Last night it wouldn't let me make a new thread, so now here it is...
Here is a lovely little statistic about how both stack up with spending. Obama will surpass every dime that was spent by the Bush adminsitration in 20 months and 11 days of his presidency. No matter who he increases taxes on our FEDERAL debt is projected to increase by 1.35 T in 2011 alone. The current federal debt is aroud 5 T. Go figure.
Well, to be honest my city has no real importance so your comment is irrelevant to me. Now I am not saying 9/11 was right or fair, I think 9/11 was and still is a tragedy. But let's think about this. In hind sight what Bush did was a VERY stupid thing. Understandable from one perspective, but he took it too far. They WANTED a reaction, they'll justify anything because of this reaction. Keep that in mind
You did not answer because you know you would do the same thing.
Don't say he took it too what would you do? Just sit there like an IDIOT with your head up your ass and wait for them to hijack more planes and crash them? No i don't think so. Your posts are full on crap. Scrap together some intelligence and come back later.
How about you read what I say before you reply. I did answer your question. I live in a small unimportant town, terrorism will never affect my town. Perhaps my nation, but even then I would not support a war. I am a studier of the human condition. People are not that difficult to understand really. Bush was childish, he reacted out of pure emotion, not once did he think through his choice to delcare war. You might note that the U.N sanction America for the war in Iraq.
what would I do? Nothing. I am not a politician or a fool. I am intelligent, you, in your blind devotiion to what you call "atriotism" just do not give me the credit.
well i see absolutley no connection between 9/11 and the war on iraq. yes bush tried to desroy the terrorists hidding in afghanistan, which until today was no succes. one campaign i can understand, but i would never say its been effective. the second war was simply a stupid decision made and now someone else has to clean up the mess.
and if there wouldnt be any war, there would not be thousands of terrorists flying into every us city. so that argument does not really count
So wolf1991 you would 'try' to understand why they crashed an air plane into a Canadian soil..... and while you take the time to try to 'understand' them they just killed even more Canadian's.
Alright if you were say a leader and you lead Canada and did nothing when they crashed a plane into your capital you'd sit back and say "My fellow Canadians we shall do nothing, i will go over and ask them nicely why they did such a thing and try to understand them" do you know how much shit you'd get for something that stupid?
again: the war on iraq has nothing to do with 9/11 and/or terrorists. there were also no weapons of mass destruction anywhere in iraq. it was a war for power and especially oil.
but its great to see that even 7 years after that there are people so blinded by propaganda and fearmaking about terrorists waiting everywhere to kill you.
and to your point about leadership in such situations. of course you have to do something. for example ensuring the security of your borders and finding efficient ways to keep terrorists out of you country. invading another country simply goes to far. as does the the patriot act and a couple of other things which were only enforced, in order to control the population more.
Well NOW that you have given me a hypothetical situation to consider. If I were Prime Minister of Canada and they crashed a plane into Ottawa (please learn something of Canada) I would take domestic measures to ensure it would not happen again. I would like to point out though, that while there is little discrimination between the Canadian and American in the world there is enough to stop a terrorism attack here.
Because peaceful nations stockpile biological weapons just because they feel like it.
yeah right those bad weapons noone ever found. right they are there somewhere.
and even if they were. it is not the task of the usa to invade every country they think might someday perhaps attack them. oddly its also only oil possesing countries. why arent they attacking truely dangerous countries like north corea. right. there is no oil.
so stop the classical excuses about bad invisible weapons of mass destruction in iraq
donpiet thank you for exposing you stupidity for all to see. Did I say weapons of mass destruction?
Because peaceful nations stockpile biological weapons just because they feel like it.
Chemical and Biological weapons were very much in evidence. Look what they did as long ago as 1988 to the Kurds. Their genocidal attack on Halabja is still the largest chemical attack against civilians in history.
1. biological weapons count as weapons of mass destruction 2. i think we talk about the war of 2003 not 1991. 3. i am pretty aware of what the iraq did in its past. still looking for any connection to terrorist attacks on us grounds, which some people claimed.