prohibition. Obviously it didn't work. The war on drugs. With zero tolerance for marijuana, is any good actually being done? I say this in the most matter-of-fact way possible, no. I hear about extremists all the time, and I have never met a single extremist who was open minded or one that seemed to speak a lick of sense.
Rather than eradicating something that is flawed, one should think about the conclusions behind such ridiculous actions. Far too often do people jump to extreme measures for their answers when the only thing needed is some tweaking here and there.
They think that acting like that,in such ridiculous way,they can get what they are demanding.That's wrong.In some occasions,things get worse.Everyone has to take a closer look to any problem that he's facing.Trying to solve it in an appropriate way things can get nice.
But the question is, can they control themselves.... rather can we control ourselves when there are no laws stopping us?
Mmmm,kinda hard.I don't if evryone is able to achieve that.
Without flaws system won't run correctly and this would lead to a total down fall of a magnitude greater than the disapearance of the Mayan race. I believe in anarchy, but I disagree with the eradication of the flawed. In my opinion if you try to bring something to a halt without taking proper measures (drugs, crime) it just causes the criminals to become more violent and more people will start to break the law.