Do you think this man is a crazy cold blodded killer, or a peaceful leader?
I think he is a crazy, cold blooded killer. He publically announced that on February 12th, 2010, he would punish us for our global arrogance. This makes me a little worried. He doesn't usually lie about those kind of things
Oh nothing. The topic seems to have little interest left in it and is veering more to the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Scroll down on the link and you'll find the legend. Its a picture of country color coded 'recognition' feelings to the two nations.
Cuba shows up as dark green, which, on the map, is shown as 'recognizing only Palestine'. I found it odd to see a green block on the western hemisphere.
The geographical differences really gives a clue on the power structure of the world doesn't it?
We find it that certain areas have different recognitions of the same conflict. It suggests that it is not out of a intelligence cause that some countries support something, but rather an imperialist one.
We find it that certain areas have different recognitions of the same conflict. It suggests that it is not out of a intelligence cause that some countries support something, but rather an imperialist one.
Thats a wonderful way to put it. Its clearly visible the blueness lies from Europe to the Americas, and the 'Purple' to me seems more like a 'Well you know its a sortakindabut... I'll just stick neutral'. In my opinion its less about independent nation states than it is reliance on giant economic powers. Turkey itself is in political distress because they're having trouble not finding Israeli/European backed leaders, and they continuously do due to the country not being one of the best developed.
And where does it say that Israel advocates the creation of a Palestinian state?
It dosn't say because, as I said, the argument is undesided yet.
The people:
According to a 2002 poll conducted by PIPA, 72% of both Palestinians and Israelis supported at that time a peace settlement based on the 1967 borders so long as each group could be reassured that the other side would be cooperative in making the necessary concessions for such a settlement.
The goverment:
At the Annapolis Conference in November, 2007, the three major partiesâ"Palestinians (Fatah but not Hamas government in Gaza), Israelis, and Americansâ"agreed on a two-state solution as the outline for Israel-Palestine conflict negotiations
Turkey itself is in political distress because they're having trouble not finding Israeli/European backed leaders, and they continuously do due to the country not being one of the best developed.
An episode of this series that depicted Israeli Mossad agents spying inside Turkey and kidnapping Turkish babies was roundly criticized by the Israeli government and media. The Turkish government's refusal to act on Israeli requests to more strictly censor the show had contributed to a deepening of a row between the two countries, culminating in Turkey's threat to recall ambassador to Israel Ahmet Oguz Celikkol after a controversial diplomatic meeting with Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon in January 2010.
At the Annapolis Conference in November, 2007, the three major partiesâ�"Palestinians (Fatah but not Hamas government in Gaza), Israelis, and Americansâ�"agreed on a two-state solution as the outline for Israel-Palestine conflict negotiations
The conference is interesting. Yet I ask, if Israel wants to pursue peace and allow the creation of a Palestinian state, why does it continue the 3 decade long occupation and the further expansion of Israel at the cost of Palestinians?
Along with Drace's question, I'd like to add on -- Does it really matter on blatant polls? If its an Israeli backed poll from 'The Government', and if you want to go back to your previous link Then boom, later on the page reads on about its non-possibility. I'm not sure its happening, and if it is, Israel is doing its best to diminish and totally ruin Palestinians of their cultural heritage, with so much of the population removed and so many people constantly leaving -- I fear that talks of peace will evidently end with "Well they're out anyway, kthxbai"
And lastly, whilst all this happens -- Leading Government officials of Turkey are still blocking out water from the rivers to Iran, Iraq, and Syria with their damming projects whilst they work on economic agreements with Israel to back up their water. To be honest, It angers me that America, when nothing left to explain their bombing support to the Israeli army (By the way, do you think they're loving people, too? ) all they've really got left to put forth is Christian Zionism and Dual covenant theologies.
Very good documentary on the conflict. Though it focuses much on the propaganda and the media bias.
Yeah I've seen it. More people need to know the truth about this.
Personally, I find it quite disturbing that Israelis use tactics so reminiscent of Hitler's Lebensraum. Following a policy of violence and persecution.
I can see why Iran opposes Israel.
Leading Government officials of Turkey are still blocking out water from the rivers to Iran, Iraq, and Syria with their damming projects whilst they work on economic agreements with Israel to back up their water.
Is this true? Plz provide link, cuz if it is true, then it is BASE TREACHERY.