I am a christian, and I cannot take much more of people trying to make more and more threads trying to disprove god! Just make one and keep commenting on that one! Over half of World Events, Politics, Religion, Etc section is about disproving god. STOP ALREADY!!!
Also, if you were too dense to notice, that was sarcasm. I could just see me coming back to this thread and reading all the posts from people who don't appreciate such.
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Actually, the thread has nothing to do with the proof of God. A better title might have been; 'Let's talk about Humanity." Try reading the discussion next time.
In response to the OP. NO! I will not stop discussing something that has a worldwide impact and is a serious issue. Im not trying to post the ONE POST that will disprove anything. Im dicussing what I believe, and if you dont like it, you are free to post a post about not liking posts that I or anyone posts. Stick THAT in your post and smoke it :P
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Why would Christians make a thread trying to prove god if the atheists stopped posting posts trying to prove god. In a recent study, 92% of Americans consider themselves Christians. So there should be more posts about proving god then atheists disproving god. But there isn't.