He's a good president. The fact is that, after the Bush era, no person will fix the country in that short time. If the USA was damaged by Bush, it will only get fixed in the next decades.
Obama spent lots of money? Yes, he did, doing positive stuff for the country.
I just think he should be more forceful and kick-***! Nah..I think he's naive and wants everyone to get along and play nice. He needs to "speak softly but carry a big stick"
Yeah, indeed. Last months he has talked a lot but didn't took any radical or functional measures. But I think he would do that if he got more time: as I said, Bush's damage can't be repared in only 4 years.
I thing Obama has broken lots of promises . he broke is promise to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan , he has got us into a new war with the Libyan govenment too . He also lied about making jobs too . yes he is bad president and hopefuly a one term president.
He's a good president. The fact is that, after the Bush era, no person will fix the country in that short time. If the USA was damaged by Bush, it will only get fixed in the next decades. Obama spent lots of money? Yes, he did, doing positive stuff for the country.
Well every pres has had some baggage from the last pres. Bush had baggage from clinton, noone scolded clinton like they have bush. And need we forget Bush had the highest Approval rating after 911. Truth be told when the chips are down the american people will snap on who ever is in charge... look at obama. Granite obama is the most unqualified pres in the history of pres, everyone on his cabinet is more qualified then him. He hasnt done any thing good for america accept give them hope, and promise change. 'Roger721' u say obama has done good stuff too... uh no he hasnt. He has done so many bad stuff we could make an entire forum about it. heres just alittle recent flib ups;#1 The health care reform law was supposed to expand health care coverage and make health care plans less expensive. Instead, it is doing just the opposite. For example, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, an affiliate of the Service Employees International Union has announced that they are dropping health care coverage for the children of more than 30,000 low-wage workers due to increased costs. The ironic thing is that SEIU union workers were some of Barack Obama's most loyal troops in helping get the health care reform law passed. Now they are some of the first ones to suffer for it. Not only that, but health insurance premiums are rising significantly all over the nation due to the new health care law. It is quickly becoming clear that the health care reform law is one of the worst pieces of legislation that the U.S. Congress has ever passed. #2 Barack Obama thought that he would toss those wanting to cut the federal deficit a bone by announcing a two year wage freeze for federal workers, but really all he has done is give several million pissed off federal workers a really good reason not to vote for him in the next election. #3 Barack Obama and the Democrats keep pushing the Dream Act which would provide amnesty for millions of illegal aliens even though a solid majority of the American people are against this. This could cost Barack Obama a ton of votes in 2012. Most Americans want something done about our horrible security on the border. When Arizona got fed up and tried to do something themselves, the federal government actually stepped in and took them to court. Talk about clueless. #4Most Americans are tired of wasting hundreds of billions of dollars and precious American lives trying to police Afghanistan. But instead of pulling out of that nation, Barack Obama has greatly escalated the war. #5 Barack Obama's job-killing "cap and trade" scheme looked like it might get through Congress last year, but fortunately it did not make it. If that thing had been implemented it would have been absolutely disastrous for the struggling U.S. economy. However, it did wake millions of American up to the fact that Barack Obama is a relentless promoter of the radical green agenda. Im gonna stop there but please if u think Obama has done good stuff please post it here. Obama if elected will KILL THE AMERICAN DREAM
What I think is everybody just hates every president, regardless. I don't think he's fabulous, but people are quick to judge. Think of how much stuff he has to worry about, plus the fact that millions of people are criticizing him 24/7, whether biased, ignorant, or informed. How would any of you like to be president, especially at this time in America?
What I think is everybody just hates every president, regardless. I don't think he's fabulous, but people are quick to judge. Think of how much stuff he has to worry about, plus the fact that millions of people are criticizing him 24/7, whether biased, ignorant, or informed. How would any of you like to be president, especially at this time in America?
^definitely this. People always critizice the one in office and compare him to past ones, only see the bad things etc. Also, he hasn't ultimate power, can't do anything he wants; if I'm right the congress has more to say than him.
if I'm right the congress has more to say than him.
What it really is, is that both of them have nearly equal say. If congress is his party, he wins, if Congress isn't his party, and is unwilling to compromise even a little, you get stalemate after stalemate. It's not always a stalemate, like Clinton, who balanced the budget and raised taxes, yet compromising entitlements and cutting things like social security for the Republicans. I think Obama's just facing tougher times, but I feel he isn't bad. Maybe not amazing, either. Definitely not bad, though.
I don't think he's awful. He does promise many things, and delivers few. However, many of the problems he faces aren't his fault. Many started in earlier presidencies; Bush, Clinton, etc. Then again, he's not doing much to solve them...