He hasn't done anything. At all. Except talk. Nonstop. Over and over. Saying the same words. He never changes.
He does nothing. He shouldn't even be called president. He doesn't do anything at all.
Except send a few thousand troops to Afghanistan. I'll give him that, but that's it.
His speech on that fucking sucked monkey balls. I though it was an hour 5 minutes in.
I don't even hear real news of him more. I've seen his wife more recently than I've seen him. Stupid Haiti commercial. Anyways, the point is he's doing virtually nothing. Healthcare isn't going anymore, GitMo is still up, people are still fighting and dying, and we're soon going into a depression.
This is bull crap. I change my mind. Now that I think about it, he sucks. Far from the worst, but right now, he sucks. He hasn't accomplished jacksh*t, and his speeches are so repetitive I want to hear him dying to break the stagnation. He sucks. Bottom fucking line.
Nixon was a racist, sexist, homophobic, dirty mouth piece of **** that lied and advocated war and murder. Along with Clinton, Roosevelt, George I, George II, and every other president who serves ruling class interests.
You failed to understand what I was exactly talking about Drace. I'm talking about the process of being a President-- what the job is all about, what to do while performing it, and rules to know while doing the job. No one can possibly know how to do the daily duties of President before or during being one. The only people that know how to be President, as in what to do daily as one, are those that have served their terms as President already. Nowhere did I talk about what to do and what not to do as President going into context on how to be one.
America is all about trying people in a fair court system with no bias, prejudice, and conjecture whatsoever, with no means of unfair or cruel and unusual punishment. Last time I checked our forefathers wrote that down in an important piece of paper. You should check it out sometime.
last time i checked you had to be an american citizen to be under the ruling of the important piece of paper. they're enemy combatants of the state; by bringing them in, it's like obama is conferring citizenship on them for their dastardly acts. Come bomb us and we'll make you a citizen!
WTF are terrorists going to do without TOOLS and weapons and are being held in maximum-security prisons that are filled with guards with tasers and guns??
why did they close Gitmo? why would you bring in terrorists when they're fine over there? it's just bringing them closer to a country in which they would commit suicide if they could kill 1 other person.
Fun seeing Scott Brown win a state that's been consistently liberal for over 50 years.
Unless you can do a better job, I think he is just fine.
You know I can do a better job. Does that mean he is not fine? o_O
why would you bring in terrorists when they're fine over there?
Most of the gitmo inmates aren't terrorists, but people suspected of being terrorists that didn't get a fair trial. Harold and Kumar 2 models that in a way. It overdoes it, I admit, but it still has some truth to it. If Harold and Kumar were white, they wouldn't have gone to gitmo in the first place. Most people in gitmo are in there because America is racist and puts people they find threatening in there to feel safe.
Sorry about my grammar. I realize it's a bit off, and I apologize for it.
Heck yes, a very bad one. He even wants to make school days LONGER. I mean, school is already as freaking tedious as it is at the moment... If he did that kids would be throwing rocks at him every time he went out or something... But if he SHORTENS school days... Then that's the only time he'll have my vote.
its not that obamas a bad president.... he certainly hasnt been a good one for the first year so far....... he hasnt done anything....
heres my rant.
GOD DAMNET!!!! obama needs to legalize cannibus already and save america. i shouldnt need to say much more so ill post this. [url=http://www.dvorak.org/blog/2009/11/14/wed-make-how-much-in-taxes-if-pot-production-were-legal/] this should prove to be quite enlightening.
Heck yes, a very bad one. He even wants to make school days LONGER. I mean, school is already as freaking tedious as it is at the moment... If he did that kids would be throwing rocks at him every time he went out or something... But if he SHORTENS school days... Then that's the only time he'll have my vote.
It is morons like you that destroy our nation. Abortion is fine, Gay marriage is fine, Socialism is fine, Wars intentionally lost are fine, as long as your school day isn't longer. You are scum. The end of the republic itself wouldn't phase you if you got a holiday out of it.