first we take 21 and reverse the numbers so it's 12. Now we take that 12 and put it with the other 12s and we get 12 12 12 but we also have 20 well 0 is nothing so we can ignore that and if we divide each 12 with 2 we get 6 6 6. coincidence? I think NOT!
first we take 21 and reverse the numbers so it's 12. Now we take that 12 and put it with the other 12s and we get 12 12 12 but we also have 20 well 0 is nothing so we can ignore that and if we divide each 12 with 2 we get 6 6 6. coincidence? I think NOT!
wow,i am confused..:P Anyway..i don't know if world will come to an end.Too many theories like this one exist so i don't really know what or who to believe.All we gotta do is wait until tha day...
I know it's fake, because it's supposed to end 12/12/12. I mean, what are the chances of the world ending on that day? Yeah, that's what I thought. I think that the world will end when the sun goes out. Which won't be in my lifetime, I know that for sure.
wow,i am confused..:P Anyway..i don't know if world will come to an end.Too many theories like this one exist so i don't really know what or who to believe.All we gotta do is wait until tha day...
Yea, but few things that happen about every 3000-26000 years will happen on same date like they said...I can't describe it Im not really good in english, wach this video and you will understand what am I trying to say