ForumsWEPRIs Obama a bad president?

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266 posts

let me know what you think (BTW, i think the answer is obvious)

  • 246 Replies
996 posts

thats pretty much it...He can talk but he CANT do.
He isnt what I (or we) expected but is better than bush no doubts (and smarter too :P)

Yeah. I wouldn't say he's bad. He just didn't learn quick enough. He didn't learn and apply the fact that he could have and should have just passed bills.
I mean seriously now, the excessive slowness and loss of strength in the passing of the health care bill (which can't even get by the House now) has even been noted by MSNBC.

If the Republicans gain some extra in the midterm elections, it will accent this fact, and he'll be frowned upon by a helluva lotta people, and with more intensity.

He didn't need to fail in the action category, but he did. Maybe it'll change, maybe it won't. Maybe he'll try to take action now that he can't do it efficiently. Yay.
2,837 posts

Israel Housing

We are talking about the fact that he has tried to use the US's influence to keep them from expanding housing. It is an abuse of power. It is utterly absurd and if one of our allies told us to stop building houses we would simply laugh in their faces. Kirby, please take 5 minutes to look something up before just cussing and making yourself look uninformed. I am not trying to be harsh but this is quite old news we are talking about.

18 posts

And tell me, where the **** do you get your information? Israel is one of our greatest allies, next to the UK Australia and Canada. Do you think Obama calls the shots down in Israel? No, what the **** are you talking about?

Obama asked Israel to halt their settlement program. Google it.
6,672 posts

And tell me, where the **** do you get your information? Israel is one of our greatest allies, next to the UK Australia and Canada. Do you think Obama calls the shots down in Israel? No, what the **** are you talking about?

kirby lol this is why pot should be legalized lol so everyone will be happy and nobody will argue
2 posts

not so far. Bush really messed things up withe the very costly war and put us in debt in the first place. So if anyone Obama put us in debt thats no true.

2 posts

for that last one i meant to say "if anyone thinks".

1,751 posts

Jokes aside, it might have been to give Palestine some growing room.

He stoped housing in the whole of israel.
4,220 posts

not so far. Bush really messed things up withe the very costly war and put us in debt in the first place. So if anyone Obama put us in debt thats no true.

We've been in debt for 50 years. Obama is just adding to it. He will continue to add to it, until he gets out of office.
1,714 posts

He didn't learn and apply the fact that he could have and should have just passed bills.

He doesn't have total control over whether a bill passes of not. Congress does and they have been moving really slow.

I mean seriously now, the excessive slowness and loss of strength in the passing of the health care bill (which can't even get by the House now) has even been noted by MSNBC.

This is not Obama's fault, its the House's fault.

We've been in debt for 50 years. Obama is just adding to it. He will continue to add to it, until he gets out of office.

You do realize that Clinton had a balanced budget and was lessening the debt, then bush took over and decided to spend like there was no tomorrow. To fix the mess that bush made requires more spending, you can't fix it by cutting random funding.

Even with everything thats happened, Obama is a good president. He cannot be blamed for how slow things are happening as it is because of congress and not Obama. If congress would grow up and realize that they need to do something to help this country, it would show people that Obama was right all along.
1,633 posts

We've been in debt for 50 years. Obama is just adding to it. He will continue to add to it, until he gets out of office.

The Cold War did cost a lot of money didn't it? *looks at Reagan*

Clinton tried to make an improvement on the debt situation, but then Bush said "We're goin get them suckers in Iraq!" Using the Republican rule #14 :Lowering taxes instantly makes the economy better.
He drove the US into a massive national debt.
2,837 posts

not so far. Bush really messed things up withe the very costly war and put us in debt in the first place. So if anyone Obama put us in debt thats no true.

Curse you all for making me get my chart showing the petty amount of debt Clinton paid. Here it is, AGAIN. The tiny dip in it is Clinton's small effort at reducing the debt.
4 posts

Bad? Very much so. The facts are (And just being frank) He's spent more money than any other president, most of the money in the stimulis bill has never been spent and states that do receive money spend it on bogus projects like how about those thousands of dollars for tunnels for turtles to pass through under a Flordia highway? There are countless ideas but the fact is that people will spend money wrecklessly if its not their money.

I have a solution for the econmic crisis, how about competitivly lower all taxes on companies and people. This way large corparations will move their operations over here so we will have MILLONS of new jobs and people will have more money to spend on the market. This is very simple it's called the free market system it's a system that America has used for 250 years and never has such an ecinomic crisis happened until we tryed to change during a bad ressesion. Obama's way simply made things bad to worse.

Theres a little thing called the constitution, yeah that thing made by only some of the smartes men that everlived, the only made it so it could direct a country to greatness for as long as it existed. If we stick to it there will have to be a nuclear war or mega disaster to get rid of the U.S. You see the problem isn't the Violin it's the Violinist. If we try to completly change our system of capitalism (wich has been tested for 250 years and worked fine) to socialism (Which has been tested by Stalin, Hitler, Che, Mao and Chavez and look were they are) America will Fail. Americans arnt like those dictators those men probaly killed 100 Million inocent people combined. Im not saying obama will Kill you but im saying his ideas are shared with those monsters.

There is to much to say i will need a few days to explain it all to you but please do your reasearch, look up every thing you dont know the polotitions are saying and look at this objectivly because your veiw is the fate of America.

and yes i think he's an 4 on a scale of 1-10

5,061 posts

people are looking at this as if the man had a fresh start, with what he's been handed I'd say the man's the best job he least he's not sitting on his ass twiddling his thumbs like a certain other president that we had! *hintNUCULERhint* All the critics should trying being his shoes for just one day, having to take over one of the worlds most powerful countries, with a collapsing economy and a health care bill that is 1990 pages! Oh and did I mention the only way you can fix it is by arguing and pleading with 538 idiotic politicians!

996 posts

lol, if anyone is doubting how much he cares or works, look at his hair.

It was all black before the election and now it's getting gray as shit. It's not even close to normal gray hair growth.

And dragonmaster, he's done nothing similar to supporting socialism. go keep getting brainwashed by the cutthroat asshole republicans who bitch about everything and anything whenever they're in the minority.

31 posts

By the way, there is a difference between Socialism, Communism and Marxism.
Stupid Americans just don't know the difference.

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