ForumsWEPRWhat has technology come to?

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2,765 posts

Ok in my opinion technology is good and helps with day to day lives. (Communication etc) But lately im not sure what technology has done to us. It has just made us more lazy. Basically we have gone from doing 90% of the stuff you need to do has shortened down to 10%. Sure i know most of you are going to say it's great. (you're on a computer right?) But think about it is technology really that great.

  • 20 Replies
278 posts

Ok in my opinion technology is good and helps with day to day lives. (Communication etc) But lately im not sure what technology has done to us. It has just made us more lazy
Could not agree with you more most people would not last a week with out we are too dependent on it like with GPS it bothers me my mom uses one just to go around town that she has lived in for like 20 years? thats just..sad
3,817 posts

You make it seem like it is bad that things are easier. I LOVE tecknology, there is nothing bad about it. One day, we may not have to do any work do to tecknology. Whould that be a bad thing? No, it whould be a great thing.

278 posts

You make it seem like it is bad that things are easier. I LOVE tecknology, there is nothing bad about it. One day, we may not have to do any work do to tecknology. Whould that be a bad thing? No, it whould be a great thing.
YES that would be a extreamly BAD thing we would be much more unhealthy we would not know how to do ANYTHING we would rely 100% on technology and if say some thing happend and every thing went out we would be dead what your saying would be a good thing would DISABLE us all
3,817 posts

YES that would be a extreamly BAD thing we would be much more unhealthy we would not know how to do ANYTHING we would rely 100% on technology and if say some thing happend and every thing went out we would be dead what your saying would be a good thing would DISABLE us all

We whould know how to work tecknology. If every need you have is saw to by a hundred droids, then why whould that be a bad thing?
152 posts

Life without technology is far worst than life with technology. I don't think resorting back to the caveman (pre-advances) days is healthy for any of us.

And, just think about your kids; instead of being out and about causing trouble, they're home playing at Armor Games! woot~

278 posts

We whould know how to work tecknology. If every need you have is saw to by a hundred droids, then why whould that be a bad thing?
okay i really could not understand that now i am no grammer nazi by no means but im going to have to guess as to what your trying to say and my guess is if you buy 100 robots to do every thing for you

Well think about it we would be putting so much onto technology and say.... this really does happen humans rely 100% on technology to do every thing okay works fine for a few generations but then BAM some thing happens the grid goes down or some thing i dont know now most likely we would all be SUPER FAT by then because we would sit on our butts and have every thing handed to us and think about the average person does not know how to fix say..(ran out of room)
3,880 posts

What's wrong with cutting down labor time?

278 posts

does not know how to fix say a fridge or a washer machine dryer ect so not to many people would know how to fix this correct? now dont get me wrong im not saying technology is BAD but i just dont agree with us becoming 100% relying on it

3,817 posts

Well think about it we would be putting so much onto technology and say.... this really does happen humans rely 100% on technology to do every thing okay works fine for a few generations but then BAM some thing happens the grid goes down or some thing i dont know now most likely we would all be SUPER FAT by then because we would sit on our butts and have every thing handed to us and think about the average person does not know how to fix say..(ran out of room)

Droids, short for andriods, are humanoid robots, they have there own power system, own mind, own everything, and whould be compleatly obidiant. The only thing that whould be able to count as a problem whould be an attack, in whitch case you whould be even more screwed then without tecknology.
3,817 posts

does not know how to fix say a fridge or a washer machine dryer ect so not to many people would know how to fix this correct? now dont get me wrong im not saying technology is BAD but i just dont agree with us becoming 100% relying on it

Another android whould be the medic, aka repairman.
278 posts

Droids, short for andriods, are humanoid robots, they have there own power system, own mind, own everything, and whould be compleatly obidiant. The only thing that whould be able to count as a problem whould be an attack, in whitch case you whould be even more screwed then without tecknology.
Yes we would be because we would have been 100% dependent on technology thus a perfect reason not to become 100% dependent on technology and i dont even think androids exist yet
3,817 posts

Yes we would be because we would have been 100% dependent on technology thus a perfect reason not to become 100% dependent on technology and i dont even think androids exist yet

They don't, but we whould need them to become fully dependant. It whoulden;t be a bad thing, the only thing we whould need to do whould be think, enjoy yourself, and stratigies. Everything whould be perfect if we depended fully on tecknology.
9,504 posts

Well think about it we would be putting so much onto technology and say.... this really does happen humans rely 100% on technology to do every thing okay works fine for a few generations but then BAM some thing happens the grid goes down or some thing i dont know now most likely we would all be SUPER FAT by then because we would sit on our butts and have every thing handed to us and think about the average person does not know how to fix say..(ran out of room)

You make it sound like we are going to be even more lazy than we already are. Remember: money is everything. Despite all these technological advances in societies, people are still going to work. They are the ones that need to support the houses, their families, and all those helper droids to do the chores for them. If anything, we would only have techies do the trivial work, like cleaning, while we do the work that cannot be managed by machines, such as management. We cannot leave EVERYTHING to technology.

I laughed at the part where you said we would all become super fat. Technology doesn't always have to be mechanics and the like; it can also be medical and culinary. With the advances we have now to lose weight and all these helpful tips to become fit, what would it be like in the near future? We would be able to alter our metabolism from day one with a push of a syringe so we wouldn't gain so much weight at one time.

So for those that don't like reading novels, people will still work in the near future, and people will not become completely lazy.
278 posts

[quote] Despite all these technological advances in societies, people are still going to work. They are the ones that need to support the houses, their families, and all those helper droids to do the chores for them. If anything, we would only have techies do the trivial work, like cleaning, while we do the work that cannot be managed by machines, such as management. We cannot leave EVERYTHING to technology [quote]See yes i fully agree with you 100% but what he is saying...or at least what im getting from his posts is that we should be depend on it ...have you ever seen wall-e? that would be us LOL so understand the need for it

2,765 posts

Woah you guys are taking this to the extreme. I don't mean cavemen times. I mean i don't want to rely on it 24/7... and it's very hard to agree with someone when they are using bad grammar by the way.

Ok for instance if we all relied on androids. We wouldn't need to learn. We wouldn't need anything at all (including money) EXCEPT ANDROIDS. So lets say androids do everything ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING (when i say this i mean they can learn and make time evolve). They can make you fit in a second they can do anything and their sole purpose is to serve you. What would happen? If someone was smart they would use it to make all planets have humans and unlimited food/water.

The world would be perfect...but until then is a whole different story maybe in 2 trillion years that would happen...but until then this world would be horrible. Absolutely horrible. What happens when we're all lazy because of androids. No one to help make androids stronger therefore the above will never happen. Everything would be stupid. Wars for the androids. Wars for everything. Look me straight in the eye and tell me thats not horrible.

That is my point of view...and is why i say we shouldn't EVER rely 100% on technology.

But..if we stayed how we are now i think...that if we can stop the wars... it would be a perfect place. Instead of researching entertainment and stuff to make life easier. We research a way of stopping forces that are not humans. The stuff we have now is fine. Entertainment is fine everything is fine...but the smart people in the world are working on the wrong things. If they are directed to right things...well yeah.

Anyways thats my point of view.

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