ForumsWEPR[necro]Creator? Big Bang? Or God??

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87 posts

well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...

  • 1,107 Replies
698 posts

You don't understand the Big Bang then. It was a compression of all of the mass in the Universe. Not an atom. Therefore, what you said is invalidated because it is all of the mass compressed. All of it.
I have a question then...well...sort of. You make it sound like there was a universe before the Big Bang. If that is true, why do people say the Big Bang created the universe? All the Big Bang was is a compression of the previous universe...

Anyways, back to the list. Apparently, someone wants the list to continue. Not going to mention any names...*cough* thisisnotanalt *cough*

I didn't add that...well...I added it for someone else...but it wasn't me :S
New list:
Questions about the Big Bang:
1. How was the entire universe squashed down to a mini-microscopic particle? (Is there really that much empty space in an atom?)
2. What triggered the Big Bang?
3. Is there any way to figure out the power of the explosion?
Against the Big Bang:
1. Many theories of Big Bang do not have sufficient evidence to back them up.
Questions about Christianity:
1. How did God start? How did time start? (whoever added these made the two questions sound related, so I put them together)
Against Christianity:
1. There is no conclusive evidence for Christianity.
2. Some Biblical events are logically impossible. (ex: The Flood)

I just wanted to point out that the Flood is logically possible...There are more theories than this one, but I though it explain things pretty well (except for the dates.)
254 posts

It was a compression of all of the mass in the Universe. Not an atom. Therefore, what you said is invalidated because it is all of the mass compressed. All of it.

Georges Lemaître proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe, although he called it his "hypothesis of the primeval atom" -Wikipedia, "Big Bang"

It may have changed over time but this is what it was originally called...
1,420 posts

You don't understand how the Big Bang could possibly happen? It's really simple..Life-less planet A collided with asteroid B and made sustainable planet C. That's all.

9,821 posts

@aaron: The name of the theory doesn't affect that whatsoever. Your argument is just plain, for lack of a nicer term, stupid. We've investigated the theory more, and found that it was not one atom, but a compression of all fo the mass in the Universe. Just because the original theory was called the 'theory of the primeval atom' doesn't mean that it actually was one atom. Your claim -still- has no correlation with the Big Bang.

9,821 posts

I just wanted to point out that the Flood is logically possible...There are more theories than this one, but I though it explain things pretty well (except for the dates.)

*headdesk* Now, the Great Flood ststes that the entire world was flooded. There is not enough water on the Earth to completely flood all of it. Therefore, it is impossible.
1,455 posts

*headdesk* Now, the Great Flood ststes that the entire world was flooded. There is not enough water on the Earth to completely flood all of it. Therefore, it is impossible.

There is 2/3 water on earth, which would cover the 1/3 of land that the people were living on. Obviously it couldn't cover the entire earth, but it covered everything that lived on land. The bible probably didn't mean the entire world, because why flood water?
9,821 posts

There is 2/3 water on earth, which would cover the 1/3 of land that the people were living on. Obviously it couldn't cover the entire earth, but it covered everything that lived on land. The bible probably didn't mean the entire world, because why flood water?

You don't get it, do you? You see, the water would have to flood the land, not just slightly cover it, and some people live on elevations thousands of feet above the sea level. Also, the oceanbeds would have to stay flooded. It's impossible. At least unless all of the underground water burst to the surface at once, and even then, it is only maybe somewhat possible.
698 posts

*headdesk* Now, the Great Flood ststes that the entire world was flooded. There is not enough water on the Earth to completely flood all of it. Therefore, it is impossible.
Apparently, you didn't read to the bottom. *sigh* The guy said:
The crust of the Earth is flexible and deforms over geological time under redistributed weightloads. Mr. Anderson describes this process in some detail in his book. During the Ice Age, the weight of ice sheets miles thick effected the shape of the world; the ocean became shallower and the continental landmasses flattened out.

@Moegreche If we are continuing this list, there is to be NO arguing about items on the list unless the items are so ridiculous that I wouldn't have put them on the list if I had noticed.
66 posts

Science is correct, so everything was created by the big bang, since ALL matter had to come from which spot but the question is, HOW was the big bang was formed in the first place. Now this is where we all turn to religion. OR we could just forget about all this is just be glad it happened

1,455 posts

You don't get it, do you? You see, the water would have to flood the land, not just slightly cover it, and some people live on elevations thousands of feet above the sea level. Also, the oceanbeds would have to stay flooded. It's impossible. At least unless all of the underground water burst to the surface at once, and even then, it is only maybe somewhat possible.

Buildings weren't ten stories tall back then. If you mean like high land masses, I doubt people were living on mountains and hills. And even if it didn't drown everyone, their crops and homes would be flooded, and they would have no food. Why else would the storm last longer than one day? And furthermore, this wouldn't necessarily disprove Christianity. Maybe only everything in sight of the ones writing the scriptures was flooded.
1,455 posts

OR we could just forget about all this is just be glad it happened

There's a thought!
9,821 posts

I did read the bottom. And still, after the Ice Age, there are mountains and very high elevations. Besides, there were no organized civilizations (at least none that we've found) so the placement in time is wrong. The Great Flood would have had to have happened thousands of years before the Bible says it did for that guy's account to even be close to correct.

3,826 posts

Hehehe, whoops, my bad

Why are we talking about the "great flood"? This has nothing to do with the creation of the universe. *waddles off all embarrassed-like*

1,455 posts

I did read the bottom. And still, after the Ice Age, there are mountains and very high elevations. Besides, there were no organized civilizations (at least none that we've found) so the placement in time is wrong. The Great Flood would have had to have happened thousands of years before the Bible says it did for that guy's account to even be close to correct.

Keep in mind, the bible was written by human beings, not God. The events may be misplaced or poorly described, but that doesn't mean the God we believe in doesn't exist.
5,838 posts

I doubt people were living on mountains and hills.

Why would you doubt that? Many people now and in the past like the Incas live at great heights.
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