ForumsWEPRthe most unknown war of all time

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1,287 posts

i was just wondering what you guys think

  • 39 Replies
2,837 posts

Tomer everyone knows about the mongolian invasion, and that estimate is bogus and you know it. My guess is half that at most.

169 posts

The kids in my neighbourhood stardet a war pelting stones to each other.Real war.:P
Now,seriously,you have mentioned the most of them,like Pakistani Civil War of 1971 or Cenepa War.I don't know any other "unknown" war.

383 posts

Hmmmmmm, well I think it might be the Civil War of Mozambique that occured in 1977.

4,206 posts

Chuck Norris war...cause there was only deaths

46 posts

i read about a 'war' in this book called weird carolinas were this group of people succeded from the US and fought like a cavalry group and won but then the fighters went to the local bar and got really hammered and the cavalry came back and beat them up. they called it like the 1 day war cause the rebels had declared war

1,751 posts

i read about a 'war' in this book called weird carolinas were this group of people succeded from the US and fought like a cavalry group and won but then the fighters went to the local bar and got really hammered and the cavalry came back and beat them up. they called it like the 1 day war cause the rebels had declared war


anyway this is hardly a war, its a madmans war.

I can say to the public:
I declare war on that ant - &quotoints at an ant"
1,207 posts

Wow, the Spanish Inquisition is well known. Its in about every history book.

AnaLoGMunky was making a Monty Python reference. :|

An unknown war? The ones we do not know about, there's probably been quite a few of them in recent years.
996 posts

A significant but yet rather unknown war was the Spanish Civil War.

I agree.

When it comes to seriousness per unknownness of a war, Spanish Civil War is definitely on the shortlist.

Mediterranean trade cities (Catalunya) from Spain were paying for the rest of it was poor barren dusty underproducing farmland with some pretty nice taxes, and so they wanted to secede. It ended up being a pretty lopsided war, but it forced the Spanish gov't into huge debt and kept Franco from helping the Germans and Italians.

I have a exchange student friend from a few years back who lives in the capital of Catalunya. His mother's uncle (and his friends) were revolutionists, and were caught by Franco's army. They were taken prisoner, and told that they had two choices: either join Franco's regime, or die. They escaped the prison and hid in the mountains (where many small civilizations had been started back then), which is where my friend's mother grew up.

Just felt like sharing an interesting story.
358 posts

This thread is rather Forgotten wars, rather then Unknown ones. A unknown war to most people, is the Alaskan Submersible conflict of the 1970's. The Russians and Americans fought head to head in covert Naval battles, and were raiding each others oil refineries on the coasts. Thats why there was such a huge garrison in the North Pole at the time.

Another war not spoken of much, is the Columbian Paramilitary conflicts. Columbia is split between the corrupt government, Private Military companies and Paramilitaries, Geurilla's, and Gangs, as well as Hitman and Assasain groups. All of these groups wage war in Columbia, and alot of it is tied to the Drug trade.

A war well known in the Caribbean, and of which concerns the now ruined nation of Haiti, is the Haitian wars. I personally fought in this war, and my nation, Dominican Republic, is part of the reason why Haiti is so ravaged before the Earthqauke. Not to mention, Cuba, Peru, and other nations sent forces there too.

Another war, which is starting to be forgotten by American's, yet they're nation fought in it, is the Gulf War. Thankfully its not totalyl forgotten, but alot of younger generations are forgetting a war that happened nearly 20 years ago.

A almsot completely unknown war, say despite some old gritheads in Japan, who descend from these men, are the Forienger Immersion wars of the 16th century in Japan. Japan had numerous Portegeuse, Dutch, and Spanish explorer's, Pirates, and Navymen come onto its shores. Many of the Japanese Warlords fought agaisnt them for at least 3 years. This is why they never tried to forcefully settle in Japan.

Another war thats not well known anymore, is the Akkad wars in Afghanistan. close to 3000 BCE, or a little bit before, A empire called Akkad was stationed in Modern Afghanistan. However, numerous tribes fought them, and the empire collasped. The Empire spanned for at least 200 years.

The Battle of James the Shit in Ireland (no Joke this is its actual name given by the Irish.

King James of England, in the late 16th century, a prominent catholic monarch in England, was driven out by Oliver Cromwell. He rallied the Scots and English and Welsh Protestants, and they headed to ireland, where James took refuge. James setup a defence in a barnyard with a river, and the irish defending him were MAssacared. This is why James the IV of England/Scotland is called James the Shit by the Irish.

The Chilean wars of the 1880's. Peru and Chile fought over many Coal deposits, and there was a famous Sea battle. The commander of one of the Chilean ships, jumped on board onto the Peruvian Ironclads, and almsot single handedly took it. However, he was killed by Cannon fire. This hero is commemorated as a Chilean national hero now.

The Gang wars of 1860's NEw York. Although made now into a movie recently (2001) Gangs of New York. The wars were based on Irish immigrants forming gangs, and fighting against Anti Immigrant groups. Notable leaders were Bill the Butcher,from the confederation fo American Natives( he was white) a American gangster of the time, Priest vallon of the Irish clan the Dead Rabbits.

This was during the civil war, and there was huge riots as well.

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