ForumsWEPR[necro]Creator? Big Bang? Or God??

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well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...

  • 1,107 Replies
5,838 posts

Are you unable to comprehend the idea of infinite density? Is it because your simplistic, religious views interfered with your understanding of a scientific reality?

I am one of the least religious people out there but I had to think about the line he quoted. Fare enough it is easy to understand the sentence but to comprehend it is entirely different. TO be perfectly honest I try to avoid thinking of infinity because it makes my head hurt lol but anyway....

Dubness2 what part of the statement to you need more explaining of?
389 posts

By infinite density, he basically means that there was a myriad quantity of atoms within a small amount of space.

Ok now we are getting somewhere. Now where did those atoms come from?
389 posts

Are you unable to comprehend the idea of infinite density? Is it because your simplistic, religious views interfered with your understanding of a scientific reality?

Why do you always hate against Christians? I knew what it meant I just needed to see if he knew. Its like I can't say anything on here without being bashed upon, its so interesting how people can jump on other people because of their belief.
Dubness2 what part of the statement to you need more explaining of?

I got it thanks though.
77 posts

I'd like you to find one scientific FACT that the Bible got wrong

here's one: god created the universe.

Ok then. We're you there when God did/did not create it?
If you say yes then you are super awesome that you've lived that long.

And here this: We're any of us there? Was Darwin there to see the first Monkey-Human hybrid? Was Hawking there to see the big bang?
Was I there to see God create the univerce? No. But I can give you many, many examples pretty much proving He did, and that it wasn't by spontanious chanse.

Pardon my spelling. Although english is my first language, I'm hoplessly lost at it.
2,906 posts

We're you there when God did/did not create it?

are you kidding? the only reason he created it in the first place was because I suggested it. he took all the credit for it all because I had no supernatural powers. yes, it was I who started the big bang rumor, just to take mr god out of the papers. I got him back good for that one!

I have said too much.
3,817 posts

And here this: We're any of us there? Was Darwin there to see the first Monkey-Human hybrid? Was Hawking there to see the big bang?
Was I there to see God create the univerce? No. But I can give you many, many examples pretty much proving He did, and that it wasn't by spontanious chanse.

Then do so for "gods" sake!
2,906 posts

Then do so for "gods" sake!

his name is god, not gods. he hates it when you misspell his name. I once spelled it g-a-w-d and he stabbed me in the leg for it.
3,817 posts

his name is god, not gods. he hates it when you misspell his name. I once spelled it g-a-w-d and he stabbed me in the leg for it.

Is goud exeptable? I whould hate to be stabbed by an immaginary figure!
2,906 posts

Is goud exeptable? I whould hate to be stabbed by an immaginary figure!

he is too old and lazy to stab people. he usually just gets his jewish son to do it. I cant remember the boys name, though. I think it starts with a j...
5,838 posts

Now where did those atoms come from?

Helium was fomred about 180 seconds after the Big Bang from the nucleosynthesis of hydrogen. As the universe expands pockets of of space with hydrogen and helium in cause changes in density. Gravity causes the denser areas to force together becoming denser and so on. Eventually after about (and there is alot of disagreement on this) the first stars formed between 30 million and 400 million years after the big bang. These burned turning Hydrogen into helium. When supernovae occured (from exploding/dying stars) the ehavier atoms formed.

This might be helpful or at least interesting
77 posts

Ok, here is something that was from the Answers in Gensis website.

The late Isaac Asimov, an ardent anti-creationist, declared, âIn man is a three-pound brain which, as far as we know, is the most complex and orderly arrangement of matter in the universe.â It is much more complex than the most complicated computer ever built. Wouldnât it be logical to assume that if manâs highly intelligent brain designed the computer, then the human brain was also the product of design?

Scientists who reject the concept of a Creator God agree that all living things exhibit evidence of design. In essence, they accept the design argument of Paley, but not Paleyâs Designer. For example, Dr. Michael Denton, a non-Christian medical doctor and scientist with a doctorate in molecular biology, concludes:

It is the sheer universality of perfection, the fact that everywhere we look, to whatever depth we look, we find an elegance and ingenuity of an absolutely transcending quality, which so mitigates against the idea of chance. Alongside the level of ingenuity and complexity exhibited by the molecular machinery of life, even our most advanced artifacts appear clumsy. We feel humbled, as neolithic man would in the presence of twentiethcentury technology. It would be an illusion to think that what we are aware of at present is any more than a fraction of the full extent of biological design. In practically every field of fundamental biological research ever-increasing levels of design and complexity are being revealed at an ever-accelerating rate.

Dr. Richard Dawkins, holder of the Charles Simonyi Chair of Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University, has become one of the worldâs leading evolutionist spokespersons. His fame has come as the result of the publication of books, including The Blind Watchmaker, which defend modern evolutionary theory and claim to refute once and for all the notion of a Creator God. He said, âWe have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautifully âdesignedâ to have come into existence by chance.â

There is no doubt that even the most ardent atheist concedes that design is evident in the animals and plants that inhabit our planet. If Dawkins rejects âchanceâ in design, what does he put in place of âchanceâ if he does not accept a Creator God?
3,817 posts

That in no way proves a god's existance. Just because things that have been here for millions of years are complicated doesen't mean god did it.

77 posts

Yes but get this. Professionals are saying that somethings just point to having a 'design'.

And think of the Giraffe. (I know it's kinda random, but just go with it) It has a super long neck right? Well, when you put your head blow your body, the blood rushes to it.
When the Giraffe goes to take a drink... all the blood goes to the neck, clots, and the Giraffe dies.

But wait! There seems to be a netthat keeps the blood from clotting, and the Giraffe can now safly take a drink with out the fear of dieing.

Thank goodness the 'net' randomly evloved into that poor Giraffe, or else they would all be dead.

Pardon my spelling. Although english is my first language, I'm hoplessly lost at it.

389 posts

Helium was fomred about 180 seconds after the Big Bang from the nucleosynthesis of hydrogen. As the universe expands pockets of of space with hydrogen and helium in cause changes in density. Gravity causes the denser areas to force together becoming denser and so on. Eventually after about (and there is alot of disagreement on this) the first stars formed between 30 million and 400 million years after the big bang. These burned turning Hydrogen into helium. When supernovae occured (from exploding/dying stars) the ehavier atoms formed.

How did the helium form?
I guess I worded it wrong. In your mind and belief, what was in the galaxy way before the "Big Bang" ???
3,817 posts

Yes but get this. Professionals are saying that somethings just point to having a 'design'.
And think of the Giraffe. (I know it's kinda random, but just go with it) It has a super long neck right? Well, when you put your head blow your body, the blood rushes to it.
When the Giraffe goes to take a drink... all the blood goes to the neck, clots, and the Giraffe dies.

But wait! There seems to be a netthat keeps the blood from clotting, and the Giraffe can now safly take a drink with out the fear of dieing.
Thank goodness the 'net' randomly evloved into that poor Giraffe, or else they would all be dead.

Think of it this way, if they giraff never evolved the net, then it whould have never reproduced and the giaraff popultion whould be wipped out. Thus they evolve that over time so they can grow the necks and thus have no compitition for the high growth, thus they can live and reproduce, and more gairafs are produced.

How did the helium form?
I guess I worded it wrong. In your mind and belief, what was in the galaxy way before the "Big Bang" ???

There was no galixy before the galixy was created...
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