Polygamy. A huge families are made by having "it" a ton. Is it right? I man with 6 wives? Who has 45 grand children? Can you imagine? Anyways it interested me when I read National Geographic.
its the same thing as having one wife and cheating on three different women at once, except that the other women all know about each other in polygamy.
Why on earth would any man have two or more wives? Isn't one pain is the a** enough?
In those cultures the husband is often the patriarch and runs the entire family. He is the leader, he takes care of the family and he is in charge. If the woman go against him, they are most likely going to be in trouble, either because she then would be going against the rules, or she might even risk a divorce which would leave her without her children, without a home and without money and food. Usually the first wife is the best thing to be, because the rest would have to do what you say. Unless your husband's mom is living there too, then everyone have to make her feel the best. And isn't it obvious why more than one wife would be heaven? You need a boy. You need boys. They are going to be the heir of everything you have done, and they will take care of you when you get old. So if the first wife can't give you a boy, the next might (the one that give you a boy first would become the most important in the family. Again after mommy, of course).
Before anyone says a word about the Mormons(although I see they already have been mentioned), polygamy was discontinued officially by the LDS Church in...1890, I believe. Somewhere around 100 years ago.
Anyway, I think it'd be kind of wrong. I mean, having multiple wives? Awkward. Although, I suppose if it was regular, it wouldn't be as such. But it would be so...draining. Forget the sex life. Seriously, too exhausting to be married to so many people at once. If a guy has difficulty remembering one birthday, one anniversary, imagine having ten.No. One girlfriend would be enough.