I'm not sure how many of you will have heard this in the news since it maybe doesn't affect you however..... There was an A-Level Biology exam on Monday that has attratced a truck-load of complaints from students sitting it and teachers alike.
The thing that pisses me off most about this is the fact AQA and OCR sell their specification text books for an absolute mint and make huge profits. They could at least write an exam that pertains to them.
The thing that pisses me off most about this is the fact AQA and OCR sell their specification text books for an absolute mint and make huge profits. They could at least write an exam that pertains to them.
My soul consolation is the guide for biology is 5p cheaper than the chemistry and physics ones >_>
I've been looking at different reactions too it. Everyone in my biology class is pissed; my teahcers are angry; the BBC is impartial and the Daily Mail is, unsurprisingly, kinda blaming us teenagers.
the daily mail can go shove it. I understand how you feel, and i would probably be pissed. As for the daily mail, well i wipe my but with u, so it doesn't matter. Cuz you end up where my waste is... But seriously thats BSSSS
From what i've read, the exam was completely unfair, but everyone who took the test learned a valuable life lesson. Nothing in life is fair and everyone is out to get you.
In one of the revision guides it says 'you will not need to know the Spearman Index' and low and behold there was a question on the Spearman Index leaving the whole exam hall going "wtf". But hey hopefully I@ll scrape a decent enough mark since i@m realy failing psychology.
As for the Daily Mail I apologise for mentioning it my mother reads it and I have a flick through it duriing breakfast before school for the lulz it really cheers me up for a long boring day (there was a funny article about what is appropriate for TV presenters to wear since 48% of people. presunably geoff in editing, think they are under-dressed and full suits should be worn on Top Gear.... Clarkson is a tux doesn't bear thinking about)
I don't care much for people who take school so seriously. And it's just a stupid test. It proves nothing, and the people protesting are actually the people who believe that tests reflect intelligence, when they really only reflect memory (and a bit of logic, sometimes).
The protestors are just tools. They're the ones who misunderstand the education system and take it far too seriously; which is not a good thing to do if you don't quite understand how it works.
In Israel the only involvment of the companies that make textbooks is making the textbooks, not tests. The ministry of education makes a list for the schools about what textbooks they can take, and then the school picks the textbooks. Only the ministry of education and the schools have the right to make the tests.
AQA is an exam bored so they print an dmake up all the papers.
It's not a big deal. It's one test. Not like you entire career and dreams of going to Oxford are down the drains.
They're A levels they are a big deal.... they are the the exams. Some people will may have missed out on going to Oxfor depending on the outcome of this. Trust me alot is riding on this exam.