well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...
Wrong. I believe in god, but you're info. is false.
The Conservation of Mass states that Mass can neither be created nor destroyed, now tell me, how does a Gigantic Superstar blow up in supernova and only leave a little Neutron Star? Because Neutron Stars are VERY Dense. The same mass can be taking up a SMALLER amount of area. Therefor, The Big Bang "before" theory states that everything was plotted up into a litttle ball of awesomeness.. [Till, you know, BOOM]
Where the Big Bang came from, no body can answer. We can only scientifically guess that thats how it was created itself.
On the other hand, God, which I believe in, is a state-of "Being" that has lived on and defies the laws of time. Why? caz he can. xP Simply put.
All matter is, is energy. The law of conservation of mass doesn't apply here. This also only works in a closed system, so when you're talking about a void, this is not a closed system so again the law doesn't apply. Besides, if a god created the universe, then it must have created the matter out of nothing, which would again certainly contradict the law of conservation of matter.
if the big bang was real then all the planets would spin in the same direction, due to science, and they dont, So people say that science disproves god but it only shows hes resal
you people really make me angry and this posts should be locked there was a big-bang there is no good because he just negates himself out of existent because he can't create himself and finally please pass physics 11 and read up more before you people start posting random stuff >.<
Why is it that when someone mentions evolution or the big bang theory some people assume they're automatically implying god does not exist? I don't believe scientific evidence has ever shown, or tried to show, there is no god. Science provides us with information on the mechanisms for how god's machine actually works. I'm sorry for the bible thumpers that believe genesis is a literal account of creation written by some man a couple thousand years ago. The earth really isn't six thousand years old. Arguing against science with a book that has no basis in reality is asinine. People need to stop trying to separate science, god, humans and the rest of the universe. The universe is just a physical manifestation of the true spiritual existence.
a physical manifestation of a spiritual existance that doesnt even apply to anything. whatever no point in arguing. Personally i dont know how it started but it wasent someone all knowing force or whatever
Big Bang- A massive explosion which which at first created almost equal ammounts of matter and antimatter which started Annihilating each other, an incomprehensably small difference between the amount of matter and antimatter caused there to be a tiny amount of matter that remained after the annihilation period, and so allowed for the creation of more matter, and continuation of the still energy dominated Universe, the protons and neutrons that soon formed soon started merging in Nucleosynthesis to create Nucleons, then Atoms, then all forms of matter present in the Universe now. God(Christianity)- An all powerful being that created all reality and matter everywhere(its so much simpler to explain creation when it is God, we all know the story anyway)
But can we not believe in both stories, is there not a theory in which both God and th Big Bang fits, actually the story of creation seems to fit the theories of the Big Bang and Evolution quite well.
Let there be light= Big Bang Stars and planets= Stars and planets Creation of living creatures= Evolution
So perhaps the story of creation really WAS implying to the scientific theories of how the Universe was created.
ok in reply to the squirell master and necrotic 1. squirell master, i do believe in god i just wanna see different points of view and this section is for politics, world events and religion so ill post watever the hell i want to! lol just messin 2. Necrotic, yes i see what u a saying about the period of annihalation and the bit of matter left over. but how did that first bit of matter get there the first time the universe was created. u talk about the repetition of universe creation and use words like nucleosynthesis and nuetrons and protons just so u can sound smart and make ppl believe u. it aint workin on me because i to know wat all that is too.science is my lover!but before there was a repetition in creation, where did that first universe matter come from? it didnt just pop up. also, if the scriptures of christianity were written in the time of the roman empire, how could it be implying evolution and the big bang when that theory hadnt even been thought up yet.
i personally believe that god himself created the big bang and passed the information to scientists today thus believeing the big bang theory. God was the one who did all of the scientific stuff you are all talking about. I am not saying that the science stuff isn't real or facts but im saying god did them.